
Last one died. Rate, rec, guess, call each other racial slurs, etc

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poo poo pee pee tourist chart

: (

im gonna call you a qt then rec you Godgrind - Demo #1 because it's my favorite piece of drone metal

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OFF! - Wasted years

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DNA- Dna on Dna
Dave Brubeck might be your sort of music.

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Tyler the Creator - Flower Boy

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A Silver Mt Zion - 13 Blues For Thirteen Moons
Flour - Luv 713
Helios Creed - Boxing the Clown

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Reccing Genres
Qt listening to Essoupi, I see you ;) listen to more dungeon synth.

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ONLY post your chart if you are a teen pseud
ONLY give snark comments/remarks to plebs
ONLY give recommendations to fellow teen pseuds
poo poo pee pee penis and vagina
women with dicks and teen pseuds with vaginas

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dm me for recs no plebs allowed



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yikies af cringelets
based and redpilled

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+fugazi, minor threat, the cure, duster, hanl
i still need to get around to listening to nomeansno
i don't really know your other stuff (I have entry level jazz taste, for one) but p cool ig
++plantasia, bowie
~vampire weekend
+sweet trip
the new low is the only other one of yours i know, i thought it was alright
+death grips, madvillain, beatles, kanye, radiohead, gza, smiths, nas, nmh, earl sweatshirt, ween, mbv, talking heads
bruh i'm not gonna shit on your taste, your pics aren't bad, but are you new here

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fuck 2019 has been miserable so far
I wish I had never been born
I'm completely worthless and out of place in this world
I'm so lonely and useless

Anyway besides that I haven't killed myself yet because I finally learned my first advanced snare drum warm up

I wish I had a teacher still though but some other extenuating BULLSHIT is preventing me from spending my money on something that's never gonna have a return on investment anyway

Who knew Joji was good?
It doesn't matter that I enjoy the drums

Keep practicing them paradiddles that you LOVE so much boi, won't change the fact you are a fuckin' idiot with no friends and no social skills

If I could rap, I would
If I could learn every Tegan and Quinn Song on guitar, I would (it's so easy)
If I could be human, I would
If I didn't form an elaborate cross section of my own behavior and immense psychological dysfunction that paralyzes me with shame, I would
If I could play flamed drags consistently, swear on me mum I would
If I had original material I would
If I saw the elephant seals in rainy March again, I would

To quote Jamie Stewart, we'll look back over and realize you are a true, ridiculous, dumb-Ass

Does the sight of your mother working in a factory make you sigh?
Does the sight of your girlfriend working retail make you cry?
(she looks cute in her Walmart Uniform)
Is it condescending to be so scared I might I hurt you?
Lee Rudnicki?
I drive a BMW?

My Dad?
My mom is dead?

It's like Yea Forums is just filled with retards now
Unbalanced freaks spouting whatever they can
Robbie Basho thinks subhuman is a good tune
I think I'm subhuman

Interior semiotics?
What's the iconography of this piece?
Drop ass and let the outhouse out against the floor and that'll teach you your first lesson in humiliation
Squeezed head
Lumpy forearm
This doorways got it out for you
Don't look back kid
Cause humiliation has found you and it's here to stay

This is an advanced form of fillibustering

BTW is anyone selling a copy of pill f

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main - hydra-calm
true widow - as high as the highest heavens...
haraam - blood elections
the agnostic mountain gospel choir - saint hubert
acid bath - when the kite string pops
november novelet - world in devotion
ambersmoke - gloom tapestries
the gault - even as all before us
ascend - ample fire within
bong - we are we were and we will have been

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You really need to listen to more music.

leave him alone he's a good boy

anto pett / bart van rosmalen - playwork
sunburned hand of man discography
mibu furukawa - 業晒し
sun city girls - 330,003 crossdressers from beyond the rig veda
various artists - bali: musique pour le gong gédé

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please give me reccs, i need new music c:

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Unironically listen to this chart, and see what you like.

I'm not insulting him, just saying that he needs to break out of the confines of pitchfork, Yea Forumscore, and fantano.

GAM - 1979 Final Freak Out

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give me recs. i'm in for a late night and want some new music.

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trappist afterland - burrowing to light in the land of nod
hexvessel - no holier temple
chessboxer - s/t
deutsch nepal - benevolence
ambersmoke - psychedelic violence
sarah jarosz - songs up in her head
melting hand - faces of the earth
black merlin - proto world
d.a.r.f.d.h.s. - killing is no murder
grails - deep politics
moodie black - nausea
kauffman & caboor - songs from suicide bridge

+Duster, would you reccomend the Replica Album? Wanyways check out Collected Songs - Crescent
Yoooo Contemporary Movement is right up your alley!
Absolute shot in the dark but listen to Yes Lawd - NxWorries
I don't recognize jack from your chart but its very artsy and I like it. Listen to Gabor Szabo- Dreams
I bet you're uniornically really fun at parties. Listen to revolver by the beatles, which even if you don't like, should be in every normies vernacular
Again i dont recognize much but I feel like Quarantine by Laurel Halo would fit your chart aesthetics or something
Oh Boy
If you like your fempop sad then Life for rent is for you my friend. Serious chart tho, i like it
Maybe rec some people first pardner
JID - The Never Story, get hip into jazz rap, its the future desu
Earthgang - Rags, rec some people yourself!
I know there is some great taste in this thread, let me know!

