
Schumann edition: Discuss the fucker, his works and his merits

>General Folder #1. Renaissance up to 20th century/modern classical. Also contains a folder of live recordings/recitals by some outstanding performers.
>General Folder #2. Mostly 20th century/modern with other assorted bits and pieces
>General Folder #3. Renaissance up to early/mid-20th century. Also contains a folder of Scarlatti sonate and another live recording/recital folder.
>General Folder #4. Renaissance up to late 19th century
>General Folder #5. Very eclectic mix
>General Folder #6. Deutsche Grammophon stuff. Also there's some other stuff in here.
>Renaissance Folder #1. Mass settings
>Renaissance Folder #2. Motets and madrigals (plus Leiden choirbooks)
>Debussy Folder.
>Jewish Folder
>Opera Folder. Contains recorded video productions of about 10 well-known operas, with a bias towards late Romantic
>Book Folder #1. Random assortment of books on music theory and composition, music history etc.
>Book Folder #2. Comprehensive list of the most important harpsichord and piano pieces through history

Recordings by user: (Cross-thread)

Previosuly on

Attached: Robert-Schumann-facts.jpg (577x692, 137K)

Other urls found in this thread:


thank god for new thread jesus

Oh look, another episode of pseudo-intellectual garbage unworthy of being saved spouted ad nauseum in this disgusting pit of filth.

You might as well put in the thread rules that nothing posted here may have over 10,000 views, as that might show it has quality, and quality is counter-intuitive to your bullshit degree in musical theory.

so yall cowards too scared to discuss my niggas operas

You say that like the cancer stops with the discontinuation of the previous thread. I'm afraid not. Observe:


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not if you stop talking like a nigger.

Whatcha think bout Schumann, user?
His two operas, even though the second went unfinished, are amongst the top five best of the XXth century. Lulu is possibly the last good opera, period.

You guys like castration?

2 MILLION VIEWS?!?!?!?!?!?!?

TOO MAINSTREAM!!!!!!!!!!!1111111

Come back when u got 3 views kid

2 million people love castration.

I love Current 93

Discuss Schumann you bunch of eunuchs

D'you think Brahms ever hit that after hubbie snuffed it?

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Every piece of Schumann's music just sounds like a collection of schizophrenically unrelated themes haphazardly strung together, with no development, and no discernible line of continuous musical idea.

>a collection of schizophrenically unrelated themes haphazardly strung together
that sounds fucking AMAZING

favorite beethoven bagatelle?

Well, I mean, he WAS sort of crazy

this is a schumann thread faget

Almost certainly.

What does user think of Schumann's one and only opera?

>Discuss the fucker

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I'd like to think so

Robert Schumann


>not Schumann
what the fuck are you doing

Currently practising this for an exam

do they give you a title of sorts if you pass or what? something like "Big Pianist"?

10/10 incredibly based.

The disc was released by a label called 'La Scala Bookstore' and also has some 'Caffarel' branding. Does anyone know what it is and if there are more recordings like this available anywhere?

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Beethoven is underrated

opinions on this?


are you retarded? passing piano classes is obligatory for any music related subject. However, he could also aim to be "big pianist" and study piano, what's the point of your question anyway?

I think this guy used to post here



absolutely awful

I saw it posted on /vr/ the other day

His piano pieces and lieds are great, but everytime he did something that required orchestration, everything fell apart. Anyway, his symphonies are most charming failures ever.

Shut the fuck up Hans

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Half the challenge of conducting a Schumann Symphony is trying to figure out just what's the purpose of anything at all, it's so obtuse and dense and mushy it hurts. I'll say he had some good chamber works, though.


Wozzeck is pretty good. Lulu is better even if it wasn't finished and it's the last great opera.

>*fucks your wife*

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Bartok and Stravinsky are shit.

