Your average Yea Forums poster

Your average Yea Forums poster

Attached: Ghost world.jpg (720x486, 58K)

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this is how i picture the prewar folk poster looks like

Im patrician

today i will ask Yea Forums
reservoir dogs or fargo?

You watch Reservoir dog faggot, someone else in another chan alredy watching Fargo

fargo not even a question

This is now a traditional ragtime and blues thread.

>Yea Forums

nerdy hipsters are best hipsters

That's generous.
Res Dogs no contest.

Where can i get one

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I could watch Fargo a hundred times and not get sick of it. Every scene is endlessly entertaining. It's hilarious, not in a laugh out loud way but in a way where for a few days after watching I'll think of it suddenly and chuckle softly. Brilliant fucking movie

you say that as if it's a bad thing

Attached: 1533961784780.jpg (2159x3840, 1.33M)

Did you guys even watch the movie?

Yeah fucking right. Yea Forums will never be this cool.

Miller's Crossing

>Your average *RYM poster

hey that's me

(you better have a feminine penis tho)

Attached: the busch.jpg (474x266, 9K)

I post constantly on this board I can confirm that I objectively look like your pic

all fuckin gay
this site is rotten i tell you
thanks for the nice image though

yo chill
(I'm fine with full male gay penis, or vagina too!!)

Attached: gYaLLdT.png (500x278, 237K)

no way, i look uglier

dw, i was just shitposting a bit.
but seriously though, most guys here seem to prefer traps or men for some reason.

social isolation can lead to that

dogs, fargo is alright but dogs is tarantino’s best

i always forget that r9k and moo share a considerable user base. anyway, gn user.

bi =/= gay

fargo, dogs is awful lol

i think gay is like the word nigga, it kind of means whatever

>there are people seriously replying Reservoid Dogs

Hello Mr Buscemi I really like your movies, keep up the good work.

Literally me.

biscum please

RD hands down