How did your musical taste changed throughout your life (so far)?

How did your musical taste changed throughout your life (so far)?

Would like to see sum similar chart posts :D

Attached: ages.png (1050x789, 939K)

Other urls found in this thread:

lol you had better taste at 6 than at 10 to 16

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Really got into AC/DC and later Iron Maiden, still love them, you not into metal?

11-13: Metallica, Megadeth, Sabbath
14-15: Led Zeppelin, The Who, Rush, Pink Floyd
16 - 18: Went deep into Jazz. Lots of Coltrane in particular
19 - 24: Mainly jazz, lots of modern artists. Kurt Rosenwinkel, Brad Mehldau, Michael Brecker, Kenny Garrett
25 onwards: Got heavy into Bach's keyboard works, and Debussy's piano works, but still mainly listen to jazz, with occasional prog metal (Tosin Abasi) and minimal/dub techno

Attached: mytasteisgettingworse.png (2214x796, 966K)

rym drone

>age 10-13
classic rock
>age 13-15
hip-hop and EDM
>age 15-17
Yea Forumscore
>age 17->
classical music

Try jazz since you like classical.
Bill Evans might be a good start.
Improvised music is the peak of musicianship in my opinion.

Shania Twain, Pantera, Metallica, Elton John (exactly whatever my parents listened to, I was not very particular)
Black Flag, Misfits, Replacements, The Smiths
Brian Jonestown Massacre, Rolling Stones, Vines (anything resembling mod that was not jazz)
Scott Walker, Sonic Youth, My Bloody Valentine, Grouper, Hairy Pussy, Prurient, Burial (been listening to whatever my older siblings listened to since I was 9, but it never lead me wrong)
Basically anything that Liz Harris is a part of (I really enjoy music but have got into other things now so that I listen to less of it than ever)

>Shania Twain

pre-10: nothing really
10-13: nu metal
14-16: melodic death metal, deathcore, prog rock
17-18: old school dm
19-28: black metal, neofolk, postpunk, new wave, industrial

i'm basic

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nice! Death is always a nice choice!

FORGOT BATHORY! Always my favourite throughout the years!


this, but i drew over it and stuff

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OP here, did the chart! Show me what you´ve got!

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lowkey look like an elf nowadays...

sorry for bad english, am from germany...

All these zoomers on my fucking board

am no fookin zoomer, dont like ´em!

shut the hell up grandpa

My dad really digs blues, always listened to undergrond blues albums and john lee hooker when we chopped firewood

I feel like I've matured as a person thanks to this board.

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man its been a while since i posted in one of these. made a few revision to my chart, added more albums to make it a bit more music focused i guess? im gonna be wholesome this time since there arent a lot posted yet

hl2 is based though.
but its nice that (i guess judging by your expressions/drawings) you seem to be doing better and happier now! not super well versed in metal personally but i respect it!
cool progression.. im surprised you were into stuff like can and other stuff at age 13 before you got to the Big prog albums and other Yea Forums-core type stuff later on. either way its good shit all around i respect, especially like boards, midori, and idk if you still listen to that biosphere record on 13 but i love that one
i see you in like every one of these threads,, anyway keep going user im sure theres tons of cool shit out there for you to discover that youll love, so dont feel like your taste getting "worse"!
the mcr, top, and melanie phase is oh so familiar.. not as much from myself but from ppl i knew. i have the same issue with feeling like "basic" for the stuff i like but yknow we're always exploring and finding new music and we'll probably never shake the feeling that we dont know "enough" but you listen to great stuff now so dont worry!
very nice steady progression, youve had a lot of great favorites since 18 and hell even a bunch of the age16 records i still love.

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does anybody have that template which combined all the silly ms paint games into one image, I kinda wanna try it

I was going to ask for it too but gladly i found it from Google Images fairly quickly. There you go, user.

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This board has the most zoomers and you can tell by the opinions

>Age 9-13
Mostly the stuff my parents listened to like: metallica, biggie, NWA, anthrax, sublime, modest mouse, nirvana, pearl jam, smashing pumpkins. I was also listening to black sabbath and king crimson because my cool uncle would burn his CDs and give them to me. I also loved linkin park lol

>Age 13-16
Got really into metal. Lots of slayer and gojira. Black sabbath and king crimson still. Also listening to a few other rappers like Big L and chip tha ripper (lol)

>Age 17-19
At this point I was big into the turn of the decade stuff like lil ugly mane, death grips, salem (and other witch house), flying lotus, chill/tumblr wave shit, trap EDM was getting big which was fun. Neon Indian, xxyyxx, Hudson mohawke, flocka, james blake....

