What the fuck happened to The Who's albums on stpoify?

what the fuck happened to The Who's albums on stpoify?


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this is exactly why the rest of us laugh at you jewify cucks

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uhhhh is the remixed album version as good as the....original?

I used to listen to the remixed on, it was alright but IT'S FUCKING GONE NOW

Not a big loss for music.

I hope this isn't Pete Townshend being jewish because for some reason it now lists Quadrophenia as his isntead of the Who as the artist, something weird is going on

it's not gone for me, whew

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Meanwhile on Google Play Music All Access...

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if this isn't fixed soon I will no doubt be switching services

Tommy could disappear completely from the world and nothing would change.

sometimes shit randomly disappears from spodify then comes back a month or two later.

>this entire thread
.mp3s + CDs for hard backup. Fuck yo' streaming bullshit.

First songs in the key of life, now this?? Holy fuck spoticucks on suicide watch. Apple Music comes through once again

The who more like the poodophiles cos Townshend is a literal nonce

lmao use Tidal HD.

Did anybody else know pete was arrested for CP


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only the deluxe version is gone

real who fans prefer Who's Next

What about if I prefer Who’s Next to Tommy, but prefer Quadrophenia and The Who Sell Out to Who’s Next?



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This, stop relying on Spotify OP

Go to bed Frippr, you sold out to Spotify now too

the first album I ever bought. paid 50¢ for it at a thrift store at the age of maybe nine because I'd heard of the Who. was not prepared for it to be about a young boy molested by his uncle.