Why does Yea Forums never talk about this album?

Why does Yea Forums never talk about this album?

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i havent heard it what am i in for

unclassifiable music
elements of freak folk, calypso, african traditional music, psychedelic, etc
made by a man from the bahamas
its all about voodoo type stuff

Because it is objectively good

because it's already been posted to death around here hardly anyone isn't familiar with it.

because its shit

It's not (c)rap

It's one of my favorite albums ever, but there isn't much to say about it anymore besides just recommending it to everyone

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Lol it's incredibly classifiable. It's literally just Carribean folk music with a few tweaks for American listeners. It's not unclassifiable because you're ignorant.

okay retard

it was discussed a lot ~2012

lol ur dumb

if by discussed you mean people put it on their charts to seem patrician yes it was "discussed"


This album pairs really well with Dr. John's early albums and pretty much nothing else.

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I remember that ppl would gush about dambala and others would whine that they didnt "get it"

it's okay.
Nothing amazing

Because it's gay ass rym-avant-teen-core

You saying this just makes me want to listen to it more

you should

Anyone else think it makes it weirder that this album is not some crazy Lomax field recording but a know respected who played with Dylan and Hendrix in the Greenwich Village scene recording in a major label studio.

well it's not on spotify so nvm

I mean I think it makes the album a bit less weird, honestly. Lomax's recordings are generally much more eccentric than this album. Not to shit on the album too hard, but it does seem like it was packaged somewhat for a mainstream audience.

just listen to it on youtube pleb

That's why this album retains any relevancy today. If it were a true nobody, literally nobody would know of its existence

Literally just had a thread on it that probably died the second before you made this one.

No, it doesn't make it weirder. It makes so much sense because it reveals it was a completely inauthentic act in a scene of people who faked everything about themselves.

seance in the sixth fret says otherwise

i think how he lived in nyc when making this influenced his music and made it a lot more accessible

Not true at all, people hunt for shit like this when it's genuine or mysterious.

just look for it on soulseek pleb

>It makes so much sense because it reveals it was a completely inauthentic act

But it's not. It's just an authentic act capturing his sound professionally.

correct opinion right here

it's a great album that has been discussed to death on Yea Forums



This is like asking why aren't AnCo and ITAOTS discussed here.
