What did Scaruffi mean by this?

What did Scaruffi mean by this?

Attached: unknown[1].png (525x552, 236K)

This website uses the imperial system, just like the place where 95% of important music comes from

Attached: 1qEA8Ps.jpg (926x875, 176K)

It means he's a faggot.

I think it's time to go to bed, user.

Attached: 1391132194835.png (251x251, 71K)

>MFW you think base 10 > base 12.
That eurofags can't do simple conversions, or remember a few numbers.

Attached: murica.jpg (1792x1412, 1.05M)


Can someone explain to me where in Europe do they use the imperial system? In music and literature from there they still seem to use it for height pretty regularly. Why is that?

Because it's the superior system.


Attached: 5AFD51B3-F4D4-4F5C-8FA2-BFAF7D9A746B.jpg (525x552, 78K)

seething mutts itt

Does Scaruffi know the Beatles used the metric system?

Noone uses the imperial System who is able to Do otherwise

inb4 lying Brits pretending they use the metric system


Japan uses years - months - days actually, and the Japanese imperial year at that (31-4-13 today)

incredibly based


D/M/Y is objectively shit for organization.
Y/M/D > M/D/Y > D/M/Y

based /x/chizo

Jews rule the world, so Europe wins again

why am i laughing so hard?

Okay, This is epic

You know, it took me until I was an adult to admit it but this meme is stupid. The rest of the world does not use the metric system for everything, that's just blatantly false but we are all aware of it. The US also does use it for plenty of things, it's just that most of them are too stupid to know that. The only thing I feel they should immediately throw out is Fahrenheit. What a useless system that would cost absolutely nothing to change. The others would be more costly so I can understand why they are afraid (it's the same reason why other major countries have still never fully switched over).

holy fuck haha



include me in the screencap

this is some oldfag shit

It's a generational thing obviously with each generation getting progressively closer to all metric. And every country is different. Basically no country is all metric, that's a myth people make up because only the US is proud of refusing to go all metric and everyone hates that about you.

It can also be totally arbitrary what is measured in metric and what isn't. Like we did height/weight in feet and pounds but only for people. I don't know distances of things in miles and I have no understanding of what an ounce is, all grocery store items are by liters and grams. I also have only ever seen Celsius used for temperature but stoves default to Fahrenheit.