> be me
> listen to pic related and absolutely love it
> Yea Forums says Red is much better
> listen to Red
> “Wow! Yea Forums really does have shit taste!”
be me
>Be me
>Me be
>I am
> Wham
> Bam
> I am
> The Man
book of saturday is their best song.
I assume you wanted to say "moonchild" but your shit taste stopped you.
Both Red and Larks Tongues are much better
1st track is the only good track. The rest of the album is milquetoast.
Wrong. Nice dubs, though.
This. Itcock is obviously a classic but it gets old. Larks and red are masterpieces that stand the test of time. Honestly I even prefer starless and bible black over itcock
4. Red
3. Disicpline
1. Lark's Tongue in Aspic
Only possible ranking
1. Larks
2. Red
3. Court
4. Discipline
5. Lizard
6. Wake of Poseidon
7. Islands
>thinks court is better than red
>no love for Starless and Bible Black
In the court of the Crimson King is one of the most original sounding rock albums ever. Red sounds closer to VDGG but it is still amazing.
both are great but if i'm itching for a quick hit of crimson you know i'm not about to listen to mooncoda
This. Though I think it's unfair to tittycock , since it suffers from the Seinfeld effect of getting ripped off so much, and even then it stands very unique in the wave of fantasy whimsical early 70's prog. But Lark's Tongue-Starless-Red, and I would argue Discipline as well, heavily transcend their eras.
My nigga.
Dat whole tone BASED song.
Dat ending in title track.
I love this album. How do I find their other work?
seems most people on this board have never heard it because I don't see how you can rate red and larks highly but not also that. SAD!
Lake >>>>> Wetton
I Talk To The Wind is their best song
That entire trilogy of albums is excellent, but Starless and Bible Black has essentially been made redundant due to all the concerts where the songs were taken from having been made available since it was released.
fuckin masterpiece
in reality Discipline is their absolute best album
and what reality is that? la la land?
outside of your plebian head at least
is the drop between the debut and the sophomore album (poseidon) the biggest in history?
red > Island > Court > Discipline > Starless > Larks > TPTB > Wake > Thrak > 3OAPP
I havent listened to Lizard, beat, and light enough to properly rank them
discipline is their best album, prove me wrong
Only true kings understand Red/Larks are the peak
I bought a used copy of Larks, listened to it twice, said to myself "dang, they really used up their best ideas on court", sold my used copy, and I haven't looked back
Wetton slapping is cringe man
big brain
I hope you get slapped