>Age 19-23
Listened to a lot of trap hip hop since that was blowing up and i was in college. Lots of fun. I was also way into my towns local scene and was playing shows in a band.

>Age 23-25 (present)
Getting into jazz big time. Really enjoying hard bop. I'm living in seattle now so I'm enjoying a lot of the local scene. I'm very into popular/influential music right now so ive been working my way through a bunch of highly esteemed or seminal albums. King crimson and black sabbath are still my favorite bands. I love bjork and Kate bush. Love built to spill, modest mouse, old country music (50s/60s), all of mark kozeleks music, aphex twin, talking heads, and a bunch of other shit idk. Ive left out a lot over this whole post

taste was pretty shit before, based taste now
got worse

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basic AND depressed

always keep your chin up, op

Why is 13 y/o you more patrician than 16 y/o you?

Most based ITT
Really sick progression. Brave Little Abacus deserve way more attention
Damn your taste seriously improved as you got older
Your 18-20 stuff is super good. Love the inclusion of that John Maus album!
>Ugly Mane
Absolutely based. You should definitely go deeper into his discography if you haven't already

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yeah, can relate lol
Oh, I was only 1 year off from guessing your age in the other thread. Cool!
Like how the facial expression get more sharp overtime, don't know if that was intentional or not
ah, you were free parking! - asuka poster. I literally thought it was this one anituber I used to watch because that was the only person who had ever mentioned them.

orchird rules fr
The allegory of the cave
wish i could write as much as you did, good chart though
i wish i could listen to blonde back in 2013 lol
something about your chart makes me very nostalgic for 2017

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This took me a hour to make, I really need to learn's shortcuts.

Your taste was the best at 16 y/o, it's a bit similiar to what is mine now.
This is really well made, user. Your current taste is fairly diverse.

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So you always had bad taste?

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Just reverse it and its perfect.

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damn, you look the same since you were 10?

>nobody is over 20
Now I'm depressed

to be fair I think this a thread that appeals mainly to younger users, most other threads where ppl talk about ages have alot of people in their 20s

but also get out while you still can

>super meat boy ost
Based, as long as you unlocked the kid and beat the dark world.

ima bout to be 22 you nerd

underage. That machine girl album came out september 2017. If you were 15 while listening to it, then that means you are currently 17 faggot. If your birthday was past september and you were 16 by the end of the year, then you would still be 17 because it isn't september yet.


Is being autistic online your hobby lol

He could be barely 18 though.

Younger people are still forming their social identity and these images are a way of creating and swapping narratives about their own lives. This is the same reason chart threads and mosaics are so popular on this site, kids want to solidify their identities and tastes and gain approval of others.

No he couldn't. You would be right if it was past september 2019, but it isn't. Think about it like this:
15 after birthday before september in 2017 = 17 after birthday before september in 2019 = 17 right now

15 after birthday after september in 2017 = 18 after birthday after september in 2019 = 17 right now

now bear with me here but, i think there's something about that chart that you're missing

I'm trying to say that the ages aren't exact. He could have found that Machine Girl album as a 17-18 year old and loved it to death then but categorized it as an album he liked when he was 16 because he is not currently 17-18.

It's hard to pin point how old you were when you liked an artist, atleast for me. I used as a tool for my chart.

he specifically scratched out the age that was there.

Nirvana, Pink Floyd, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Led Zeppelin (Dad-Rock, PsychRock, and Grunge)
Bob Dylan, Explosions in the Sky, Tallest Man on Earth, Bon Iver, Keaton Henson, Jeff Buckley (Indie Folk and Post-Rock)
Radiohead, Arcade Fire, Vampire Weekend, Tom Waits, James Blake, Explosions in the Sky, Sigur Ros, Fleet Foxes, Johnny Hobo & the Freight Trains (I found Pitchfork Lmao)
Fela Kuti, Swans, The War on Drugs, St Vincent, Pavement, The Unicorns, Animal Collective, Fishmans, Can, NMH (Literally would listen to anything. Music like drugs, as long as it gets me high.)
>23 (now)
Amen Dunes, Beach House, Cocteau Twins, Fred Neil, My Bloody Valentine, Neil Young & Crazy Horse, Talk Talk, Prefab Sprout, Pharaoh Sanders, Slowdive, Swell Maps, Judee Sill, The Waterboys, The Chameleons (Currently listening to Shoegaze, Dream-Pop, 80's Indie, & Reggae)

kek you fell for it

i'll use my lack of sleep as an excuse

are u retarded thats obviously a meme post i created
how could i be listening to eternal atake if it hadnt even come out?
why would I be doing acid and listening to noise at the age of 10?

come on man... think


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Because he took the Yea Forumspill most likely

Not autistic enough to MSPaint 50 albums.

