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9/11 wasn't as big as deal as people want it to be
americas killed more foreign civilians every year and they dont make retarded holidays over it
yeah but those civilians are brown
How did bieber become the #1 enemy within pop music? Just because he had the most viewed YouTube vid at the time?
Like yeah is was shitty pop but nowhere near as grating as the shit Black Eyed Peas were doing at that time, for example. But people seem to forget about them while they still throw around bieber's name as evidence for the coming of judgement day or whatever
that decade had some decent indeh
he was an easy target especially when he had that dopey haircut
society at large hates teenage girls
What's JB up to these days?
And teenage girls hate everyone.
he's taking a break from music for a bit last I heard
Best decade for proper vidya
HL2, CS:S, TF2......
Now hang on. What about the golden era of anco?
>t. not an American.
>How did bieber become the #1 enemy within pop music? Just because he had the most viewed YouTube vid at the time?
because the music he was involved in was fucking trash for little girls. why do you think he hasn't released an album in years? he's finished. he'll come back in ten years and start doing "remember the 00s tour", which will be completely ignored much like the tours for 80s and 90s artists.
Most of the music was awful but it was the last good decade of movies. That and Oracular Spectacular are enough for me to remember. Wouldn’t mind forgetting the economic downturn though
chapelle show and the sopranos
the lord of the rings
best animal collective era too
Someone post that picture from this year where he looks like homeless.
It really was a terrible decade, still take over this decade though.
They killed most of those foreign civilians because of 9/11 though
i agree with you from a moral standpoint, but obviously the destruction of an iconic symbol of the western world vs. collateral shitskin damage is going to be viewed differently by the majority of people and the international community regardless of death toll, and that’s ultimately the merit of how big of a deal it is
The 2000s gave us disturbed and in rainbows though
there it is
golden age of math rock, drone, ambient
fuck off white boy. nobody cares about white people dying to a plane. remove the bush era propaganda from your small brain
Fuckin based
retardation, misinformation and zoomer revisionist history: the screen capture
lol nah simply because this exists
>t. Zoomer
You know, I don't know if that's true. Look at the difference between the way society treated Justin Bieber and, say, Lorde or Billie Eilish. Justin Bieber was treated as a laughing stock for several years whereas the other two are immediately viewed as legitimate artists despite being the same age and making pop music. I don't know why this is, except maybe people treat them well because they just want to fuck them.
Yuck, that album is their worst.
fock u
Because this generation is the stupidest yet. They were babysat by their fucking smartphones and are completely brainwashed by their corporate lords. They love to be fucked in the ass by the music industry and will happily take it with grinning shit-eating grins.
Strangers to Ourselves you unwashed homo
can you read? i said i agree, however you can’t deny that naturally most people in the west would incline towards sympathizing more with the dead burgers.
>strangers to ourselves exists
lol fuck off shit contrarian pleb
i'm not sure that's true honestly, the industry has changed a lot in the last ten years as the labels last hurrah is basically just in streaming services. the labels do not control what we hear to the same level because of the internet, especially spotify. i'd say gen z are probably born at the best time for musical freedom of choice
How about you fuck off back to listening to sub-par shit like Modest Mouse.
Fuck off bootlicker
meant "especially soundcloud", not spotify, sorry
post something objectively better then. protip: you can't lmao. ill be waiting
Pfff. Generation Z doesn't even fucking download music. They actually pay for streaming services. They are more like their grandparents. Which makes a lot of sense in regards to a lot of things.
Not saying this is wrong, I don't know, but I don't think that's it. I really do think the difference in reception has something to do with like, music execs and producers wanting to actually have sex with these artists. I mean, I really doubt cultural tastemakers and music execs wanted to fuck Bieber, but I'm sure they do want to fuck Billie Eilish and Lorde, and are willing to give them a career in exchange for a shot. Maybe I'm totally off base.
Soundcloud is just Myspace 2.0, and Myspace was by far better.
>born at the best time for musical freedom of choice
yeah sure, everything's at their fingertips
but why search for things when you can be spoonfed them? thats why anyone you talk to will be listening to the same couple albums. download a tinder and look at people's top spotify artists. not much choice there.
Which is why we don't have music discussions here. The teenagers were hand-fed this shit through their Spotify/streaming services. They listen to what they are told to listen to, just like the MTV days. They won't even explore past that. More convenient doesn't mean better.
and the more mainstream people will always seek out pop. we're in a transition era between the label led 20th century and the more anarchistic 21st century. i imagine in the next ten years a lot of labels will break up into multiple smaller community based deals with less of a grip on traditional media
>implying i care about burgers either
i’m an isolationist who lives in one of the most peaceful, internationally uninvolved countries on earth. let the us have a 9/11 equivalent every month for all i care.
based retarded /mupol/ poster
Stop embarrassing your fellow burgers you dumb nigger
teenage boys were mad that girls wanted to fuck beiber and not them
Bieber was only a thing in the 00s for like half a year. He'll be remembered as a 10s icon, like Led Zeppelin is remembered as a 70s icon despite starting in the 60s.
brace belden is based as fuck
leave him alone your dumb faggot
literally who
> I don't know why this is, except maybe people treat them well because they just want to fuck them.
Or maybe it's because Lorde can write her own damn music. Seriously listen to "Royals" and "Baby" back to back. You can obviously tell which is the better song. Don't try to make this about "muh sexism!" Also lol @ Billie Eilish being a "legitimate musician".
>gen z are probably born at the best time for musical freedom of choice
Then why is it that the top artists from the past couple years are Ariana Grande or some kpop bands?
because they're the greatest music
facts don't care about your feelings user
Biebermania was more like 2010-11.
Are you fucking retarded
Yes of course. Americans would be too dumb to post that
the entire top row could literally be from a 4**** meetup
>the labels do not control what we hear to the same level because of the internet, especially spotify. i'd say gen z are probably born at the best time for musical freedom of choice
big wrong user, it's easier than ever for labels to do what they do best now. Aggregate diminishing returns on shoestring managerial and production budgets due to the fact most production can be handled by a single person now and advertising is more pinpointed than ever.
Yeah people always get that wrong
He was a white male so the jewish media ran a smear campaign against him.
this is why 2010s are much worse than 2000s
Trump supporters are uneducated inbred shitbags who vote against their own economic interests
Disagree. It was the decade most of us grew up in. Why would you want to forget that