How can I achieve this aesthetic?
How can I achieve this aesthetic?
Be a hack and don't give a fack
Study Sociology
Crank the gain up
you can see old guys like this everywhere in rural canada
why did he even bother showing up lol
are they gay? brb moving to rual canada
dude weed lmao
uh listen to some psytrance and hardstyle or something
you can usually know where these guys live by the amount of rusty cars and trucks they have parked on their front lawns.. most of them are mechanics
Dude WEED, and also SLAYER AND WALL OF SOUND,,, bro...
Stop showering, start balding, let your shit beard grow out (slightly patchy is preferable but not required) and then have the fashion sense of a 35 year old wine mother and pretend you're dressing your 10 year old up for school.
dont have sex incel
jeff bridges mode
bro whats the deal you forgot HIP HOP,,,
live in the woods for about 10 years
How do you think you can achieve that aesthetic you stupid son of a whore?
Johnny cashs American albums are a gift you insolent pig
Based and country boy pilled
I'm pretty sure all you need is meth and a park bench
Be real rich.
study metaphysics
thats my aesthetic when im 60 i can grow a beard like that but i still have all my hair ugh