>Yea Forums loves The Beatles and normalfags think they're overrated
What caused this shift?
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I always loved them. Favorite band since I was 8.
>Yea Forums is one person
The Beatles are objectively the greatest band of all time.
>you'll never listen to abbey road with your dad ever again
That's not true at all. The Beatles have always been as normie as it gets.
I've noticed that the only people that unironically hate the Beatles are late Boomers / early Gen Xers (born circa 1957-1967)
This is exactly the opposite of what the Beatles were. The Beatles were not highly talented instrumentalists and their songwriting was almost completely western in its tonality and basically everything they did was inspired by some kind of classical music, even John Lennon's avant garde-bage. The objective aspects of their music are merely of an average quality, not of an extraordinary quality. The subjective aspects of their music are precisely where they stand out. They made western tonality appeal to a mass global audience and are really one of the first bands to do this. People in Japan at this time were still listening to She Ain't Got No Yo-Yo (youtube.com
Who cares about japanese lol
The rest of the world was listening to The Beatles
Literally all the things you said about them are positives
Shaddup fag
The shift where we stop letting white males pretend their history is everyones history
No, The Beatles were big in Japan too. They were the first band to play Budokan.
Are you really so retarded that you can't understand that opinions and demographics change over time?
>I've noticed that the only people that unironically hate the Beatles are late Boomers / early Gen Xers (born circa 1957-1967)
probably because they were alive during a time when the beatles were bigger than jesus
normalfags love the beatles
Yea Forums is filled with normalfags
They shouldn't, if quality is objective (which it is)
Oh shut the fuck up. God you people are pussies
Why did you reply to that mr. Retardo
Dumbass when people that listened to different music growing up are the new music journalists they're obviously not jist gonna adopt what the previous journalists taste and experiences were
Certain aspects are gonna be objective but then the (also great)artists that I grew up on aren't reflected back at me when the demographic writing music canon doesn't reflect me either.
So if men and women were always 50/50 Joni Mitchell would have a more realistic spot in canon if you get what I mean? So there's a bit of a shift happening to rock canon atm.
I mean have you seen some of the newer decade lists from p4k or NPR type shit. When you've got blacks and and women and lgbtqs writing about music history they're gonna have a pretty different perspective on what music was important and groundbreaking. Some of them don't even see the big deal about rock altogether. We're just so stuck on a very male very white version of things that everything else seems "wrong". No reason to think my or your version is any less valid than the other though ofc.
That's what I said. They were the first western band to reach those audiences on such a huge scale.
Bitch I'll hit you with my truck
That's what I said. The Japanese were listening to the Beatles. Exactly. The Beatles were the ones who took attention away from old school granny shit and got them into rock and roll-style granny shit. I'm calling it granny shit affectionately of course, because I enjoy that music a lot.
Did you think I was trying to shit on them? I love the Beatles, they got me into music in a big way. Stop assuming everything everyone says about anything is negative. Look what this website has done to you, man.
The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.
>This is exactly the opposite of what the Beatles were
So they were objectively the worst band of all time, nice
No, the opposite of objective, not greatest. The opposite of objective is subjective.
Imagine thinking the fucking Beatles were only popular with white males
lolwut, like if that's your position then it applies to literally any band
is it OK to like them but still consider them to be overrated?
Sure, if your gauge on how people rate them (which is subjective on what group you're thinking of and how well you can appraise their opinions) is above your gauge of how good their music is
What I am saying is, the Beatles are literally subjectively the greatest band of all time. Their legacy proves this. They appeal to the largest number of people's subjective perspectives and are the highest selling band of all time. How much a record sells determines its subjective quality, and bands of a high subjective quality sell the most. Bands of a very high objective quality, like jazz musicians or metal bands, don't sell too well.
Why does everyone jizz over Tomorrow Never Knows but no one ever mentions how youtube.com
No, they were just rebelling against the people born 10 years before them. And that the Beatles were "ew old music". You see this mentality in a lot of punk and new wave music from late-boomers / early-gen xers. (Obviously not all of them, but my Dad is a late boomer and he and all of his siblings passionately unironically hate The Beatles and I've never met anyone born outside his era to give them such vitriol)
I want to fuck Franken Fran
Also am I going crazy or does the guitar on She Said She Said just slowly blend together as the song continues