Fuck you.

there is no distinct evidence to suggest this
even though brahms probably had a huge body count, i think he respected rob enough
clara was probably sound too

>the last good opera
not Weinberg? the passenger is pretty solid

Johannes and Clara might've fucked once, but I don't think they stuck to a relationship, and in any case it was a mixture of both respecting themselves and Robert plenty. I think Robert was one of the few people Johannes actually respected.



Could this be the most worthless, vapid piano music ever produced?

Fellow Baroquechads what do you think of the "one singer per choral line theory"?
>He is famed among classical musicians and aficionados for his increasingly influential theory that most of Bach's choral works were sung with only one singer per choral line. Rifkin argued: "So long as we define 'chorus' in the conventional modern sense, then Bach's chorus, with few exceptions, simply did not exist."[2]

Even if this is correct I think this is a wrong approach for Bach since Bach always wanted more players and more singers but he was limited by the budget of his church
But dont get me wrong I love the HIP Movement without them we wouldn't have recordings of Obscure Baroque composers

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OVPP is shit


take this you Gould haters, quads don't lie

>when you listen to theme and variations and there are repeats at EVERY variation

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Brandenburg concertos have such an amazing flow. Is there anything else like it?

Buxtehude trio sonatas

Zelenka trio sonatas

Corelli trio sonatas

Petzold trio sonatas

Bach trio sonatas

Post Mozart's weirdest


Left out Dissonance Quartet because the piece on the whole is rather conventional.

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You've obviously not heard Hindemith's Operas then.

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1) They're fucking piano etudes dude. I think Hanon is more vapid.
2) I actually enjoy listening to these more than, say, the Scriabin etudes.

>Even if this is correct I think this is a wrong approach for Bach since Bach always wanted more players and more singers but he was limited by the budget of his church
Maybe he wanted more but he wrote for what he had. When the orchestra or chorus gets too big and the sound is thick it's noticeably more difficult to follow the polyphony, which would probably require a different approach to composing altogether.

Oh another "what could have been" Cope of Mozartfags I see

Listen to something that is actually weird and "ahead of its time" here

>posts the fucking Gross Fuge for the zillionth time

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Why do you have to be such an asshole? These threads are anonymous, we're here to talk about classical music, not to grow our e-peens. There's no need to try to turn everything into a competition.

Hahaha, look at him go!


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>Why do you have to be such an asshole
Kill yourself sissy faggot we are on Yea Forums go bach to reddit


>console wars with composers
>How about instead of 3 relatively obscure Mozart pieces we just talk abut 1 Beethoven meme piece everyone already knows

Besides there is plenty of weird Beethoven waiting to be heard.


Mozart is shit

Trips of truth

Any last words?

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Mozart is shit



Based Gould

enough of this samefaggotry

that fugue is bizarre, it almost sounds like a student piece. really interesting the way he was trying to come to terms with counterpoint.
I don't like the way schiff plays that gigue, it sounds really harsh

>only abusive hardcore edgelords allowed on my Yea Forums!
You must be over 18 to post on this website.

>Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge + FACE
>not just Every Faggot Gay Ass Boy Cunt Deserves Endless Fucking

Music theory is dumb

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>only abusive hardcore edgelords allowed on my Yea Forums!
Thats the way it was before redditors like you came

No, that's the way it was before we all turned 17

Mozart is shit

yes Mr. Sherman, everything is shit.

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Based dubs

> The pianist Alfred Brendel has described it as "the greatest of all piano works".
Do you think this is just swagger?

Listening to Medtner. You?

This thread was much better before you showed up and polluted it with your bullshit trolling. It would improve if you were hit by a car. Think about that.

You could try posting something of value

Mozart is shit

I thought you just meant the fugue. If we're talking about the whole piece, I don't see any controversy.

What Medtner piece are you listening?
Me? I'm sadly not listening to anything right now

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The first piano concerto. Are you wageslaving at this moment?

I mean I like the Diabelli variations but to say it's a greater piece than any of his sonatas is really strange to me, especially as a listener. Unless by great he means big? There's this tendency of people to rate counterpoint above more modern idioms that I just don't understand.

