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ITT: Stunningly beautiful albums
Austin Perez
Eli Howard
Levi James
Adrian Ortiz
Jeremiah Stewart
Logan Reed
Leo Smith
Ian Adams
Daniel Torres
Jace Long
I got you covered OP.
Sublime shit right here:
Ernst Reijseger:
Jack Jutson Mother Official (Ambient/Drone)
This sort of music is very difficult to find, I feel. Cheers from India. :)
Carter Lewis
Nicholas Morales
Fucking Based. Thanks for sharing. :)
Asher Gomez
Some bits remind me of Rahman's bombay theme.
Adam Morris
Ethan Martinez
Ian Wood
Too bad his singing sounds retarded and ruins the great instrumentals
Xavier Bailey
Nathan Campbell
awful post
Carter Perry
Another Green World
Julian Martin
James Flores
Every Slowdive and Mojave 3 album
Xavier Martin
I can p much guarantee you have some form of autism.
Brandon Scott
Angel Rogers
Unfathomably bad taste
Zachary Bailey
an obvious choice
Thomas Carter
Gavin Miller
If its obvious how can it be stunning dawg
Kayden Sanders
Landon Hall
are you familiar with the definition of stunning?
Joshua Russell
>causing astonishment or disbelief
Nothing thats on metacritic's overall list should be in this thread.
Jonathan Ramirez
Jason Sanchez
>the intro to lazy calm
Ryder Jackson
>thinking popularity and beauty are inversely proportional
Parker Cooper
how embarrassing
Jaxon Roberts
Dark, quirky, staggering and utterly completely beautiful
Adrian Wilson
Jack Johnson
That's not my point in the slightest. Why should I be astonished by anything that's made its way to the canon
Ian Edwards
>unironically believing mainstream success is somehow discrediting
Jason Rogers
too awful to even be bait
Brandon Lewis
Again not what I'm saying. Reread my posts, I haven't commented on the quality of any of these albums.
Hint: DSoM is a 10/10 for me but it's not stunningly beautiful. Beautiful, but not stunningly so.
Ian Ross
Adrian Lee
Bentley Williams
I'm not sure our understandings of the word stunning align my man. This album stuns me every time I listen to it.
Daniel Sanders
You need to learn how to speak English or else actually articulate your ideas better because you are conveying exactly what I’m giving back to you.
Aaron Wright
how based
Carson Young
Colton Ramirez
It's so fucking good, lads.
Cameron Rogers
i unironically agree
Daniel Sanchez
Brayden Carter
fuck yes
Lucas Morales
Cameron Jones
Gabriel Lopez
Ethan Watson
Evan Evans
Liam Martin
I agree on this one OP
Camden Richardson
This is a beautiful thread you know
Didn't know this one, the cover caught my eye, it's sounding pretty nice
Juan Cook
Wyatt Parker
this is the only good answer
Luis Reyes
Gg allin shit album
Camden Peterson
Great album
Colton Price
Charles Foster
that album really is stunning. thanks
Kayden Kelly
Kevin Jenkins
Owen Smith
Are you retarded?