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Other urls found in this thread:

The Matrix comeback


Attached: [60P] 190406 idle Minnie (sweatman cam) 2.webm (648x1080, 2.79M)

chen is ugly but he's got a good voice hopefully he wins

don't count on NB to translate that shit, the whale is probably seething right now hahahaha

sorn > lisa > other thais

Attached: 21689878_1627175417346843_2969967720520482816_n.jpg (1080x607, 66K)

>tfw to intelligent for bp

Attached: bp is for brainlets.png (1184x760, 219K)

so did bp get absolutely demolished?

Attached: [60P] 190406 idle Minnie (sweatman cam) 4.webm (648x1080, 2.92M)

happyjen :3

Attached: 1546734034224.jpg (1600x900, 86K)


how long before they permanently move to america?

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this Math Turkey song is pretty boring

*monkey emoji *monkey emoji *monkey emoji

btw show's on

Ten and Lisa>>>other thais

>BP not nominated

shes so passionate and succesful

ive never seen someone put so much effort into their dancing

Attached: D3eBhiPUYAc_mjx.jpg (1110x1482, 395K)



Attached: IMG_20190413_024417.jpg (728x1024, 161K)

Minnie > Lisa > Sorn

Attached: [60P] 190406 idle Minnie (sweatman cam) 1.webm (648x1080, 2.96M)

>If any K-pop group could make this kind of debut here, Blackpink was a savvy choice. They’re already megastars across Asia (and have a Forum date coming soon), and their music covers a waterfront of modern hip-hop, EDM, synth ballads and even heavy rock. Their onstage rapport hits a sweet spot between K-pop’s cheery, futurist veneer and hip-hop’s bravado and prowess.

>BTS might be a bigger act, and 2NE1 might have covered similar terrain before them. But no other K-pop group could probably have handled a Coachella gig quite as well.

>From the first kicks of “DDU-DU DDU-DU” through the deep-sunk hooks of “Whistle” and “Forever Young,” the members of Blackpink brought the rigor and charm of K-pop to a festival founded on punk and indie ideals. That they so successfully translated it to tens of thousands of fans — many of whom didn’t yet share Marilyn Morales’ devotion — instantly put them in the canon of K-pop crossovers, and they’re likely just getting started.

The American media loved it.

Attached: 1552612685380.webm (1920x1080, 2.88M)


i like this hynn person

So IZ*ONE has no chance?
I am out then

Dont be incels and post Nancys ass

Attached: nancy.webm (700x1050, 2.81M)


Attached: 1539521263723.webm (544x760, 977K)

>WINNER's Mino artwork
what did he mean by this?

Attached: UA29kGH.jpg (927x1200, 231K)

she has a great voice but ballads will never do it for me

just show the first column of each group


Attached: 1551372067181.png (632x740, 350K)


>hakuna matata
mina is so CUTE

Attached: 1542180282494.jpg (1080x1351, 80K)

Attached: 875CFBD9-E0A7-4615-80AF-E1FAB722706F.jpg (1365x2048, 299K)

oh no, don't pull it down.

Attached: D37_An9U0AAPbLN.jpg (1500x2250, 893K)

he wanna be on the chat I didnt let him

Attached: Seungri-1.jpg (2000x1270, 1.11M)

This, I like singers more when they sing fun songs than emotional ballad borefests


>Interscope payola

does he have a beef against them? the comments are all super positive. lots of praise for jennie.


Attached: 1554020827401.jpg (1000x1500, 259K)

onces still seething? damn

look at those juicy cheeks

Attached: 1553150927905.webm (1280x720, 702K)

Time to mute 1Team and play this

They won't be nominated again until Inkigayo which they will probably lose to BlackPink anyway

But they will be on The Show again so guaranteed 5 trophies total this promo cycle unless they somehow win Show Champ too, then it will be 6

Attached: Screenshot_20190413-165059_STARPASS.jpg (1080x1646, 530K)


i don't think they've ever posted anything positive about bp


Attached: bp is for brainlets.png (1184x760, 194K)

Attached: thisiswhatwhitemenwant.webm (720x720, 598K)

i got a 72 in an iq test and felt happy that i got a C- for once

Attached: DlhIs5RUcAE1noX.jpg (2467x3701, 1.14M)

hiro should use this next hallloween

i'm white and i definitely don't want that

imagine how squishy those cheeks are

now do red velvet all those straight white chads are going to make blinks and onces look retarded

>hates gay
Is Saku /ourgirl/?

