Be me, spotifag user

>be me, spotifag user
>follow over 1,000 of my normie frens, classmates, acquaintances etc.
>regularly check what the norms are listening to
>been doing this for about 2 years now
>not once has anyone been listening to anything interesting or beyond surface level normie shit

why are people like this? i'm not really surprised, i'm just in complete disbelief that anyone can have such a vapid taste in music.
(pic related)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-14 at 15.03.50.png (500x1310, 113K)

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I'm sure they don't see it as vapid.

don't know how they can't when they listen to the same few artists within the exact same genre and never break out of that comfort zone. i do occasionally listen to what they are listening to and get bored very fucking quickly of their shit

because they don't know better, or they don't care about their taste in music. You have to realize most people just listen to what they came across on the radio or they saw on spotify. They just don't care about music as much as do, and that's fine. If they are enjoying themselves and they aren't hurting anyone, why should you care?

Follow me desu i promise i have good taste :3

I love music, and since it's so universally enjoyed, i'm interested in what people I know listen to. I wasn't ever expecting much, but still.

Apart from this tho, there's no communication to them about this. The few times I have criticised and recommended new music to someone they take it as a personal attack, so..

share username chief

why you so mad my guy. I follow a few people on spotify and usually they're listening to the same shit but I don't get upset about it. If you really are then hang out with them and try to get them into different types of music, posting on this board just makes you sound like a sperg

blame it on me is a tune tbf

Why is uk hip hop/rap so bad :(

Cos they are busy having sex unlike you lol

Because they seem like children compared to American niggers that emulated old Italian-American gangster behavior mixed with drugs and liberty. It's impossible to take a UK black "rapper" seriously when he tries to flaunt his street credibility or how tough he is in a country that has by and large banned guns.

believe me 99% of them aren't having sex aha
upset? nah. frustrated? yep. they're missing out on so much but don't realise it.

do you realise how many nigs stab each other in london like every day lol

>a friend got my phone and posted this track on a gc with a caption "yoo this shit slaps" as a joke. Responses were "wtf is this" and "why would anyone make this."
>mfw i realise I actually listen to this stuff

Attached: whitehouse.png (808x805, 480K)

Its not even this desu. For me it just sounds bad. At least grime had some uniqueness to it.

also this. Nobody in the UK gives a shit whether they have guns or not, they're still killin each other and most of them are teens lmao

>>follow over 1,000 of my normie frens, classmates, acquaintances etc.
>>regularly check what the norms are listening to
>implying you're not a normie yourself
Go away, you immature faggot.

>caring whether or not you're a normie
ok retard.

they just aren't into music. sure, they enjoy music, but they view it as something that fulfills a practical purpose, not as "art". probably they are into something else or have more important shit going on in their lives. they listen to that music because it's available and it fulfills their need (something to listen to in the car, to set the mood at a meeting or to shake their asses to). they listen to whatever is hot right now without much thought process because you don't need to find such music, that music finds you and chases you. they comply immediately because they don't really have any strong attachment to the music they use and also because keeping up with what's hot is a way to fit in

huh, that's very true.

Interesting take. But was it always like this or did something change?