Pop punk is back.
Pop punk is back
Never liked penguinz0
>lol I am shitting out my nipples
>whoa deep voice saying some absurd idiocy
Wow hilarious, all my friends loved this idiot, never got it.
I think I loved it when I was like 14 and he was super early on in his youtube channel but when I got to like 17 it was extremely old and one note
Remember when he said he would never show his face
From the CoD fun tactics to this, what a fucking shift. He'll be making millions in the next years.
best song of 2k19
His face is handsome. He never should've revealed his height.
not going to listen. is it some joji-esque shit where an unfunny youtuber makes shitty uninspired music?
literally /thread
It's intentionally cringe and retarded, you people are stupid christ.
he looks like nick jonas too bad hes like 5'4
I said I wasn't going to listen you faggot. Purposeful retardation is way worse than unintentional retardation by the way
>jokes on you, i was only pretending to be retarded
how does this grab ya? I KNOW that, asshat, still doesn't make it entertaining.
that's why it's cringe
I'd give it a 6
Reminder his girlfriend is taller than him
What make this funnier is than Joji is trying while Charlie is just shitposting
>Joji is trying
and it's shit and uninspired. I didn't like/watch Filthy Frank when he was on YouTube but it's pretty fucking scummy how he more or less ditched an actual community of people who liked his content to shill shitty generic sadboy pop music
same, I liked it and thought it was funny and interesting when I was 16 and he used to be a lot more genuine before. Now he seems like a different person and someone who just imitates his former self for profit.
I don't like him at all anymore and I don't think he's that cool even. Maybe to logan paulers and other young fandoms he seems uber woke and cool when he says weird things and talks about masturbating.
However I am glad he made it out from a no one by himself and he's making 12-18k a month from twitch subs alone. A great story of someone who came from a place where he used to donate most of his earnings from youtube, but now just allows donations and stuff on his stream and worked his way to the top, where he can keep making the same content he used to make before and the same types of videos forever.
Sadly, he's already making millions. I happened across his twitch stream once and in the few minutes I was there he got like 50k in donations. Even though he's incredibly uncharismatic.
I don’t begrudge anybody their success. I don’t crack up at his videos anymore. I don’t know if he got less funny, or if I just got used to his shtick, but I’m happy he’s been able to make money off his stupid videos without really even trying.
Literally 'I am a Cuck - Tim Heidecker' but more ironic.
You sound fun, faggot
Joji's put his only good single on three separate records, pure faggotry
Honestly like the instrumentals a lot
Except Charlie's not a power tripping fag
ITT: jealous poorfags
Why do you care what dumb things people spend their money on? you sound like a cuck