Why do leftists pretend to support the working class while really hating them?

Why do leftists pretend to support the working class while really hating them?

Attached: 9C850998-2C61-4428-90D9-B36D3FE00F9B.jpg (1125x1355, 677K)

Why do you have a Reddit account?

whats this have to do with music


Amazing how every lefty meme is just a shitty version of a right wing meme. /leftypol/ with their "porky" which is just a PC happy merchant comes to mind.

Attached: 9d5.png (576x566, 325K)

ah sorry meant to post this on television & film

>Make America ________ Again

Haha, we're relly sticking it to the right by co-opting their own slogans and making everybody think of the original while forgetting our own ripoff

>sport hunter
>puts the deer in the back of his truck

what did the commie mean by this?

Disingenuous authoritarian attitudes. Admitting that people are collectively stupid and need to be told how to think is considered poor form.

It's best done in a side by side

first of all not only industrial workers are working class by definition. intelectual labor has become working class just as much for the most part. just as any sort of service labor. also one shitty meme on some liberal subreddit doesnt prove your point. look at india where there are working class maoist masses of millions. also this is the music board.

Because most working class people are white and need to check their privilege.

I hate Americans so much, please fuck off with your retarded politics.

And each is just Stirner's concept of a spook. Neither is unique.

>intelectual labor
loling @lazy zoomers thinking this is a thing

>try to name a community about the right being uncreative
>literally just take "the left can't meme" meme and swap out left for right
>meanwhile the right is making clowns a symbol of white supremacy

Attached: 1553540692915_0.png (1423x1566, 631K)


Never enter a meme war without the drawfags on your side

Attached: 1553452211125_0.jpg (1920x1080, 1.21M)

im talking about the millions of people working behind a desk. these memes always use this outdated imagery of the working class (in the west).

Because the entire Marxist construct of the "means of production" is obsolete. Marxism doesn't work because the means of production are in China. What are you going to seize?

only the idiots think that way. people are people. the the worst part though, is that the working class seems unwilling to accept the notion that the politicians they support tend to fuck them in the ass every single time, usually because they think 'left bad, right good', and this kind of duality does not actually exist. the 'left' is really like 5 different parties that all hate each other, yet the right just sees 'liberal' and freaks out

The right literally stole pepe dumbfuck. Their most famous meme of all time isn't even theirs

Posting /pol/ shit outside of /pol/ should be a permabannable offense.

the virgin porky vs the chad porkberg

Attached: porkberg.png (666x666, 142K)

The 12 is the upvote thing, right? So that post literally got 12 likes?
I very rarely say this since I'm a humanity loving peaceful guy and since it's a very bad thing to say, but I don't think anything short of death could be a better solution for those people

Pepe as used by Yea Forums since the late oughta bears pretty much no resemblance or canonical connection to the original comic character. And, more importantly, it pisses off the right people.

Besides, since when do commies care about property? ;)

>put le jew nose on porky to own the left
is this the creativity of the meme right?

They seized pepe. Leftists can't seize shit other than starvation.

Attached: 1553446374364_0.png (341x619, 363K)

stonetoss is so fucking unfunny.

damage control

Porky was just a rip from a Soviet propaganda poster to counter A Wyatt Man's smiling merchant. It wasn't original to begin with.

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File: 9C850998-2C61-4428-90D9-B(...).jpg (677 KB, 1125x1355)
677 KB
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:34:31 No.87151352▶ Why do leftists pretend to support the working class while really hating them?
humbug 04/14/19(Sun)17:35:25 No.87151376▶
Why do you have a Reddit account?
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:36:02 No.87151394▶whats this have to do with music
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:38:10 No.87151442▶ File: 9d5.png (325 KB, 576x566)
325 KB

Amazing how every lefty meme is just a shitty version of a right wing meme. /leftypol/ with their "porky" which is just a PC happy merchant comes to mind.
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:39:36 No.87151472▶
ah sorry meant to post this on television & film
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:41:06 No.87151512▶
>Make America ________ Again

Haha, we're relly sticking it to the right by co-opting their own slogans and making everybody think of the original while forgetting our own ripoff
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:53:15 No.87151759▶ (OP)
>sport hunter
>puts the deer in the back of his truck

Attached: 41ZPo-MyAeL.jpg (500x500, 28K)

>le communist starve meme
yea... try reddit for this kind of post

what does this have to do with televesion and film.

