Hope I die before I turn into Pete Townshend

>Hope I die before I turn into Pete Townshend
What did he mean by this?

Attached: kurt.jpg (738x415, 29K)

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someone put a gypsy curse on him

He didn't want to turn into a dirty shota lover

he didn't want to be a pedophile

Kurt was a fag

What do YOU think he meant by it OP?

What the fuck,i didn't knew it, why are dadrockers so fucking disgusting people?

He didn't want to be good at playing the guitar

Musicians are pretty scummy in general, your favorite artist has probably had sex with a few underage people as well.

he was murdered

Reminder that he was proven innocent

reminder that townshend's antics were well known in the music industry in the 60s/70s but no one did anything

Attached: 1533717716486.png (2083x2083, 1.34M)

reminder that doesn't mean anything

>that image
was it autism?

Dunno. Maybe he didn't want to be a washed up rockstar?

he wanted to turn into Rivers Cuomo

Attached: kurt cobain is rivers cuomo.jpg (744x426, 51K)

How did his butt chin disappear



Joanna would never do that

Pretty fucked up this conversation already happened 17 years ago