This dude has a university degree in astrophysics

This dude has a university degree in astrophysics

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Do you know how fucking easy it is to get “university degrees” these days? Even in hard sounding majors

I wanted to try that but there’s like 6 cool jobs/country and figured honestly I’m not gonna be a top-6 tier student, just being real

t. literally never been to college. tell me about how all the professors are commies while youre at it, grandpa

Not him but most of my professors are all classical liberals and a great part of class is dedicated to spitting on the left wing. And most of the students are right wing as well

Of course I am studying economics, but still

>Whitney graduated from university after studying astrophysics and was eventually employed in a position earning $65,000 annually
It's not like it was a degree in feminist wokeology, he got a comfy 65k job right out of college

I’m a stem graduate from a UC but ok.

He's the same type of retard that says you can learn everything on Youtube and watches Alex Jones.

lmao. but in all seriousness he can just cover it up with makeup, or his hair.

Attached: Ha, great post my dude! I'd have you know that I am a CLASSIC LIBERAL myself! (smug chuckle).jp (800x458, 34K)


so did I

He's probably drowning in pussy.

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There's some disconnect for me here. If you listen to him talk he doesn't come across as very intelligent

i hope he has a great birthday tomorrow.

he’s smart but not smart enough to almost entirely copy and paste Bones

T. Good goy going to a shitty university while racking up debt

You wouldn't say that if you took calculus, chem, or physics.

eloquence and intelligence are different things.
if somebody is fairly eloquent then you can probably assume they're at least somewhat intelligent, but you can never accurately assume anything going the other way. many people have a large discrepancy between their thoughts and their words.

Which calc? Calc 1 at American universities is a literal joke highschool class and calc 2 could be aced by anyone who gave a little time to study.

My major required calc 1 2 and 3 as well as org chem 1 and 2 and a three part physics series. Every single one is just rote memorization of meaningless bullshit.

Fucking nerds lmao

Literally every tryhard metalhead has a degree in that. It's cos they're neckbeards whether they wanna visually portray it or not.

who gives a fuck lmao
if this is what you focus any of your attention on then you're a

Aside from the GE requirements, if you major in STEM, the vast majority of the classes you take are going to be completely apolitical.

a what? a cool person?

sounds pretty based

Show me a soundcloud rapper with face tatts that even graduated high school

Gross physics boys always smell like shit

astrophysics is fucking easy

try taking a course in something actually big brained, like philosophy. 90% dropout rate. you fucking STEM apes wouldn't last a day.

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not nearly as cool as it sounds dude. everyone and their lesbian dog can get into astrophysics thanks to our soft system

People dropout because they soon realize they are working towards a worthless degree

Which university?


>being a utilitycuck

literally proved my point. STEM apes aren't even human

he is right you stupid fucking trip fag. do half a back-flip and kill yourself.

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ayy loma fucking smoked them

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