Schoenberg said it was his most harmonically adventurous work (not even just of his piano repertoire). It doesn't seem to have an incredible lot to do with the counterpoint exclusively.

>Schoenberg said
Stopped reading right there

Maybe but again there's this idea that most complicated = greatest. I guess I'm just not a jaded enough pianist.

Reminder that music died with Bach.

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Yes, but whom was it born with?

Anonymous IV

thanks for giving me my due credit

You earned it.

Yes, but whom did it loose its virginity with?



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Gesualdo or Gombert

can you recommend any good songs/pieces for multiple voices (not with a choir but as in duetts or terzets...)?

Mozart has a sextet in Don Giovanni (Sola Sola in Buio Loco) and the finales of Act I and II (Riposate vezzose ragazze, Ah dov'e il perfido)



lolwut? appreciating anachronistic music is "jaded"?

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That's a bad fuck

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The more complex the counterpoint and harmonies the better the music is

this but unironically

>it almost sounds like a student piece.

Okay, Grug

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Thanks for your contribution, fuckslut

Donm't mention it, earlet

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Fine, the last truly great opera then

Robert Schumann

No, and I don't totally mean it in a deragatory way. I mean pianists like Brendel who are so familiar with the repertoire see things in a different way, where the drama and surprise of the sonatas lose some of their effect.

Half of Mozart's ouvre is boring and shallow

but his oeuvre is so huge that the good half is immense and excellent so it works out in our favour

Why is Schoenberg so bad but Berg so good

You'd be LUCKY if the worst thing a critic could call a piece you wrote when you were eight years old was shallow. The only thing that's changed is composers today keep their lesser works in a desk.

He's easier on the ears, not better

That's like another user who said he meant "proactive" in a derogatory way. That's just not valid the English language. Similarly you can't mean "jaded" in a non-derogatory way.

surely you can do both and more

>schoenberg bad

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taht man has some sort of gland disease doesn't he

no, the derogatory version of "proactive" is "overzealous" and the nonderogatory version of "jaded" is "accustomed"

but the way language works, I can literally mean anything in any way I want. I can use "faggot" as a flattering term and "honourable" as a derogatory term. I can do what I want, that's language baby

>the derogatory version of
Those are just vague synonyms though, like you were using a thesaurus to find similarly themed words, and none of the two pairs sound either pejorative nor complimentary

>Schoenberg bad

who else here likes Op 25?

control your autism
And I mean that in a derogatory way

>I mean that in a derogatory way
....but did you?

Not really. I love Schoenberg but that feels like one of his less comprehensible works

nothing can top Op 16, 26 and 30 (I'll readily admit I quite like Moses Und Aron)

Bunch of cretins. Just be grateful you don't have to speak a romance language where nouns have associations with particular genders and there are also derogatory nouns and all of those happen to be the female versions.

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>you don't have to speak a romance language
>implying I don't

>nothing can top Op 40, 42, and 45


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Be honest with me, anons.
What do you think about Wagner's music?

One of the great 4

It goes on a bit too long, but it's great. Definitely the best operas of the mid-19th century. He sucked absolute dick at everything else, though.

>He sucked absolute dick at everything else, though.
this cannot be stressed enough

Chillax. Everyone knows music is one of the worst mediums but it's still pretty nice.

>Less comprehensible works
I don't get this claim, the rhythms make it very accessible to me. It reads like a dark musical comedy to me, the death of Wien. But maybe I just really like this performance

Who needs to be good at anything else when 10 consecutive operas you wrote can each be consided a pinnacle of the genre (Flying Dutchmab through Parsifal)

Even compared to Op. 11 or even Op. 19 it just sounds like a crazy mess to me. I don't find the same harmonic impulse that I find in those other works.

