I like folk and classical but I hate noise rock

>I like folk and classical but I hate noise rock

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=how do hormones work

>did someone say folk and classical? COUNT ME IN!!!

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Omg die lit! :O

I like a lot of genres but I hate a large majority of noise rock

Shit, this is literally me but I’m not a basedboy I swear!

You don’t look any the better for insulting others

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The basedboy meme is played out and corny but Jesus Christ this is a billion times worse, the most reddit thing I’ve seen in a while

hits home huh? why don't you try shaving your face and eating less food laced with estrogen?

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Not even that a huge folk, and I generally enjoy most noise rock. I'm honestly just sick of every other post on this board being a soi meme.

> I'm honestly just sick of every other post on this board being a soi meme.

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So the fact you consume large amounts of onions and are a huge faggot are what hits home then

if testosterone is such a powerful hormone why can it be conquered by a bean

>I don't know how hormones work and I'm proud of it

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I unironically agree. Prefer music that doesn’t give me a headache.

educate me on how hormones work then
or you can keep spamming this meme for years...

>the OP of this thread

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lmgtfy.com/?q=how do hormones work

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but I thought u said (you) knew? what???

Did you click the link or is your wrist work out from opening Onions bottles? Go ahead and reply with another fallacious argument.


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lol whats fallicious

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>onions bottles
How can these things be in a bottle

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