6 is fine. Since everything will be BTS next week.

post this to twicememes

this song is kinda interesting

Attached: squishrin.jpg (1024x683, 89K)

who are nominated for today? if izone will not be in it then ill be out too

more ebinnie

man dionysus is going to sound great live
i wish i was a rich ratmy

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Attached: BLACKPINK.webm (490x720, 1.12M)

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love is timing!

our girl

camboy kook

Attached: 59F9E879-7E7E-4490-AC6B-A6AA56230A3D.jpg (635x423, 50K)

holy shit she's based

absolute daebak

Attached: D3NuxR1UEAAYPwx.jpg (1490x2048, 629K)


i wish the whole dionysus went as hard as the last 40 seconds
to be honest

Attached: 1531124980194.jpg (210x341, 13K)

that guy looks familiar from siech kiss ??

LVER only got 1 M Countdown win and 2 The Show nugu trophies, they have surpassed LVER by a good amount since then

BOL4 vs Chen vs Taeyeon, izone not nominated and Wonyoung is not on the lineup

i want to

japanese goddess

Attached: D3NuymSUUAUMugJ.jpg (1489x2048, 816K)

All the digimons.
Taeyeon, Chen, BOL4.

None of whom are actually present lol

yea but they dead now i forgot why

Attached: 1531949589911.jpg (860x900, 129K)

blackpink will never top this

Attached: 1530624722551.jpg (240x320, 22K)

Based and sornpilled

blackpink will never top this


is arin-binnie-jiho the most blastable trio in kpop?

can she make up her mind

yeah who needs yooa

all 4 of them

beautiful Dreamnote pixels


man this girl has completely given up on japan

i get the kind of sound they're going for here but i hope the other two albums have real bangers

oh my girl is pure and not for that

Attached: 1532318930444.jpg (566x360, 62K)


this song sucks

fun song, cute girls

does anyone have the streamable of nancy talking about the pictures on someones phone with the nani at the end?

im in love

Attached: 8B4F7630-FBA4-4CA5-A916-FD96F485D3DD.jpg (671x1167, 203K)

my girls boni, lara, and miso

Attached: DhL91UuU0AAa7Xz.jpg (4096x2431, 1.16M)

true but they are def for that

oh my prostitutes are exclusively for that

totally sornpilled

I'm still loyal for Sumin and Hanbyul

8 inches deep in kang mina

4.5 will do just fine

mina tho

Attached: 1541658222650.jpg (1024x683, 74K)

I guess Chen wins since he is the only one with physicals still

while pinching kang mina's cheeks


while nibbling on that delectable ear meat, i assume

Attached: 1537167296585.jpg (1500x2250, 2.79M)

Who the fuck are these nugus?

>mark entering mina
and that's a long ass ride~

i dont get that "ringing danger" is another kpop mystery as dalshabet " give wanna baby" ?

thats not just mina thats kang mina

its a whole different story

Attached: D3WidAwV4AA-Z_V.jpg (1348x2048, 318K)

Chen should win on fandom pushing him over the line

>65% digital/physical
Taeyeon - 59.5 million digital index last week
BOL4 - 54.8 million digital index last week
Chen - 44.6 million digital index last week
Taeyeon - 0 physicals
BOL4 - 2,215 physicals last week
Chen - 102,000 physicals last week

>15% live voting
goes to EXO-Ls botting for Chen

>10% video views
BOL4 - 3.03 million first week
Chen - 5.4 million first week
Taeyeon - 2.2 million last week

>10% viewer committee
no clue
>5% MBC radio airtime
no clue


>wanna.b is still alive
ami and minah's sister tho

i feel bad for this group t bh...

I think it's a typo and didn't notice; it was supposed to be "pretty girls bringing danger"

EXO-Ls must be disappointed with only one win considering they were hyping up some huge pre-order numbers. Which of course turned out to be a load of hot air.

love is nothing stronger than a boy with luv


Attached: 1543117508519.jpg (1500x1000, 249K)

kpop for this feel?

Attached: 1555017111196.webm (600x340, 809K)

forcing mina to get ear reduction surgery...

good to see omg getting so much love here

Completely given up on being a j-idol that's for sure.

If the becomes fluent by the time izone disbands in 2 years, I can totally see her becoming a celeb in korea, whether its CFs or TV.

leggo my eggo


you wouldn't

Attached: D0OWxpNU8AAfFVH.jpg (1200x800, 79K)

truly our girls

Attached: highnnie.jpg (1038x1200, 149K)

Attached: hEpCi5S.gif (306x358, 2.27M)

>EXO-Ls must be disappointed-
Their group is in shambles atm....
Feel sorry for them.

it's everyone's favorite new girls, Bend It

>gets annoyed that they are constantly called chungha's dongsaengs
>song sounds like a shitty chungha song
>they even emulate her voice at times

Ladies and gentleman , Here " The Chunghas"

Attached: 0DHY1eK.gif (300x300, 1.1M)

the bvndit with the most meat shall become my favorite.

this fat piece of shit can get it

which song?

