ITT: Favorite guitar players

ITT: Favorite guitar players

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step aside

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Jason Becker also needs a honorary mention. What a sad fate this guy suffered with all the ALS-disease stuff going on.

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2 Iggy Pop guitarists already mentioned. Whats going on?

Iggy is the best when it comes to picking guitarists. I consider both Ron Asheton and James Williamson among the greatest guitarist ever, I think they're pretty underrated.

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Dan and Pin from Sikth

growing up it was Billy Corgan. even though I still think he's great my favourite now is probably Kurt Vile or Steve Gunn.

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A third Iggy guitarist!

But with normal hair

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>Liking these but not including Bobby

these + pictured

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Greg Howe
Tony MacAlpine

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I like him a lot

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unironically the greatest of all time

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>not based Django Reinhardt


no one beats segovia

Hush you, move over

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Steve Stevens

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EVH a shit

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This. Literally the best guitar player there ever was.


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My second choice

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Duane Eddy

Got em both right here, so much flavor in these two boys

Honorable mentions, EVH, Iommi, Randy, Jake, Mrs. Vinnie Vincent, Alexi Laiho, Marty, ahhhhh the list goes on brotherman!

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sharon was fucking retarded for letting him go...


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Frusciante is awful

goddamn right.
my favorite metal solo guitarist.

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maybe expand on that a little bit?

underrated post

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Listen to him play. His phrasing is empty noodling which he can’t even do because his fingers aren’t synced up with his brain so it sounds ultra sloppy. He’ll throw in a sustained bend in random places to change up the dynamic but it’s never in an appropriate spot so it sounds tasteless. Other than that he plays elementary fills with that “chill Cali” vibe that literally anyone could do and you wouldn’t notice it’s a different guitar player. Basically his playing is the equivalent of speaking horribly broken English.

Truly the greatest (smoothest) of them all

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Based audiating bebop man of jazz

Can't really have one without the other.

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>literally anyone could do and you wouldn’t notice it’s a different guitar player.
hmmm josh refutes this 2bh
>His phrasing is empty noodling which he can’t even do because his fingers aren’t synced up with his brain so it sounds ultra sloppy.
he was pretty good in bssm, he wrote excellent songs, after his heroin episode he came back real sloppy, watching his '99 concerts in californication tour what you said is very clear (fingers and brain not synced, some sustained bends, off notes, etc) but by ~'02 it was on point again, slane castle for instance was great and with good solos.
Also, evidently being highly technical wasn't his shit, has never been, and the band's "vibe", the positive-vibe, free-creativity-vibe, improvisation-vibe sometimes lead to some not-so-good jams or solos.
Anyways, I really love him, he was my major influence outside of metal, I love his backing vocals, which are GODLY, I love his solo stuff...
everyone is entitled to their opinions, but with a discography like John's, calling him awful is a bit too much, in my opinion, but whatever.
what is your guitarist of choice, out of curiosity?

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>when the plebeians can't even sing what they improvise

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the way he can go from his sweet, angelic choir-voice to straight yelling into the mic gets me wet. Nice choice user

it's too bad all of panteras guitars sound like they were recorded with radioshack mics.

His For emily in milan is beautiful

>what is your guitarist of choice, out of curiosity?
Can’t pick one really, but one of my favorites is Jeff Baxter.

this is insane. have you hear ataxia or his solo material?

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Yes, it sounds just as bad to me.

Love me some Deaner

you're bonkers.

Surprised no one posted the factual GOAT


I can’t not hear garbage in his playing, I’m sorry.

Go ahead then

the guy was inventive as fuck and steered jangle music in the right direction

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Whoops forgot the image

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Good choice, I miss that guy.

You guys are alright, the rest can fuck off.

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suck my big fat cock, nigger

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