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>cool progression.. im surprised you were into stuff like can and other stuff at age 13 before you got to the Big prog albums and other Yea Forums-core type stuff later on. either way its good shit all around i respect, especially like boards, midori, and idk if you still listen to that biosphere record on 13 but i love that one
Besides Fushitsusha I already knew everything on my 16 list at 13 it's just that I wasn't really fond of it. Like I remember not liking Swans or LRD at all at the time and I didn't care much about Pink Floyd whereas I suddenly grew to love them a few years later


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imagine being born in 1999

if everybody posted their honest political believes and how much they have in their bank account we could control the world with this information anons.

we could finally find a pattern.................

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That melanie martinez album wasnt even out 5 years ago. Please for the love of god if youre a young girl dont come to this site its gonna fuck you up so bad

sure, you liked odelay at fucking 10, otherwise based
got progressively worse, specially after lurking Yea Forums
>bon iver at 13
totally bullshit or I wish I was as based as you at 13, looks like you were pretty chill at 16
you peaked at 16, then everything went downhill
also >listening to Yea Forumscore at 13, yeah sure
absolutely based at 13

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good taste
based felt

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11~13: Beatles
13~15: Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, King Crimson, Camel, Frank Zappa, Gorillaz, DJ Shadow, Daft Punk, prog rock, trip hop and some bleepers, some dodecaphonic music (I was studying music at the time)
15~17: Dead Kennedys, Ramones, 2Pac, Eminem, Hip Hop and Punk basically, doing lots of drugs
18~20: Mozart, Wagner, Verdi, Beethoven, Lizst, Tchaikovsky, generally classical music, trying to sober up
20~22: dropped off the elitism and started to hear everything, grunge, jazz, psytrance, country, started to interact with groups that I used to hate (like clubbers), doing lots of drugs once again
23~25: still here


odd future, acdc, kanye, random hiphop + radio stuff
led zeppelin, king crimson, rush, the who, black sabbath, rolling stones, pink floyd, the beatles
still in the classic rock phase, flume, kendrick lamar, gorillaz, alt-j, beginning to branch out into more alternative/indie stuff
>17-20 (present)
Yea Forumscore + classical and jazz

I didn’t really have a taste when I was a child. I’d just listen to any dogshit I thought sounded “KEWL”. Once I started taking music more seriously and got my first bass at 16, I pretty much quit all the pleb/zoomer shit altogether. For a while Arctic Monkeys and RHCP were my two favorite bands. I know they’re really mainstream and shit but that doesn’t make their music worse imo.Then I just kinda moved on to the stuff that I listen to nowadays (turned 18 fairly recently)

ITAOTS at 13 wow

Most based individual I’ve ever seen on Yea Forums

I wanna say Yea Forumscore but I’m probably just jealous

Looks like we don’t have anything in common

Really glad you started listening to toe

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Tuned it up a bit

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Sorry to disappoint, but im not the free parking! - asuka poster, but I did found out about it because of him

Reminder everyone posting these are underage

>goes on Yea Forums
>realizes there are minors

One Nobel prize for this guy please

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currently based as fuck

6 - Beethoven
10 - Nothing
12 - Nothing
16 - Velvet Underground
18 - Swans
20 - Swans
32 - Cliff Richard and Heavy Metal

heavy metal, dadrock
prog rock
le dark experimental
catchy shit and jazz

Did you only listen to swans for 12 years straight or how was there nothing between 20 and 32

Just listed favs my dude.
More accurate would be:
28 - Cliff Richard
32 - Cliff Richard and Heavy Metal

It’s a derision to the morons making these charts, it’s on the same level as wrong generation posting.

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Why do you keep on living if things this insignificant annoy you so much that you feel the need to cry about them in a thread where people are clearly just enoying themselves?

Ad hominem, but a good question none the less.
Answer is cause it’s cringe, just post this shit on Facebook where you can earn some real brownie points.

So just to make things clear, wasn’t meant to be a “kill urself” type of insult. It was supposed to be a genuine question. When you get annoyed this easily, what are some of the things that actually make you happy, that make you want to keep on living and why are you wasting your time here instead of focusing on those things?

I said it was a good question cause there really isn’t anything and that’s why I’m posting here.

11: Midi Music
>(Discovered Torrenting)
16: Strokes & Nu Metal
17: Classical Music & J-Pop
18: Hippie Indie Music
20: Rap & Hip-Hop
21: Older Pop & Rock
24: Blues & Country
26: Jazz, Post-Rock, and whatever this sort of music is called:

>all these 18-20 year olds
why am i still on this site

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It´s no big deal

But I’m sure there’s something you like. Again, I’m not saying any of this cause I “want you off here” or anything, it’s just that I know what it’s like to feel lost and not have a purpose. I’m fully aware that this feeling could easily come back at any time but for now I’ve got Yea Forums where most people are in a similar situation and many have it much worse which is why I kinda empathize with everyone.

