What does the Modern Western Woman listen to?

What does the Modern Western Woman listen to?

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You're favourite artist

*gak gak gak gak*

billie the niggerfucker

a shekel for a good goy

Spotify top 40

Good. I hope more "progressive" retards do this so they can never reproduce and teach their failed ideology to their kids.

Kind of a good thing for the world as a whole, but why would she not even want to be able to have them?


yeah except watch her marry some chad who wants kids and not mention the fact that she got a hysterectomy at age 21. "idk it must be your sperm count honey."

>This girl

These women never reach that state in life. They burn out and become fucking unmarried drug addicted poor losers.

why not? she's attractive and once she grows out of being a college slut that's who she'll be looking for in a partner

you're delusional.

Project more

Less people = better world. This girl is doing it right.

VERY good goy!

You guys have a very warped perspective on life. This kind of cynicism is little more then autofellatio because you feel self-satisfied as an outcast who will never be normal anyway. Sucking on your own sour grapes, basically.

Thanks, user.

>you feel self-satisfied as an outcast
no I don't

>hoping this bitch suffers
nah that's optimism mate

i'll satisfy you you bitch

Sorry op I’m afraid this ain’t music related. So what’s your favorite Cocteau Twins song? For me, it’s Lorelei. Pic Unrelated

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It's okay, you'll learn to let your freak flag fly eventually. You aren't normal though, definitely freaks. Don't try to escape that inevitable truth. You post on Yea Forums.


she's got a big torso

does she not know she can just take a pill and not have to worry about it instead of permanently mutilating herself?


bro i was just memeing don't put that on me do you know what it's like to autosatisfy yourself working a 9-5 in a dead end job while your dumb whore wife can't even give you the time of day to heat up your hungry man for dinner


god damn this post is based


roll for wzrd

I'm sure the Right will find some way to explain how this is still somehow murder

Shut up, idiot. If you want to roll her you go

>do you know what it's like to autosatisfy yourself working a 9-5 in a dead end job
Yes. I don't have a dumb whore wife, and I'm quite happy about that because I would have a lot of questions for myself as a homosexual if I did, but yes, I do know what being self-satisfied while working a dead end job is like. But I embrace the fact that I am a freak so I don't say embittered things about people like the girl in the OP.

cherry-coloured funk

seems youve embraced being an insufferable cunt as well
good on you mate i hope everyone finds the same level of self acceptance one day

johnny's took his gun and *gak gak gak gak*
johnny shot me down *gak gak gak gak*
like this *gak gak gak gak*
like this *gak gak gak gak*

all the papers crucify johnny, all the radios shout his name
all our children love our johnny, because he took his gun and *gak gak gak gak*

johnny he's my hero
johnny he's my joy
johnny took his gun and *gak gak gak gak*
johnny shot me down


also I don't why you care so much about some random chick not wanting kids

Kids are a lot of work, they're expensive, and the idea of ruining your body to create a little alien is scary.

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I am a social anxiety ridden nerd in a large organization and do highly technical work (that im pretty well paid for) for management that is made up of very successful attractive men .

I study them (no homo) and am pretty positive no chad man is going to marry this girl.

In fact, im pretty sure the chad men would never be with a girl who posts stuff on the reddit. These chad guys marry girls who played 3 sports in highschool, know how to play the clarinet, bake recipes from their 'families cookbook'. Also these chads marry relatively chaste women.

By chad i mean, these guys are white, tall, ralph lauren looking type guys. They have 5 series bmws in their late twenties, masters degrees, and single family homes or condos. They do not marry women that look like this nor marry women posting crazy shit on the internet. They are basically all married to martha stewart types.

some memes are so well memed they leave a trail of meme light so bright you see it when you close the tab.



The world belongs to the Muslims, Mormons, and South Americans since they're outbreeding everyone else 10-1. Should be great.

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she listens to whatever's most popular on youtube, spotify, or apple music. also a small handful of older songs to seem "quirky"

fuck children desu


I would be mad if this piggy sang along to my song, racial slurs included or not

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Evil piece of shit


fuck yeah

have sex u incel

please don't ban me for rolling again mods



Kino post

why are you replying to yourself?

children are financial burdens. the economy in it's current "great shape" sucks, now imagine having to pay for a kid, what if there's a recession?

Beyonce, Ariana and Adele

spreading genes is literally the only meaningful thing you can do in your entire life
fortunes can be lost
fame will mean nothing when you die
daily pleasures can hardly be considered meaningful
without kids you will be unable to perform the only thing nature tasked you with

What do you think the world will look like in 2040? or 2050? Bringing children into a world with no future is wrong and selfish. She just made sure that she will never take part in it.

Whitoids are really subhuman

i'm listening to pic related, thanks for asking.

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>spreading genes
That's where you're wrong, idiot. Literally nothing has meaning.

we should make it so this stuff is legal but anesthesia and painkillers are not allowed so they have to feel everything. lol. and every year they get a letter in the mail reminding them they can't have kids.

what kind of Frankie Teardrop cover is this supposed to be?

The one where you can't understand what the singer is saying