One of these is overrated mediocrity and the other is a beautiful work of art. Can you figure out which is which?

One of these is overrated mediocrity and the other is a beautiful work of art. Can you figure out which is which?

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none of them are none of the things you said

loveless is shit music for incels. if you disagree, you're an incel, so you're opinion is invalid regardless

haha funny bait but honestly if anything itaots is more incel core

i've never listened to those records, don't even know the band/artist nor the album name of the one in the left

As much as I hate Loveless, ITAOTS is far, far worse

itaots is for everyone, including incels. it's everyonecore

>wanting to fuck
>wanting to fuck Anne Frank
Music is degeneracy

just have sex incel

fair enough but im just comparing it to loveless which has barely anything you could consider """incel""" in it


If you prefer lyrics you’ll prefer itaots
If you prefer music you’ll prefer loveless
Is this accurate?


theyre both 10/10 masterpieces and some of the best pieces of music to ever be released in their genres, especially loveless
and youre a retard on Yea Forums

Hmmm, and album full of obnoxious s-o-y folk or a shoegaze masterpiece with a wall of sound thicker than mom's grool.

I choose the latter.

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is this bait or are you brain dead

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I don't understand what people even get out of being a contrarian.

i genuinely think itaots is amazing, but loveless is boring as fuck

I'm guessing you prefer Paul McCartney's music over John Lennon's

haha yes wojak

Yeah dude, vacuum cleaners sound awesome!

both shit

In general maybe but I prefer Loveless' lyrics

Equally shit though?


Yeah in general is what I mean. I feel most of the praise for itaots comes down to the lyrics and mangums vocal sincerity, and most of the praise for loveless comes down to the instrumentation and production

You’re so white.

Name 5 shoegaze albums better than loveless, faggot

i wouldn't know. why would i subject myself to such torture?

Lmao embarrassing

Back to Yea Forums lad

loveless any day baby


Shit genre.

Back to /gay/ lad

you're allowed to like both. it implies nothing about your musical taste or knowledge and anyone who says otherwise is trying way too hard to be a contrarian supremacist.

fuck the semen album

Both are Yea Forumscore staples but only one is still posted on a daily basis. The other is forgotten. This should give you your answer.

which one?

I still listen to Loveless several times a year, I really liked ITAOTS at one point but haven't even thought about listening to it in years.
Then again I'm at a state of physical decay and constant pain due to disease that I only ever like soft and pleasant music now, NMH can be pretty upfront and grating


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