How do I get an artsy gf lads?

How do I get an artsy gf lads?

Seriously, what do I wear, what do I do, what do I believe, what do I listen to?

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>i want to change myself entirely to get a girlfriend who likes me for the persona i create for myself
have you tried just being yourself?

Be very attractive, have a lot of friends, be physically fit, have a lot of money. All women are attracted to the same things, they don't give a shit whether or not you listen to the Smiths.

yeah and it ain't working chief

be yourself but change certain aspects :)
try putting yourself out there more

>be very attractive
I'm an average looking manlet :(
>have lots of friends
I have like...8
>physically fit
I'm not shredded but I have a nice physique
>lot of money
I'm upper middle class, barely

... I'm fucked aren't I

[spoiler] unironically going to go to more live music events, even if it's by myself. I guess that's a step forward

i lift and shit and i think i have a decent personality but i never go outside or put myself out there so its all for nothing
gotta figure out how to change that

She's wearing a Hellhammer longsleeve but it's painfully fucking obvious she hasn't listened to them in her fucking life.

Just be attractive and intelligent enough to hold a conversation. I'm a burned out acid head army veteran and I'm able to pull art hoes with ease. I don't have shit going for me but my looks. It goes a long way with shallow women.

don’t change your nigger self for a shitty one dimensional novelty girlfriend. Love your nigger self and find a girl who also loves your nigger self

go to concerts


>tfw book smart but not actually smart

I have no idea how to have an intelligent conversation if it's not about politics or religion. I'm not a total (keyword: total) autist, though

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>going to concerts alone

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Take my gold kind stranger! :)

>be tall
>be social

I'm a diagnosed aspie. I learned in therapy how to mirror others in conversation and ask open ended questions. The information is out there.

If you personality is so garbage and you're such a fucking sperg that you can't attract a thot, you don't deserve to have a girlfriend. Also,
/thread, fpbp

>tfw matched with an art hoe today
what do

One of the best shows I've ever been to I was alone and 16. I made friends with this 21 year old girl who was really into Thee Oh Sees she was cute too :)

Be nice without being a complete spineless cuck. Express interest in what they like. Show them your interest without being pretentious and disparaging. Try to be humble. Tell a good joke every once in a while.

Im digging this "large round wire frame glasses on cute girls" thing happening lately.

delete your Yea Forums account

I’m a tall, social, attractive young man, but I I didn’t get a single hit trying to attract someone from a large pool of 40 year old married women. What did I do wrong?

>being this insecure
I'm honestly not a sperg, I think I'm pretty normal and personable. I'm just usually consumed with classwork and rarely have time to be social...

Then wait to get out of school, fuckshit. Focus on your studies and jack off in the meantime or match for a quick fuck on tinder. Besides, that's not true, because you could be socializing instead of fucking talking to high schoolers pretending to be 20-somethings on Yea Forums.

be a lesbian

nice humble brag
kill yourself, normalfaggot

not worth it bro

This but without the humble and nice part

this. if you wanna talk about politics or philosophy or music i can ramble on for hours but if im just trying to have a regular conversation i just...cant. its not even that im nervous or anything i dont know what to say and my brain kinda just shuts off. its ruined so many chances ive had to get girls or hell, even just make friends


Stop being autistic. Usually a good start.


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u rite

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Based hoofposter

Gotta chill, star. Your brain’s overactive.

My recommendation is try to be more empathetic. When you’re chatting with people, think a little more about their experience and how they feel, and try and take interest in that. Conversations which maybe feel frivolous to you are liked by other people for that reason, they contain emotional and social information which you can choose to actively take interest in and participate in.

If you struggle socially, it probably won’t be easy, but it’s achievable on some level for just about anyone, I promise. And remember, girls love empathy and guys who listen and pay attention to their emotions.

go do something regular.
otherwise youll have nothing to say.

no one wants to talk about the relation of cy twombly's paintings to Rauschenberg's - but they do want to talk about the relationship to Homer - see what I mean?

learn to cook. everyone eats.
even better - have a kid - everyone loves kids.

>normalfags talk about nothing but relationships
>tfw no past relationships so have nothing to talk about
this is worse than the 3 years experience required for entry level jobs meme

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>bringing up past relationships when talking to someone you're interested in

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what did she change her insta name to

nah my guy i think its the opposite, my brain isnt active enough. its not that i think too much into it or anything, in the moment i could give a fuck about the conversation and i forget about it shortly after. its just that usually when talking to girls ill open up with a good few lines asking about something and usually get really enthusiastic responses which means that im not doing everything wrong. its just after we exchange a few sentences it just falls into silence as i literally dont know what to ask. what hurts the most is that i see and feel the other person wanting me to say more, they still have their attention fully towards me and such, yet i just...blank. at this point i realize its too far gone and just turn away and move on. i just wish other people would keep the conversation going but being the one initiating it im expected to keep it going. ive had girls initiate conversation with me and even then sometimes i cant keep it going, i dont know what it is because when i talk to friends i literally talk too much yet with random women im dumb as fuck

dont even know what happened either, i used to be suuuuper open and social and then when i hit college something happened to me. i think i need to stop smoking weed i honeslty feel like its made me slow as fuck

I just found a Cy for 27 million us on christies . . .

