Scaruffi has better taste than you. :)

Scaruffi has better taste than you. :)

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I know for a fact he doesn't.

I'm equal cause I stole my taste from him

How do you measure taste?

I'm scaruffi but not a doomer.

It's immeasurable. It can only be either good or bad. And mine is better than Ruffi.

I drone him, so our tastes are about the same quality.

He has literally zero valid criticisms. Only his opinions passed off as fact by him.



he likes underage girls, so I don't think taste applies

>his opinions passed off as fact
What does this even mean?

read his thoughts on subjects outside of music on his site and you realize he is narcistic and all his opinions and thoughts are him coping, really immature philosophy, high school level politics etc etc. In every subject he tries so hard to be contrarian its p pathetic

>giving Limp Bizkit a 7 out of 10 is good taste

if you don't then that means he has better taste in girls than you

he gave Avenged Sevenfold's debut a 7 as well
face it Yea Forums, scaruffi is out of touch

His taste is almost as good as mine (pic related)

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those albums are unironically as good as any Beatles or Radiohead album

no they're not
have a free (You)

The fact that Joanna Newsom's Have One On Me isn't a 9.5 shows just how far really Scaruffi is from being considered a serious critic.

he will make it a 9 within the next 5-10 years

screencap this

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