Rednecks aren't inherently bad but they tend to be bigoted and blame the wrong people for their plight

Attached: 1527275943236.jpg (607x608, 249K)

based philposter


Attached: 43c.jpg (480x272, 20K)

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>File: 9C850998-2C61-4428-90D9-B(...).jpg (677 KB, 1125x1355)
>677 KB
>Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:34:31 No.87151352▶
>Why do leftists pretend to support the working class while really hating them?
>humbug 04/14/19(Sun)17:35:25 No.87151376▶
> (OP) (OP)
>Why do you have a Reddit account?
>Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:36:02 No.87151394▶
>whats this have to do with music
>Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:38:10 No.87151442▶
>File: 9d5.png (325 KB, 576x566)
>325 KB
> (OP) (OP)
>Amazing how every lefty meme is just a shitty version of a right wing meme. /leftypol/ with their "porky" which is just a PC happy merchant comes to mind.
>Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:39:36 No.87151472▶
>ah sorry meant to post this on television & film
>Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:41:06 No.87151512▶
>>Make America ________ Again
>Haha, we're relly sticking it to the right by co-opting their own slogans and making everybody think of the original while forgetting our own ripoff
>Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:53:15 No.87151759▶

Attached: 1524022112.jpg (810x810, 404K)

>thinking fascism is a cool, fun way to fit in
why don't you join a real cult and kill yourself

You can say literally the same thing for blacks but mysteriously nobody on the left ever does

Attached: HorribleSubs_Dagashi_Kashi_08_1080p.mkv_snapshot_08.04_2017.05.12_09.36.51.jpg (1920x1080, 253K)

>hey libruls

Given the choice between fascism and communism, I'll choose the one that has at least once transitioned back to democracy without ruining the host country.

Attached: 1553383226353.png (1000x800, 427K)

Black people have some homophobia going on but they're not really racists

reminder that weebs would get the chamber

Only because you work on the doctrinal, almost religious principle that blacks can't be racist; by redefining the word racist over and over until it literally means "original sin".

>without ruining the host country
right, it's not like most major cities in europe weren't leveled or at least seriously fucked up by firebombing or battles anything

Memes need to be simple to spread, you idiot

funny, even with all that germany spain and italy all turned out better than any post soviet country

what did the commie mean by this?
FRIENDO !ey/////omg 04/14/19(Sun)17:55:48 No.87151814▶ (OP)
Disingenuous authoritarian attitudes. Admitting that people are collectively stupid and need to be told how to think is considered poor form.
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:00:00 No.87151892▶ It's best done in a side by side
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:03:30 No.87151953▶first of all not only industrial workers are working class by definition. intelectual labor has become working class just as much for the most part. just as any sort of service labor. also one shitty meme on some liberal subreddit doesnt prove your point. look at india where there are working class maoist masses of millions. also this is the music board.
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:05:27 No.87151986▶Because most working class people are white and need to check their privilege.
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:07:01 No.87152015▶
I hate Americans so much, please fuck off with your retarded politics.
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:07:44 No.87152033▶ And each is just Stirner's concept of a spook. Neither is unique.
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:08:08 No.87152042▶>intelectual labor
loling @lazy zoomers thinking this is a thing
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:08:35 No.87152048▶ File: 1553540692915_0.png (631 KB, 1423x1566)
631 KB
>try to name a community about the right being uncreative
>literally just take "the left can't meme" meme and swap out left for right
>meanwhile the right is making clowns a symbol of white supremacy
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:09:52 No.87152078▶
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:11:43 No.87152117▶
File: 1553452211125_0.jpg (1.21 MB, 1920x1080)
1.21 MB
Never enter a meme war without the drawfags on your side

Attached: R-13170504-1549276243-9776.jpeg.jpg (600x959, 153K)

They only did because the US gave them free shit and rebuilt them. They did nothing to assist ex Eastern Bloc countries in transition. Nobody helped them, and it lead to oligarchy.

>at least once
>suddenly this means in all cases
Sorry you can't read friend, but Spain and Chile transitioned much more smoothly than, say, Poland

Shush, don't teach them, there's an outside chance they might be capable of learning

Attached: 1554581040956.gif (2952x3047, 1.76M)

Nobody helped them because their communist benefactor was busy collapsing, starving, and spending the entire budget on nukes. Where was the communist Marshall Plan?