Composers who want to be good at more than one thing, maybe? Tchaikovsky also wrote some of the best operas of the XIXth century, but also some of the best symphonies and definitely the best ballets. He's worth more as a composer than Wagner, even if all of his operas put together aren't as much a "pinnacle" as one of Wagner's

Who the fuck knows Tchaikovsky for his opera? Even his contemporaries have rightfully better known operas.

What are you listening to right now, /classical/?

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>Composers who want to be good at more than one thing, maybe
Not really relevant to be honest. A composer should write what he wants, and write it well. There's no inherent reason why a composer should want to be better at more than one thing. Quality>quantity (of works or styles)
>Tchaikovsky's worth more as a composer than Wagner
Not really considering he never reached the heights Wagner did with anything, even if he had a more varied catalogue

I mean, the harmony doesn't stick with me either, but I can still hear his voice in it. A feeling of being profoundly mentally unsettled.
It drags a lot more than his better stuff in the longer pieces, though

>Who the fuck knows Tchaikovsky for his opera?
>Not really considering he never reached the heights Wagner did with anything
ok boyos

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Generic gym music playing here

favorite recordings?

I don't know from recordings because I get all my music on youtube. Generally when it comes to Schoenberg there isn't much to pick from.

for Op 16

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>I get all my music on youtube

Attached: dog.png (256x222, 117K)

fwiw though, I do strongly prefer the Kubilek/Brendal interpretation of the Piano Concerto. I especially like how terse the cadential chord is, feels much more satisfying than the drawn-out ones in other interpretations.

Yeah, I can't be assed with torrenting in general. I only torrent software.


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Are you just going to keep posting reaction images to every form of music platform available?

just fucking download soulseek already


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>uploading shit
Lol slsk doesn't even have what I want

I would never have such an ugly icon on my desktop

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>every form

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It has everything by Schoenberg for starters, since you were complaining there isn't much to pick from there. But regardless, what can you possibly want that you can't find it there? I think you just don't know how to get it to work.

I'm not him you fucking bucket

I wasn't exactly "complaining". I find youtube usually has what I want. Generally I don't make a point of listening to multiple interpretations if one seems serviceable enough. I only poke around if the piece is among my favorites, like Schoenberg's Piano Concerto. That's not to say I just go with the first thing in the results. I usually have a shortlist of names for any particular composer+instrumentation.

then why reply to me you dickless

But youtube compresses everything to like 64kbps

I don't give a fuck about sound quality. Sometimes I even prefer midi to an actual performance because it distills the notes on the page into a purer mathematical form.

Every composer (and pretty much every artist) is a beta faggot who turns to 'art' as escapism because they can't get love sex or social stability


>I don't give a fuck about sound quality.
>Sometimes I even prefer midi

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I hope you mean 'weak' in a way that doesn't refer to "bait" because I'm absolutely serious. That is just how autistic I am.

>Mathias der Maler, the opera
Personally the most underrated opera.

>That is just how autistic I am.
nah, otherwise you wouldn't even be here

I think the plebs are the ones that need "muh acoustics" and "muh dyanmics" instead of appreciating the music for the melody, harmony and rhythm. Midi is fucking patrician dude. Bach was made for sinewaves.

yeah yeah



Guess composers were plebs too then because most of them cared about acoustics and dynamics quite a bit, many of them composing for specific venues in particular

He would be easily in my top 10 if he decided to give form even a passing glance. I feel in one way that's part of his style, what with his work being structured from narratives, but if you look elsewhere he just starts collapsing and extremely quickly at that. And that ability to construct a cathedral out of music is what draws me in to erudite music anyhow.

>Quality>quantity (of works or styles)
This reads like Dvorak's essay on Schubert.



Here's a superior version


This but unironically

Poulenc's woodwind chamber music.

kill yourself

I said "sometimes" I prefer midi. Obviously, like any sensible person I find real interpretations to be worth listening to as well. On the other hand I could give two fucks about how compressed my audio is (unless it starts getting bitcrushed).

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>like any sensible person
Nothing you've said so far gives you the right to consider yourself within such a group.


