ITT: albums you regret buying on vinyl.
ITT: albums you regret buying on vinyl
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>goes on the tower of terror once
>hmm what if we made shitty old jazz even more low quality and annoying
that album is worth at least $100 if you sell it on discogs, even the recent repressings
Just sell it
I got the purple vinyl btw, never gonna give it up
>Yea Forums suddenly hates The Caretaker
what the fuck happened??
They're contrarian fucks.
Assuming this isn't bait, that shit goes for $150 on discogs. Sell it.
Our taste got better
So why the majority of Yea Forums threads are about rap or pop
and rock
>buying vinyls
there's your problem
i thought this was a joke about the constant vinyl cracks that are already in the music, not an actual dislike of the album
>sample 20s dance hall music, filter it and add vinyl distortion
You missed the point
what was the point?
It was black Friday record store Day Canada. We had a postal strike meaning most of the records didn't even show up. I had 12 on my list they only had one and I panicked and picked up a sublime's greatest hits holy fuck dude it sucks it's cringy and it was warped too
It's meant to treat people with Dementia.
this is extremely false, you morons get stupider every day
Just because you write a paragraph about dude alzheimers lmao for your shitty album doesn't make it good. he proved himself as a hack after making another 5 albums of this trash
>Dream Theater falling into infinity, secondhand
Except that disc one was actually Bloodwyn Pig's ahead rings out
is this good enough to make it on the tracklist of an empty bliss beyond this world?
figures that elderly mental patients would be the only ones able to sit through 45 minutes of his garbage
kind of dislike the mixing they did on the vinyl
plus you have to turn the record around, interrupting the nonagon infinity
>he still buys vinyl
yeah how dare he support an artist he enjoys
That's not what I'm saying retard. I'm saying that vinyl is outdated and the worst possible medium you can buy
CD's are even worse and band shirts are mostly autistic, how else do I support a band apart from going to shows?
Besides, buying vinyl is about the feeling of having a record you really enjoy in a physical form
Also, if you buy a record and you spin it at home, you are almost forced to pay attention to the details, making for a more enjoyable listening experience
>buying vinyl is about the feeling of having a record you really enjoy in a physical form
The same applies to CDs, the only difference is that CDs don't get worn out
>b-but muh listening experience
fuck off, please
i dont really regret it since it have some good songs and got it for 5$, but its their worst album
By far the worst impulse buy I've ever made
Makes sense, you should've gotten Mind Fuzz instead. The four track run at the beginning is even better on vinyl.
Tame Impala - Currents
Think I've got a bootleg