Attached: 9B6D11A2B0E54C79ABBB2D2EEE13DEB6.jpg (640x360, 92K)

mods i know you see this thread why don't you do your job? why do you enjoy seeing this place get worse and worse if you hate it so much why continue to be a mod?

Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:12:06 No.87152128▶ im talking about the millions of people working behind a desk. these memes always use this outdated imagery of the working class (in the west).
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:13:09 No.87152150▶
Because the entire Marxist construct of the "means of production" is obsolete. Marxism doesn't work because the means of production are in China. What are you going to seize?
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:13:50 No.87152167▶ (OP)
only the idiots think that way. people are people. the the worst part though, is that the working class seems unwilling to accept the notion that the politicians they support tend to fuck them in the ass every single time, usually because they think 'left bad, right good', and this kind of duality does not actually exist. the 'left' is really like 5 different parties that all hate each other, yet the right just sees 'liberal' and freaks out
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:14:59 No.87152183▶ The right literally stole pepe dumbfuck. Their most famous meme of all time isn't even theirs
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:15:16 No.87152190▶
Posting /pol/ shit outside of /pol/ should be a permabannable offense.
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:15:40 No.87152200▶ File: porkberg.png (142 KB, 666x666)
142 KB
the virgin porky vs the chad porkberg
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:17:11 No.87152225▶ (OP)
The 12 is the upvote thing, right? So that post literally got 12 likes?
I very rarely say this since I'm a humanity loving peaceful guy and since it's a very bad thing to say, but I don't think anything short of death could be a better solution for those people
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:17:19 No.87152229▶>REEEE U STOL MUH FROG

Attached: R-4901276-1378907440-9989.jpeg.jpg (600x600, 69K)

music board

>not seeing the difference between systematic bigotry vs. targets of discrimination calling people out for being discriminatory

this thread is more music related than rap

>le brevity is the soul of wit
>implying the right has ever been witty in the first place

big mac

You pieces of sentient shit deserve it all and more. Posters here are the lowest form of life and we revel in it's destruction.

the means of production also include the production of services

>random rednecks in applachia
>systematic bigotry
Do you think there's some fucking Grand Occult of the Red Neck organizing them? They're fucking poor, about as bad off as your precious People of Copper Theft.

>vs. targets if discrimination calling people out for being discriminatory
Ah, yes, that's what "kill whitey" translates to.

Pepe as used by Yea Forums since the late oughta bears pretty much no resemblance or canonical connection to the original comic character. And, more importantly, it pisses off the right people.

Besides, since when do commies care about property? ;)
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:17:23 No.87152230▶ >put le jew nose on porky to own the left
is this the creativity of the meme right?
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:18:10 No.87152246▶ They seized pepe. Leftists can't seize shit other than starvation.
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:19:07 No.87152265▶
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363 KB
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:19:52 No.87152279▶
stonetoss is so fucking unfunny.
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:20:07 No.87152284▶damage control
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:20:13 No.87152287▶
Porky was just a rip from a Soviet propaganda poster to counter A Wyatt Man's smiling merchant. It wasn't original to begin with.
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:20:13 No.87152288▶ File: 41ZPo-MyAeL.jpg (28 KB, 500x500)
28 KB
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File: 9C850998-2C61-4428-90D9-B(...).jpg (677 KB, 112

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But the service industry has nothing to physically seize. If you try a revolution, they pack up shop and move their accounts to Switzerland. You don't get to keep the factories and put them in the hands of the workers. All you're left with is empty warehouses and storefronts.