Based syndereN

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Thank you for the reply! It´s nice to talk to some Yea Forumstants :D

can't tell if actually reddit or just baiting

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i see you're a man of culture.

i feel like my taste got worse but i give 0 fucks about it

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>Scary monsters and nice sprites was 9 years ago already

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You sound cool

Every post ITT:
>8 - Radio pop
>12 - Classic rock
>15 - Metal
>18 - Yea Forumscore
>20 - Slightly less popular Yea Forumscore

Mine isn't :o

still listen to it from time to time tho

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How shocking, should have been
>8 - indeterminancy
>12 - womb recordings
>15 - psychically induced aural stimulation
>18 - pop
>20 - the despair code

1 good album

5 good albums

2 good albums

4 good albums

2 good albums

1 good album
1 good book

2 good albums

WOW 8 good albums

woow 8 good albums

8 or 9 good albums if that is Arvo Pärt

3 good albums

6 good albums


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Wow. The only ones you have that I was able to identify were the painfully obvious Ozzy Osbourne and Kiss. Which 4 of my albums did you think were good btw?

You and I need to fucking hang

Not that uncommon, I’d imagine.

(I hope that is you)
daft punk, the flaming lips, the mars Volta, neutral milk hotel

Sure is me. Thanks for letting me know. Too bad you're not into Modest Mouse... Recently I've been absolutely obsessed with them. Do you have a If so, could please link it? :з

did you lose all your hair by age 16? damn...

Video game OSTs
Psych rock (really just flaming lips) and vaporwave
Vaporwave and metal
>16 to present
Psych rock and garage rock

your taste at 6 was better than at 20

>procuring and managing a jpg with all your music, vidya, book interests
You ever stop and realize how stupid these threads are? Dumb niggers trying to turn this place into facebook. Fuck off faggots no one thinks you're special here.

If anyone, you're the one who thinks they're special, can't you see the hypocrisy? We're just discussing how the stuff we liked as kids differs from the stuff we like now while simultaneously making fun collages of the said stuff. What part of this bothers you user? You can choose out of several dozens of threads so what made you come here? My guess is that you too want to feel accepted and share your interests with other people but for some reason you're scared of doing it. Be honest. What's the deal here?

why the fuck do you have a trip if youre such a colossal pleb????????

Agreed, people keep images with all their "likes" on it to feel special, not realizing they're on an anonymous chinese cross stitching board.

based and redpilled
cringe and bluepilled

ewwwww >:0
i suggest branching out from indie rock
youll get there
lol nice
4 good albums ;)
thats me

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all me btw

with proof

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first of all I have it so you'd ask me that, remember?

second of all how many times do I have to repeat this is a Mongolian fleshlight manufacturing board.

third of all no u

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Your age 16 was better than age 18, but still good evolution
Interesting Arcade Fire evolution
Nice evolution
age 20 was pretty good
good shit
your age 16 was superior
still shit taste

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you peaked at 16

>everyone on Yea Forums is only level 18-20

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I'll never understand why people like Plantasia

Can someone help me out what's column 1 row 3 of age 18 called?

Because I'm Young Arrogant and Hate Everything You Stand For came out in 2017 so I guess you aged 6 years in 2 years

cool. A lot of good albums now.
What is the blue album whit the thing that looks like MF DOOM from the Madvillainy cover?

Keep listening to music. Good job.
>Full of Hell & Merzbow
>Sister Fawn by FULL OF HELL & MERZBOW
>You Will Never Be One of Us by Nails

Its tsumanne by shinsei kamattechan

Too much nu-metal. It's almost 2020, come on.


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oh god fucking checked, also based

for fucks sake, it's the pokemon girl.

>pokemon girl

>Tokyo Drift

pfft bhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


the real Yea Forums spirit

i can relate to the dubstep faze so fucking much

>being 10 when super meat boy was released. Holy fucking zoomer

No I'm shit and lazy at drawing

they really do, surely my favorite emo band (though im mostly familiar with tourist-core albums so far)
thank u i put maximum effort into it to make up for my inability to draw!
i did not,, i sucked and wasnt even able to finish the game but i liked the music
ah thats fair, happened to me a bunch of times when i was younger that i tried listening to things that were kinda over my head at the time, but i appreciated them later
>pokemon girl
i mean to be fair i was VERY nearly 11 upon its release

Underage b&

this was challenging but kinda fun to make

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