Attached: 1544590099148.webm (732x852, 2.14M)

Not plastic enough to be the chunghas

Why are there 5 chunghas on screen?

the one on the show rn

claiming the girl with the shoulder length hair

god thats cute

what the fuck is a BUNDIT

Songhee is best Bvndit

goddamn, she's really attractive

chungha's company paid who knows how much for that flute sample so they're damn sure gonna get their money's worth

Bend It Like Chung Ha

third mute in this show

they put it in there so when they hear the start they think "oh shit, Gotta Go I love that song" then get bait and switched into listening to the whole thing

kang mina is a rare megaqt

Attached: 1552204369386.jpg (1000x1500, 229K)

I want to cut that vein open

*like Chungham

damn nice lip bite brb

Who is left for the show?


me too these guys are too boring

Stray Kids
IZ*ONE (no wonyoung)

Stray Kids
IZ*ONE (no wonyoung)

this is MBK's new boy group by the way
they were made on MBC's survival show

i'm so hooooot

Attached: 1554870289648.jpg (1200x1920, 536K)

Waiting for the pretty ones
Momoland - Nancy and the other one who cut her hair
Kard - So min

arent izone's activities going to interfere with the next produce girl group in 2 years?

dumbo was my favourite disney movie as a kid

huh, didn't know they had any trainees left.

izone wins screencap this

>Listen boys, we're going to call you 1THE9
>We're trying to capture the demographic of people looking for SF9 mvs on 1THEK

And DIA center girl

realistically there probably isn't another produce gg happening, they are pretty unprofitable compared to the boy groups

BITCH, I'm going solo

Attached: 1554517799451.jpg (1200x675, 113K)

They will most likely disband by the time the next produce GG debuts.


Attached: 1554952423105.jpg (2160x3840, 2.09M)


>Yuri sent another meme image
What is wrong with this girl?

they were all free agents from a TV show, even that one gay mexican guy who does gaypop covers was on the show briefly before getting eliminated


Attached: 286E28F4-ECE8-4FB4-B8B0-FB66EE56A3A3.jpg (1536x2048, 585K)

Great, they'll get good songs and concepts like Speed and die as eternal nugus regardless

True. The only reason IZ*ONE is doing so well is because of the j-idol gimmick where they get most of their revenue.

now what lol
only the back button works
nice program

Attached: 1537349407794.png (962x992, 55K)

delicious meat


>the pretty ones

so it's like another unb?

wtf thanks for the heads up

momoland, dia and izone

you're right, I forgot that he was weirdly uncomfortable doing male dances on the show and could only get into it doing girl group shit

she was really emphasizing the bitch lines tonight

imagine sliding in between those chubby thighs

wait what izone isnt nominated?

What's the word play here? what 1THE9 means? I don't get it.

but permanent this time and MBK needs money so they need to find an audience quick

Even worse.
UNB had already debuted idols that were nugu-mid tier.

post the mina kissing webms

too late to take it back now

Attached: kpg izone win prediction.jpg (388x110, 17K)

obviously , So min just for chads

pick a video and audio format

Attached: Dgy7mNAUEAAM5M5[1].jpg (1600x2400, 813K)

rat-faced roastie

They're not permanent. They're gonna exist for just 1 year.

Attached: Ds_5qijVsAAM4xH.jpg (2364x3120, 1.15M)

Damn these fanchants

having underage members finally hurts the group


lol that's exactly what it feels like

>The group is under a 17-month contract; 5 months of training before promoting for 12 months
jesus christ MBK keeps digging deeper holes

>only the back button works

thirsty for milk

where's the yejiblasters

Attached: 1542681447988.jpg (2048x1366, 258K)

how does mbk even make any money

sponsorships obviously


They have an acting division

omo cathy

Attached: cofwasd42.png (1247x664, 543K)

Attached: 1529700601195.webm (820x786, 2.89M)

sudden urge to do it amazing

they pass around jucchan

youtube-dl.dll isn't included but necessary

i have youtube-dl outside the boram folder so you use that to download a video then drag it for editing

Attached: DxcHsN4UwAAtqV-[1].jpg (2160x3840, 1.36M)


i bet that felt good after all the repressive korean shit

Chaeyeon CFs

to eunice, word

post her thigh meat again

Just use youtube-dl from the command prompt. Why the fuck do you need a GUI?

i'm glad no one forced them to change that floor move

yeah, for 1 decently known guy
at this point im willing to unironically entertain that theyre pimping dia girls because where the heck does their money come from

youtube-dl.exe, dll is a library

go back to 1979 gramps

Attached: mina_red.webm (1242x1764, 2.52M)

mina is fat again?

fuck thats so hot

Attached: IMG_4900.jpg (813x1300, 1.06M)

not everyone wants to larp as a hacker

stray kids, more like gay kids

was just gonna post this

yes and thats a good thing

one of the more obvious cases of sponsorship

>uni.t and unb dont go anywhere
>we should spend more money doing that again
jesus christ

w00wa soty

>Using the cmd prompt is hard
You guys must be fucking retards.
How hard is it to type youtube-dl [url]


UNB apparently made a little bit of money in Japan but UNI.T was such a money sink they didn't think twice about disbanding them after 7 months

there's other shit you have to do to not get shit quality

stray kids mentioned

Attached: D3rRkRHUYAAdW2a.jpg (736x1104, 124K)

Seriously the slight abs flash move is fucking cringe.