Attached: 1538611589929.jpg (850x400, 72K)

677 KB
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:34:31 No.87151352▶ Why do leftists pretend to support the working class while really hating them?
humbug 04/14/19(Sun)17:35:25 No.87151376▶
(OP) (OP)
Why do you have a Reddit account?
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:36:02 No.87151394▶whats this have to do with music
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:38:10 No.87151442▶ File: 9d5.png (325 KB, 576x566)
325 KB
(OP) (OP)

Amazing how every lefty meme is just a shitty version of a right wing meme. /leftypol/ with their "porky" which is just a PC happy merchant comes to mind.
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:39:36 No.87151472▶
ah sorry meant to post this on television & film
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:41:06 No.87151512▶
>Make America ________ Again

Haha, we're relly sticking it to the right by co-opting their own slogans and making everybody think of the original while forgetting our own ripoff
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:53:15 No.87151759▶ (OP) (OP)
>sport hunter
>puts the deer in the back of his truck
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:20:15 No.87152289▶ >le communist starve meme
yea... try reddit for this kind of post
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:20:36 No.87152297▶
what does this have to do with televesion and film.
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:21:16 No.87152315▶ (OP)
Rednecks aren't inherently bad but they tend to be bigoted and blame the wrong people for their plight
FRIENDO !ey/////omg 04/14/19(Sun)18:21:20 No.87152316▶
File: 1527275943236.jpg (249 KB, 607x608)
249 KB
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:21:28 No.87152321▶based philposter
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:21:29 No.87152322▶ File: 43c.jpg (20 KB, 480x272)
20 KB

Attached: R-385449-1106407396.jpg.jpg (250x249, 12K)

this. leftist have nothing to do with liberalism.
but mutts are just a bunch of subhumans. :D

Attached: 1552412949675.png (688x830, 741K)

Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:20:15 No.87152289▶ >le communist starve meme
yea... try reddit for this kind of post

Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:20:36 No.87152297▶

what does this have to do with televesion and film.

Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:21:16 No.87152315▶ (OP)
Rednecks aren't inherently bad but they tend to be bigoted and blame the wrong people for their plight

FRIENDO !ey/////omg 04/14/19(Sun)18:21:20 No.87152316▶
File: 1527275943236.jpg (249 KB, 607x608)
249 KB

Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:21:28 No.87152321▶

based philposter

Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:21:29 No.87152322▶File: 43c.jpg (20 KB, 480x272)
20 KB


Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:21:47 No.87152327▶
File: 1524022112.jpg (404 KB, 810x810)

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>File: 9C850998-2C61-4428-90D9-B(...).jpg (677 KB, 1125x1355)
>677 KB
>Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:34:31 No.87151352▶
>Why do leftists pretend to support the working class while really hating them?

Attached: 1495187555660.jpg (623x469, 59K)

great music thread you gibbering crossposters

imagine being this much of a buttblasted commie

fuck this thread

Shh let them continue to use 19th century slogans

The desk, the computer, the programs on it, the network you are on all are also means of production. If you are hired by someone and go to to THEIR building with THEIR equipment and still produce surplus value FOR THEM that's still capitalism even if you are not holding a fucking wrench in your hand. You seem to not grasp the basics. The fact that the west has moved hard labor away into asia for the most part doesn't change that but actually supports the thesis that the means of production should be seized. And China is a good example of a country where that has happened.

You imported a bunch of fucking tumblr refugees and r/music crossposters by not chasing off rapshit and popniggers. Why are you surprised what results?

>the right actually takes pride in their low effort memes

Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:21:47 No.87152327▶ File: 1524022112.jpg (404 KB, 810x810)
404 KB
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>File: 9C850998-2C61-4428-90D9-B(...).jpg (677 KB, 1125x1355)
>677 KB
>Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:34:31 No.87151352▶
>Why do leftists pretend to support the working class while really hating them?
>humbug 04/14/19(Sun)17:35:25 No.87151376▶
> (OP) (OP) (OP)
>Why do you have a Reddit account?
>Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:36:02 No.87151394▶
>whats this have to do with music
>Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:38:10 No.87151442▶
>File: 9d5.png (325 KB, 576x566)
>325 KB
> (OP) (OP) (OP)
>Amazing how every lefty meme is just a shitty version of a right wing meme. /leftypol/ with their "porky" which is just a PC happy merchant comes to mind.
>Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:39:36 No.87151472▶
>ah sorry meant to post this on television & film
>Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:41:06 No.87151512▶
>>Make America ________ Again

Attached: R-11144625-1510687055-1349.png.jpg (600x615, 47K)

>china is a good example of a country where this has happened
>literally a fascist state
>entire economy exists as partially state owned megacorporations in lawless "free trade zones"
>workers regularly commit suicide, windows are barred and giant nets deployed to prevent this
China is a fucking dystopian nightmare, I'm not surprised a retarded reddit red would consider it a beacon of light.

