ITT: Good albums that are overshadowed by an artist's more famous work.
ITT: Good albums that are overshadowed by an artist's more famous work
Evil is better than all of the songs off their debut.
Not on Yea Forums, but definitely in general
The New alone is better than all of antics combined
absolutely not
cringe and bluepilled
This and Bloodflowers
A Time To Be So Small is best Interpol song
You mean Not Even Jail
On Avery Island is the classic example of this.
not as good as spiderland but still
This album defines what you're talking about. Some brilliant songs on it like Stop Whispering and Anyone Can Play Guitar especially, but because it's simple straightforward guitar rock and not the dark, experimental, ambitious sound that defines Radiohead, people unfairly judge it in comparison to what would come later. In it's own right though, it's a very good 90s alt rock album.
>Have a Nice Life
aside from that, yes.
Tweez is a better record than Spiderland depending on the mood. It really rips off Big Black though and obviously Spiderland has more impressive guitar work
based and truthpilled, snail is a bop
This album outshines everything that came before it, drums are its weak point but still better than previous efforts. Great lyrics and themes. Easy listen.
hard agree, those two are incredible
What's interpolantics?
No, also murder of the universe is better
Dammit is a bop
I thought this album had better songwriting compared to their later albums, especially their second album.
Good picks