We're not going to get her back are we?

Attached: 50716171_124331795288835_8136434673858088854_n.jpg (1059x701, 139K)

this chick makes me diamonds

soty is on

>licking potato

i don't mind this song

DIA deserves better with this comeback

better yet, how hard it is to download the vlive video with and drop the fucking file inside boram's window ffs

stop asking this, you're just gonna get sad again

apparently vlive videos don't work but they do in youtube dl itself

xerox didn't bust their asses 40 years ago so i would be forced to type flags in a terminal window just to download a 4k fa*cam

Youtube-dl automatically grabs the highest audio/quality for you. It is only when you don't want the highest audio/quality then you have to type in your own options.



what are the chinkpoppers up to these days anyway?

she still exists you know
and she's doing stuff
be glad with that

>Momoland going on last
I thought you guys called them flops

the april fools fortune told me that we will.

does the current version then? because whatever one i have grabs 1080p max unless i put some bestvideo or whatever flags in

Why the fuck do you even need Boram's window? Just download the SRT, rename the SRT the same as your video file and you are done.

Attached: 1554345393053.jpg (999x1249, 90K)

that's quite a lot of stays. i guess miroh bring in some new fans.

objectively this comeback is a flop compared to baam
but theyre not dia tier


Attached: [선의-성소] 우정 굿나잇 (27).webm (454x616, 1.72M)

Nancys ass is never a flop

Attached: she_knows_0.webm (559x720, 2.88M)

Yes. Read the documentation, youtube-dl grabs the best quality/video unless specified otherwise.

photos like this is why I get heavy sponsorship vibes from MMLD

Attached: 0000053449_001_20181225085120410.jpg (2000x1333, 1.07M)

Attached: 56197351_831629423863946_3107193237913494819_n.jpg (1080x1350, 142K)

Attached: 091628677_26[1].jpg (3240x2160, 828K)

Its floppy

I feel like I have to post Dalshabet

Attached: akcjsndjdjddkjdjkm~98.jpg (642x432, 42K)

cub moggin

yeri mogging

even with the avatarshitter, nancy could still get it

just because she's phenomenally attractive and it's near certain some ceo offered too-good-to-refuse money for a night with her? yea i can see it

Attached: 1554345045750.jpg (1536x2048, 412K)

Don't forget the pictures of Nancy that were exclusively of her butt

the funny thing is that "I'm So Hot" without the chorus probably wouldn't be shat on so badly

i will always be a darling

Attached: 1494946394441.jpg (1500x1125, 160K)

got any woohee?


Attached: 1551121174725.webm (1104x960, 2.98M)

when a song is like 30% chorus, you can't get away with having a shit one

insane for jane


the finger gun choreo makes it so much cornier

user u are gonna make me cry

Chen gets his W
now the EXO-Ls can stop crying about him losing to IZ*ONE

Attached: Snap_1225154698932_01-02-30_01.jpg (1280x720, 264K)

the real winner here was mina for being so HOT

Attached: 1549099110824.jpg (840x837, 48K)


nibbling on that ear

the hat was a really cute touch

>gay mexican participating in korean trainee survival program
well that's one way to set yourself up for bullying

he didn't even know Korean fluently

the shit choreo is a funny contrast to the girls saying "michina michina nalina nalina" when the actual visual of the choreo conveys the opposite energy

oh god


mina couldnt handle me

Attached: IMG_9001.jpg (1000x1500, 972K)


goddamn why not just jump into a pool of sharks instead by that point

pinche Eddie puto

Attached: Dalshabet - JOKER.webm (1920x1080, 2.42M)

absolutely no doubt in my mind that's what they're doing, personally. You could argue they're a front for money laundering for organised crime or something, but if they're involved in organised crime anyway the likelihood of them also pimping out their female artists and trainees is almost certain anyway. With all the scummy things MBK have done over the years and that KKS dude who founded them being a gangster himself, I 100% guarantee Chaeyeon has had to take dozens of dicks.
momoland also definitely gives me that vibe. desu, most of the post-produce s1 groups apart give me that bad feeling. They all seem to come from shady-looking companies. If Doyeon, Sejeong, and Chaeyeon haven't been pimped out, I'll actually be shocked

its an enormous flop they were in like the 70-80 range on melon when they were in the top 100 for a short amount of time