How did he become this fucking based after spending such a long time being le epic sjw owning "rational" centrist faggot

how did he become this fucking based after spending such a long time being le epic sjw owning "rational" centrist faggot

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it was the IDLES record

>white nationalists are trying to silence the only US politician calling out the jewish influence in US politics

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black gf bruh. Saw this happen to a friend

My face when i hate the zionist scum and the liberal man babies who fall on the ground and start crying and shouting about how your words are violence >:(
and the melon
and pol

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he left incelchan behind

>that feel when that one dweeb journalist who tried to ruin fantano was the good guy the whole time

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ezra was based as fuck all along

Stop replying to political threads. They aren’t music.

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trumpist white nationism = zionism
republicans rubes have always been pro-Isreal

some politics are important, stop being a useless ignorant cunt

Then go to /pol/ or Yea Forums.

All music is inherently political

what makes you think you see a guy with a crown and a sword and they're clearly the good guys? if you can only see it that way you're probably retarded. idfk what fantano thinks but this looks like a criticism of Trump and all of the other people mentioned, for example why would you call someone a "chud" if you liked them and were on their side?

no, i'll keep pretending its related so retards like start to give a shit about the world around you and stop ruining it with your vacuous complacency

>muh sjw drama is such important politics I need to make threads about it on Yea Forums
kys family

good strawman you fucking nobody rube

No music related.

This thread isn’t about music. It’s about a music critic’s political opinions. That would be like making a thread on Yea Forums about what some hack game journalist ate for breakfast

>you (can only) talk about politics through memes
Yeah, I always found those kind of reacts a little inapropiate. Cringe.
Polite sage.

>a fag who knows shit about music knows dick-squat about politics

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this, politics have spilled out of "/pol/", so imma talk about out here too

Is chud one of those basedboy non offensive insults? I've only seen trannies and trust fund socialist or western Marxists use it unironically.

I’m pretty sure it’s from CrapoOuthouse, so yes it’s onions

I do give a shit about the world, idiot. Fantano is not the "world", no matter how much you obsess over him.

Yeah as much as Jews are faggots fantano is parroting whatever his trust fund kid viewerbsse finds acceptable for brownie points, I'm glad I stopped watching anything from him in 2016

OP knows this and agrees with fantano

>complains about shit nonoffensive insults
>calls people soi

How is this based? Highschool tier



This is your brain on /pol/

i don't give a shit about him, but I know he's right