Meh tier symphony, and I liked it at first some years ago

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Glass yourself

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dude it's far less than meh, even Strauss' symphony n2 is less embarrassing

De Bussy :DDDDD

>blocks your path

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If I remember well I read a review in which was told that clara schumann heard the work and told Robert when he would write a symphony too

>Grug say sex answer to all of life's questions

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Post cursed pictures

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It's not an answer it's just better
no one that gets sex would care about what "life's questions" fucking are


>no one that gets sex would care about what "life's questions" fucking are
Only a turbovirgin would think this

Sad part is is that Horowitz is a truly mediocre Scriabin player, and I say that as someone who likes Horowitz generally speaking
Fuck he had the perfect technique for the 5th sonata and he blew it with that awful interpretation

So why don't you

>12 year old tier burn
have some decency

>Sometimes I even prefer midi

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Imagine actually believing this (btw I know you don't really ;^) ).

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Wow destroyed
Dude give it up he ruled you

>roy harris
Whoa, double based

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>At Bible study
>Question: "What is "the peace that surpasses all understanding?"
>My answer: "Communion with the Holy Spirit who is the indwelling presence of God"
>Profligate user's answer: "Durr Sex, right?"

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but what if you could commute with the Holy Spirit AND have sex with it? It would objectively be better

Only a loser would be at fucking Bible studies for instance is what I'm saying

Do you really expect us to believe that multiple people, let alone in the /classical/ general are going along with this ridiculous premise?

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it's most likely a third poster trying to make everyone look dumber

Based and Christpilled

Cringe and Satanpilled

God's not real

since when is wanting to have sex with the Holy Spirit satanic??

prove it

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>what is burden of proof

It's the other way round, you have to prove he's real.

since speaking impiously of God has been blasphemous. So since the foundation of the world, pal.

1. Nothing can came from nothing, therefore a creator must exists, not even religion just logic
2. From the mere idea of perfection one can conceive the idea of God as the supreme greatnes and perfection, therefore must exist because the idea of perfection both mentally and material planes is more perfect than just mentally

>r&m posting
let's not

Those basic-ass ideas have been disproven time and time again. If you're going to theologise do it properly with non-joke authors

I'm the guy who started posting the Christian stuff and even I think this kind of question-begging argument is retarded. Schismatics and apologetics were a mistake.

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>since speaking impiously of God has been blasphemous
That shit's arbitrarily decided in fucking councils, which have decided that anything that's not catholic or orthodox is blasphemous, so fuck that. And that still doesn't mean it's "satanic"

I want God to fuck me and that's as pious as anthing else.

You haven't disproven anything you just went
>muh basic-ass ideas

>You haven't disproven anything
no doy you fucking 2/10 weakass bitch

What about J.S. Bach?

No only Bach, every Baroque and Renaissance composer
Their lives depended on writing music

Based and Orthodoxpilled

>Nothing can came from nothing
>therefore a creator must exist
Jumping to conclusions there bud
> From the mere idea of perfection one can conceive the idea of God as the supreme greatnes and perfection, therefore must exist because the idea of perfection both mentally and material planes is more perfect than just mentally
This is literally just Descartes' Ontological argument and Kant already disproved this ages ago (which I'm sure you know) and many didn't even buy before him. What are you even trying to do

>What are you even trying to do
troll and shitpost generally

where did the creator come from?


>Jumping to conclusions there bud
Yes, it's known as the efficient cause in sciences,which as happened a lot of times before reasearch could find how worked fully process (which usually take much more time)

I admit I was shitposting with the ontological argument of Descartes

Got me there buddy. Third man argument

And they were fat ugly old white men





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Hardly a Chad

Robert Schumann

looks pretty chad to me

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Is he right /classical/?

I bet he wasn't even 6'3

who gives a shit

Probably Hill lol.

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lol why would you waste your time making this? Nobody thinks Von Bulow is better than Wagner, that is, if they even know of Von Bulow in the first place.