I want to cum on a twombly

Maybe. Sounds kind of like an anxiety spiral to me, where you clamp up and can’t think of anything because you can’t stop thinking of how you ought to be able to think of something but can’t, but you know your situation better than me. My advice is always just to chill, keep things relaxed


Redpill me on art gfs. I really want them to be introspective and into the same sorts of things I am, but I have this nagging feeling that they're just as shallow as most women, only they listen to more obscure music and like hanging out at coffee shops. Is it even worth it? I don't have anything to relate to normie women with, my interests are autistic.

hmm that could be it but the thing is i dont feel anxious at all, i feel like i dont care enough. like on the spot if i cant think of anything ill just be like "ok whatever lol" and go on with my night and have a lot of fun. its when i get home and the loneliness starts to creep in that i start to become a mess

maybe its a matter of me not having enough energy or something, i just couldnt force myself to think of good responses/questions. might honestly start doing blow or taking adderall or something

at least where i live ive found girls that are kinda socially awkward and like noise/punk/experimental shit. went to a party one time and duster was on

>at least where i live ive found girls that are kinda socially awkward and like noise/punk/experimental shit. went to a party one time and duster was on
fuck how do I get invited to parties like these?

Listen to Mac DeMarco, Billie Eilish, The Smith's, and Arctic Monkeys.

Only do this if you want an annoying alt-normie gf

live in brooklyn and go to underground shows and/or make art school friends ahah

doesnt happen often at all tho, most parties i go to are all normies who blast trap. i dont mind it at all actually, when im fucked up ill bump that shit hard but it was just nice seeing people that had similar tastes to me. problem with those people is that they can be kinda really pretentious and super closed off to everyone except their clique. i mean if you like that type of shit theres a high chance youre somewhat socially awkward lol. however youll find some dope people who are willing to open up and be friendly

>I guess that's a step forward
Yeah, eventually you gonna find some cunt who likes you, and you gonna hang the fuck out with him, then with his buddies, and then theirs. great decision, user

Why the fuck would you want one?

I don't like when people say this, but you really need to go back. Music isn't about your consumistic hedonism. Music is about appreciation for the sound in all of it's forms and beauty. Sure, listening to music makes you feel good for a little while sometimes, but if you're doing it solely for the sake of feeling good and not gaining anything from it (whether it be new ways of thinking about the sounds around you or new ways of understanding other music) then there isn't much of a point to you being here. Genuinely, go to /r/indieheads or something, they will be more than happy to entertain your vapid and hedonistic approach there.

99% of artsy GFs are larpers trying to live out a lifestyle fantasy authentic in attempt alone. They dressed a bit emo ten years ago, then got into scene, a little bit outdoorsy / preppy, then got artsy, and now are transitioning into nike.

You'll find the majority of them are just as boring a person as you are and the whole art-flair aesthetic is one feminine hill of individuals trying to one-up each other in eccentricity and individuality.

>consumistic hedonism
fuck you no one buys music


Probably means streetwear

Enhance 224 to 176.
Move in, stop.
Pull out, track right, stop.
Center in, pull back.
Stop. Track 45 right.
Enhance 15 to 23.

Give me a hard copy right there.

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Fuck sad world where streetwear is hot

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these girls are fucking awful, it has to be incels posting these shitty threads because no one else wants to be anywhere near these cunts

yeah 30mins of sex is good but you better leave quick before she decides to stream some shitty 720p david lynch movie on her food stained macbook screen with a bunch of itunes notifications and shit popping up all over the screen and ads for the shitty streaming site she uses going off every 30 mins. meanwhile shes clearly forcing herself to "watch" the movie because she read lynch is a good director on some shitty blog and sits on her phone the whole time with vibrate on

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>too autistic to get obscure internet reference

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>tfw no Lynch watching artsy gd

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It’s called Tinder


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they only fuck white guys, the chad ones
they will not say it openly, in fact they will say they only fuck black guys, but that's to protect their image
yes, they spread their legs for minorities when they have a one nights stands to deal with their white guilt, but that's just that, a one night stand. you really should just avoid them.