>this off topic troll thread has been up for over an hour
fuck the mods

>at least once
>suddenly this means in all cases
Sorry you can't read friend, but Spain and Chile transitioned much more smoothly than, say, Poland

Shush, don't teach them, there's an outside chance they might be capable of learning
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:29:02 No.87152488▶
File: 9B6D11A2B0E54C79ABBB2D2EE(...).jpg (92 KB, 640x360)
92 KB
Nobody helped them because their communist benefactor was busy collapsing, starving, and spending the entire budget on nukes. Where was the communist Marshall Plan?
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:29:16 No.87152494▶ mods i know you see this thread why don't you do your job? why do you enjoy seeing this place get worse and worse if you hate it so much why continue to be a mod?
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:30:01 No.87152512▶ File: R-4901276-1378907440-9989.jpeg.jpg (69 KB, 600x600)
69 KB
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:12:06 No.87152128▶ (You)
im talking about the millions of people working behind a desk. these memes always use this outdated imagery of the working class (in the west).
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:13:09 No.87152150▶
Because the entire Marxist construct of the "means of production" is obsolete. Marxism doesn't work because the means of production are in China. What are you going to seize?
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:13:50 No.87152167▶ (OP) (OP)
only the idiots think that way. people are people. the the worst part though, is that the working class seems unwilling to accept the notion that the politicians they support tend to fuck them in the ass every single time, usually because they think 'left bad, right good', and this kind of duality does not actually exist. the 'left' is really like 5 different parties that all hate each other, yet the right just sees 'liberal' and freaks out

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why wouldn't you be proud of changing the world, friend?

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Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:35:00 No.87152615▶ great music thread you gibbering crossposters

Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:35:17 No.87152618▶

imagine being this much of a buttblasted commie

Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:35:31 No.87152621▶

fuck this thread

Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:35:41 No.87152628▶

Shh let them continue to use 19th century slogans

Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:35:55 No.87152632▶

The desk, the computer, the programs on it, the network you are on all are also means of production. If you are hired by someone and go to to THEIR building with THEIR equipment and still produce surplus value FOR THEM that's still capitalism even if you are not holding a fucking wrench in your hand. You seem to not grasp the basics. The fact that the west has moved hard labor away into asia for the most part doesn't change that but actually supports the thesis that the means of production should be seized. And China is a good example of a country where that has happened.

Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:36:18 No.87152638▶

You imported a bunch of fucking tumblr refugees and r/music crossposters by not chasing off rapshit and popniggers. Why are you surprised what results?

Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:36:28 No.87152640▶

>the right actually takes pride in their low effort memes

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>implying you're any better
neck meet rope

it's fantano fans (cringe redditors) and boomer/zoomer /pol/ crossposters who make threads like 'y r there no altright punk?' that have ruined not only this board but all boards

It's a huge waste of your time trying to bumplimit this thread, because I'll make one when this dies just to spite you

stay 04/14/19(Sun)18:33:13 No.87152583▶
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Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:34:31 No.87151352▶ Why do leftists pretend to support the working class while really hating them?
humbug 04/14/19(Sun)17:35:25 No.87151376▶
(OP) (OP) (OP)
Why do you have a Reddit account?
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:36:02 No.87151394▶whats this have to do with music
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:38:10 No.87151442▶ File: 9d5.png (325 KB, 576x566)
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Amazing how every lefty meme is just a shitty version of a right wing meme. /leftypol/ with their "porky" which is just a PC happy merchant comes to mind.
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:39:36 No.87151472▶
ah sorry meant to post this on television & film
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:41:06 No.87151512▶
>Make America ________ Again

Haha, we're relly sticking it to the right by co-opting their own slogans and making everybody think of the original while forgetting our own ripoff
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)17:53:15 No.87151759▶ (OP) (OP) (OP)
>sport hunter
>puts the deer in the back of his truck
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:20:15 No.87152289▶ (You)
>le communist starve meme
yea... try reddit for this kind of post
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:20:36 No.87152297▶
what does this have to do with televesion and film.
Anonymous 04/14/19(Sun)18:21:16 No.87152315▶ (OP) (OP)
Rednecks aren't inherently bad but they tend to be bigoted and blame the wrong people for their plight
FRIENDO !ey/////omg 04/14/19(Sun)18:21:20 No.87152316▶
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