Why is he so pathetic?

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it's a joke me and a friend came up with because von bülow conducted wagner's music and he fucked his wife

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>me and a friend
You did this all alone shut up you otaku loser

>goes against centuries of musical academia with logic and facts
>Treats major composers irreverently (freely makes his own trinity without giving a fuck what anyone thinks)

Sounds like a Chad to me.

Attached: Deal_With_It.jpg (209x241, 5K)

it was me and a friend and im not an otaku

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>feels the need to post his trinity online for others to see
Sounds like a Virgin

fuck off, Hill.

Now Fuck off Hill

>the fat crosdresser faggot as a chad

>without caring what anyone thinks

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Nintenfag is right, adults don't care. Thing is Hill posted that comment at all because he DOES care what others think, thus making him tonights big virgin

cringe, stop posting here Hill


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Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner

What the fuck is a "Hill Dueceua" anyway? I'm convinced nobody has ever existed or been imagined with a name like that in the entire history of human insanity.


just saw a selection of Mahlerian des knaben wunderhorn lieder
he really is a master orchestrator

Wait a second, what is this? What the fuck is this?

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I have no idea

>Larping as a half-poo deep-south Boomer

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tb h id rather have that than central cello arrangement

In my defense, I thought that Liszt had lived into his 90s for some reason. I think its plausible Mozart could have touched on a maximally chromatic language if he were alive in the mid-1800s.

HillDueceua is that you?

composers ARE plebs

probably can't even use protools

I don't think its a big secret that I'm usually active in the general.

Why would you do that? Why? I can understand here on this general but why youtube?

Because I'm trying to deprogram the normalfags of course

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>trying to dress monkeys in people's clothes and get them to use forks and poo in loos
why waste your time, to what end, what do you gain from it

based, woke and redpilled

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too bad the jews still own the world huh

the jews are clearly the master race, otherwise they wouldn't be so powerful in spite of being hated and attacked pretty much everywhere

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Reminds me of this

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that's pretty much the Nazi spirit though

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your post only further confirms that jews are behind everything and own us all, my dude

Not blond enough.

that's not his hair, that's the Yellow Triangle Of Post-Modern Chadness and it's the contemporary equivalent of that outrageous jacket Palestrina is wearing

go fuck yourself, hill

Are there any recordings of Operas without vocals? Just the music. I think that'd be terribly interesting

He out-Wagnered Wagner in every way.


terribly uninteresting*

sorry, typo

There are a few up on YouTube. Just search "opera name+ orchestral"


excellent contribution, if only you weren't so fucking cringey, my man

The ring cycle would be a thousand times better (that is, pretty ok) if it were only the music T B H F A M

incorrect, ring without words isn't bad, just mediocre compared to a good singer


Moses Und Aron > Lulu

the ring is shit as it is, it'd be less shit without the singing

I don't know man. Why does anyone comment on anything? I'm not really all that married to the whole anonymity thing. If one discussion platform is anonymous while another one requires registration then so be it. Sometimes I just like to comment on the music or throw my hat in the ring with some tangential discussion already going on. I also joined a classical Discord server. Poly's there. He's actually a pretty swell guy when you get to know him.

no more games and no more bullshit. who does art of fugue the best?

Imagine being as wrong as humanly possible.

>Only jews would have a problem with one of the most despotic regimes in the history of the modern world.

I can't, sorry.



t. operalet

Back to discord faggot

t. Wagnigger

Attached: tldr.gif (350x232, 1.48M)

>discord bad

Attached: 1545357433633.png (544x609, 126K)

shut the fuck up

you're a laughing stock, I hope you realise

So poly and Hill were discord trannys all along

literally who

the real embarrassing part is when you followed along with G*uld's mindset on the 40th symphony, nevermind that tone rows in music are at least as old as Bach lol

there are far more interesting things going on in the 40th symphony so stop trivializing it with your gay appeals to tradition

This is a real picture of Poly btw. Taken from his discord.

