Easily the worst board going, right next to Yea Forums and /pol/

Easily the worst board going, right next to Yea Forums and /pol/.

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thank god we're not them

No Yea Forums is way worse

i prefer piss over shit

third worst
this is second.
Car fag here
To any /o/ fags who are lurking: You know less about the subject than I did when I was 10, you're uneducated, your personal experience stories and how bullshit they are is mind boggling, and without a doubt all of you ride the fucking bus
PS: let me know where you signed up to sponsor-post about BMW, I imagine they compensate well.

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How is tv worse. We don’t even discuss music here

/pol/ is best board

>le containment board is le bad cause I don't le like it xD
You're a real fucking brainlet

Yea Forums here

you guys are literally the dumbest fuckers. stop coming to my board. you're an embarrassment.

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Every thread on the board is music related.

It's just all shit music.

>containment board
>yet still leaks out over to other boards all the time
Go back to your dismal echo chamber faggot

>yet still leaks out over to other boards all the time
yeah no it doesn't. Not even .1% like it did before /pol/ you fucking newfag moron

have sex

just admit you're wrong, or are you incapable of that?


don't kid yourself. Yea Forums is fucking awful and has no actual discussion. it moves way too fast and has no distinct community. hence why there really is no Yea Forumscore. also their threads and posts read like those on Reddit. our sticky threads are the closest we come to being Yea Forums-tier.

have sex

oh wait
you cant

No board has had a bigger fall in quality than Yea Forums. It's become Yea Forums tier but somehow worse. Even two years ago when it was 80% capeshit it still managed to be quite good, but in the last 12 months it's been infested with the least funny zommers on the planet that revel in the lowest quality garbage reposted ad nauseam.

It's not a very good containment board if they come and shit up every other board all the time

>echo chamber
imagine being this delusional and thinking the biggest political forum on the internet is an echo chamber

Not sure about that, but it ily a conservacuck/right-wing echo chas mostmber

>he honestly thinks /pol/ isn't an echo chamber

no u

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Did you have a stroke?

I get the exact opposite feeling. Yea Forums has the some of the best humor (sneed aside) and I feel I can still tall about my pretentious hipster cinema there regardless with no problem. I also feel it has a solid community what with all the year old memes still in use
Yea Forums is the one where I can't talk about games and that feels way too dismantled among its regular users. So does Yea Forums, Yea Forumscore is meaningless. Music is too diverse for a board that's simply on general "music" as its topic feel like it has a community. People from the /classical/ general never see the rest of the board, people that like prog never talk about hip hop etc. This place has no memorable memes to compete with any other big board because it doesn't produce good content, because people don't listen to "music", only to exclusive genres and shit

>containment board is bigger than every other board on the site

>Yea Forums
>best humor
Cringing at your life

>Yea Forums has the some of the best humor

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Call me when Yea Forums makes a plane fall

Yea Forums isn’t funny either, that doesn’t make Yea Forums funny.



>walks on stage
>Hey how's it going everyone. So i don't know about you but I made a plane fall the other day
>crowd erupts in laughter

There was a meme back then i think 2014 when a pilot crash a plane and it was link to baneposting.
Also at least /pol/ meme a president.
Yea Forums only have kpg to keep it alive.

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You tell em ESL-bro

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You guys are missing a lot. Tv generates lots of funny shit

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Where are you from

Probably brazil or mexico. Yea Forums is all spics.


How does it feel to go anywhere and people automatically hate you? I am actually impressed how quickly you come off as whiny and annoying.

libtard tier comment

Yea Forums is also an echo chamber but instead of "cuck" and "shill" they use "edgy" and "pleb"

So you base how good a board is just from the number of shitty memes you have seen from the said board? Are you fucking retarded? Do you realise how stupid that sounds? Nevermind that mu/s wiki is far larger and far more organised than any other board, where you can actually download 1gb worth of charts made by people who discuss them everyday here. No other board has that. Have you seen the mu/ core chart? Do you know what mu/chella is? God you are so stupid. And how can you say mu/ has no recognizable memes?? What about itaots? that meme is better then anything made by tv/. You don't know anything about the board, that's obvious. And what is this stupid shit about the humour of tv/. It's zoomer humour. Stupid, retarded, and without substance. If you really enjoy that kind of humour then your brain is still developing and you are probably underage.

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The post i replied was the same you fucking idiot.

All of Yea Forums's good or impactful memes are years old
Death Grips is already a billboard charting band and everyone on the internet has heard ITAOTS by now. It's not even posted as much anymore. The Yea Forums radio Yea Forumschella post avant jazzcore days are mostly gone. There's still elements of what the board once was but it's more lifeless and stale. Yea Forums is crap though.