Where the hell are the rips of the new Flaming Lips album?

Where the hell are the rips of the new Flaming Lips album?

Attached: king's mouth.jpg (370x370, 316K)

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I want it as well, I can’t believe there’s nothing out there

The digital release doesn’t come out till July.


you can rip from vinyl

Apparently some guy on the Flaming Lips subreddit is gonna rip it tonight.

That album cover got me hyped. It looks like something from their psych-pop era.

I know, I couldn’t get the vinyl and I can’t find any rips out there

sounds like it too

>"Songs like “The Sparrow,” “All for the Life of the City,” and “Mouth of the King” boast sugary yet wistful melodies in the same vein of some of the Lips’s greatest work, and hearing Coyne sing them is like reuniting with an old friend." slantmagazine.com/music/review-the-flaming-lips-kings-mouth-music-and-songs-brings-the-hooks-but-lacks-heft/

Attached: i need a leak.png (1082x695, 503K)

Aaaaaaaahhhh, where da fuck the rips at

Flaming are lips are trash. Literally no interesting sounds, bland songwriting, and an "lol so randum XD" aesthetic to try and come off as zaney.

It’s bedtime buddy, I know it’s not a school night but you gotta get your rest.


All for the Life of the City was pretty uninteresting to me.

t. listened to 0 Flaming Lips albums

Try Embryonic

>tfw went to the head installation in oklahoma opening day
>super early so didn't have to wait in line
was nice

Attached: snake sweater.png (440x542, 574K)

i need this

Maybe one day I'll make the drive up there to see it. What else is there to do in OKC?

I liked it a fair bit. Not quite as much as yoshimi or soft bulletin, but definitely better than OM. I could rip it now honestly but my turntable is absolute trash.

I don't know, nothing much to see in Oklahoma, it's kind of a dead-end state.
A visit to the art museum and the myriad gardens might be worthwhile.
Festival of the arts is happening on the 23rd.