Attached: poly screenshot.png (944x538, 518K)

Wagchad you mean

>being even remotely aware of people on an anonymous imageboard
seriously literally who

Nope. The only people who think there's anything "chad" about Wagner are impotent manchildren and tourists.

Even Wagner admitted himself that he was following Liszt. Well. Harmony-wise, at least. The rest is owed to the French.

It's too bad that Liszt was less than good insofar as his orchestral writing went. Though thankfully we don't need an orchestra for his best works (the late works)


Whatever I am, I'd like to remind everyone here that I never promoted my identity, namefagged or tripfagged. You guys screenshotted my comments and started calling me by my youtube handle, so this is all /classical/'s fault collectively. Also me being the new CWJ, what the hell does that have to do with Discord? As reddity as Discord may be, its still the only viable platform to keep in contact with online friends and acquaintances. Who the hell is using still using Skype except literal boomers?



sorry but this is Poly.

Attached: Clown_Minus_Jest.jpg (640x640, 332K)

>its still the only viable platform to keep in contact with online friends and acquaintances.
No, it's just the most convenient for the lazy and for those who want to spam emojis.

see the attached image

Attached: 575.gif (815x446, 1.22M)

poly has posted his pics here before and that's certainly not him


shut the fuck up

t. impotent manchild

Yeah, popularity is kind of a big factor. I doubt I could convince my 30 odd contacts to all unanimously switch over to Appear.in. Not to mention there are no themed servers there.

Poly's real name is known here on Yea Forums, you just need to look where. It's not where you'd expect.

he's handsome

Attached: crybabey.gif (500x282, 491K)

I mean, I don't blame you. My friends use it too and unfortunately I go along with them because I still can't convince them to move to something that isn't going to sell off their information in 10 years. But Discord is still cancer.

At the very least I would sandbox it in your browser so they aren't monitoring your running programs.

Starting in the electronic and band worlds, Tom has always had an interest in classical music – attempting to transcribe Bach's The Art of the Fugue by ear at around age 14. Tom studied music at Otago University, majoring in composition, and during this time had his piece Trench recorded by the NZSO as part of the Todd Young Composers Competition.

Although enthusiastic about late 20th century and contemporary music, Tom's main influences lie in early music, traditional music, and early-mid 20th century music. He continues to develop his own tonal style – somewhere between Morales, Bach and Martinů, but with a beauty reflective of New Zealand.

Tom works in a variety of mediums, from film and game soundtracks to the concert hall. His music has been performed in the Chamber Vulgarus concerts and he has scored many local films, being a producer and songwriter as well as a classical composer. Tom's early interest in fugue came full circle after reading Hugo Norden's “Foundation Studies in Fugue” and Alfred Mann's “The Study of Fugue”. He fell in love with the form and has since written more than 30 fugues for various instruments - from piano and organ to viol consort and wind quartet. Tom's Symphony No. 1 “Central Otago” is a love letter to New Zealand landscape and history, a reflection of the cultural history, aesthetic and climactic extremes of Central Otago, where Tom spent his teenage years.

>attempting to transcribe Bach's The Art of the Fugue by ear at around age 14.
based fugue autist

we can only hope to be half as pure as poly is

>all these mega folders
just make a Spotify playlist

lol, I don't want to put this cliche response forward as a political argument (which it surely is not), but I literally have nothing to hide. What the hell are they going to hand me out on, making shitty 12 tone EDM?

Whats Hill's biography?

You never know, man. You never know. What may not be something to hide in the present, might be something to hide in 20 years. Plus, I'm just not comfortable with someone having a profile out there on me and selling it.

New edition. Familiar theme, but hey we haven't really had it yet.

An autistic indian discord tranny who takes polys dick in his ass

I've just kind of given up on the idea of not being spied on. I mean the spyware is really in the very architecture of your computer these days. That's what all this Huawei crap is over.

>tfw your country has become a mere pawn in the pissing match of two global superpowers