Uhhh... yes, I'm patrician now. AMA

Uhhh... yes, I'm patrician now. AMA

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add me antiwarhol :(

Isn't he dead?

how do you deal with the back ache from taking all those e-peens?

t. seething pleb lmao

post collage

No You're the fucking retart

>No You're the fucking retart

You got a problem with me ?

No u

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Based Chart.

now post with names

I literally know zero (0) of these records
Hipster victory for you I guess

Tell me about the joys

based milk from cheltenham aka the only album i recognize here

" " ∞

god this aesthetic is so boring and tired out
why don't you try actually putting yourself out there and listening to what you want instead of droning blogspot and antiwonton for the 3 millionth time


definition of tryhard

There's one thing and one thing only that we could do to immensely improve this board, instantly, overnight, and that's facilitate more discussion about AntiWarhol. Make posts about him, reply to the ones that exist, guide the discussions, and make sure they stay on track. If we're here to discuss music, ultimately, we are here to discuss AntiWarhol. There is no way for a person to grasp the full implications of the site and not realize this. We're talking about the most patrician RYMer that ever existed. You must realize this. It's not a joke anymore. We're seeing the world degenerate further and further into chaos, and we're standing by and watching it happen. You want to fix this board? You want to fix the world? You want to fix your life? You need only take one step: drone AntiWarhol. There is no substitute for hard work, and that's what Rich requires of you if you are to understand his taste. If you are to understand not just it, but the world. We're not talking about "those types", irrelevant random xd bullshit on a useless forum, or the joys of having no friends or hobbies or life. We're talking about saving our lives. We're talking about meditating on God. We're talking about communing with the primary presence. This is not an issue to be treated lightly.

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Fry Me Up Some Dubs

have u heard of the cure, they're really cool

you added me today too