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Om - pilgrimage


Matthew Lee Cothran - Failure
Show me the Body- SMTB
Sex Tourists- Sex Tourists
Charalambides- Houston
Thou- Heathen
Rockets Red Glare- Rockets Red Glare
Silver Jews- Starlite Walker

kill my dumbass
Twenty-Six - This Skin Is Rust
Corea - Los peores 7 km de mi vida
Karate - Unsolved
Choker - Honeybloom
Dominic Fike - Don't Forget About Me, Demos
Baudouin Oosterlynck - 1975-1978
Ensemble Economique - No GPS
Edan - Beauty and the Beat
Raincoats - Odyshape
Blackhouse - Five Minutes After I Die
Team Dresch - Personal Best
Savage Young Taterbug - Theme For Gasoline Weirdo
Illitch - 10 Suicides
Raincoats - Odyshape
Algebra Suicide - The Secret Like Crazy
Michael Gordon - Dystopia
Keith Jarrett - Sun Bear
Mostly Other People Do the Killing - The Coimbra Concert
Raincoats - Odyshape
Ann Steel - s/t
Kill the Vultures - Kill the Vultures
Crescent - Collected Songs
Total Abuse - Excluded
Drunks With Guns - s/t
Stick Men With Ray Guns - Some People Deserve To Suffer
Grim - Message
Charalambides - Market Square
Tim Buckley - Lorca
Bobb Trimble - Harvest of Dreams
Itsutsu no Akai Fusen - New Sky: Part 1
Caetano Veloso - Araçá azul
Food For Animals - Scavengers

aaah fuck im tired

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Recs pls I'm dying of boredom.

Try The Wrens - Meadowlands, and Hank Mobley - Soul Station

What's the album here with the skeleton playing violin?

Try Clics Modernos by Charly Garcia.

Try Telltale Signs by Sobs

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not her but John Maus - Love is Real

Thanks user. I'll give the album a shot.

Curve - Cuckoo
Hailu Mergia - Hailu Mergia & Ηis Classical Instrument
Andie Oppenheimer - New Mexico
Tomo Akikawabaya - The Castle
Kino - The Black Album
Spoon - Transference
Southpacific - Constance
anything by fela kuti. try Zombie
Parquet Courts - Light Up Gold
Lucy Dacus - Historian
The Van Pelt - Sultans of Sentiment
Pere Ubu - Dub Housing

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>Thou- Heathen
Good album
Crash worship - asesinos
The gault - even as all before us
>Total Abuse - Excluded
>Drunks With Guns - s/t
>Stick Men With Ray Guns - Some People Deserve To Suffer
Thanks man
Right hand left hand - s/t

Contortions - Buy!

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what's the website where you can drag images into a chart collage automatically? i forgot
t. retard pleb

Ahleuchatistas - What You Will
Iron Curtain - Desertion 1982-1988

i know it's a trash 3x3, forgive me

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Entry level black metal, please rec something

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Here's my BM recs based on specific qualities each has and u can choose from which u want
Black Cilice - Banished From Time
>Them synths
Dub Buk - Micяць пoмcти / ...зacинaє тa y вi cнi пoмиpaє...
>Bit more conventional but refreshing
Kaevum - Natur
Torture Chain - Mutilating Astral Entities
>I almost exclusively listen to drone
Orgy of Carrion - Hymns of Melancholic Violence and Plague
>I'm a nazi and also extremely autistic
Lust - Genesis of a Satanic Race

Also 100% listen to Paysage d'Hiver's self-titled if you have not but I usually assume any BM listener has.

Callum Easter - Here or Nowhere

Gazelle Twin - Pastoral
MSYLMA - Dhil-un Taht Shajarat Al-Zaqum

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You would probably like RORO by BOaT.

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Shit, posted the small chart by accident.

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OP here

that is nuts, great tone

I was into their first release but never heard that one, dope stuff

not sure I quite get that one, thank you though

I was into a couple singles but this is better than I expected it to be overall

first one is cool, very different from the only album people know by them on here

I have no clue how I didn't know about ascend, great stuff

I definitely would, if only for the title track, Sleep Dealer, and Child Soldier

cool, very atmospheric

not even sure what to pinpoint this as, but the bass playing is great

very unique certainly, love the weird structures and eccentric vocals

why do the chart threads i post in always die early and then i miss all the ones that get lots of discussion

just keep track of the catalog, ctrl+f is a wonderful tool

i'm not on here all the time.

Well there's not much you can do outside of getting lucky and coming on at the right time then i guess

i think it's a message from god

I remember I ran into a streak of posting in 8 chart threads that all died shortly after I posted
do not get discouraged comrade

I hate
I love

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top row are my 5/5s
the rest are a combination of other favorites and what I've been listening to lately

+Paavoharju, The Pop Group, DNA

Dog Faced Hermans - Hum of Life

+Peter Brötzmann

Haazz & Company - Unlawful Noise

+Paavoharju, Natalie Rose Lebrecht

Jean Ritchie - Singing the Traditional Songs of Her Kentucky Mountain Family

+Dog Faced Hermans

Model Citizens - s7t (1979)

+This Heat, Natalie Rose Lebrecht, The Raincoats

Dog Faced Hermans, pretty much their whole discography, you will love it

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Ambersmoke - psychedelic violence
Seriom - 1973
Aluk todolo - s/t
The gault - even as all before us
Bong - idle days on the yann
The fertility cult - heavenly bodies
Those poor bastards - gospel haunted
d.a.r.f.d.h.s. - killing is no murder
Pedro soler & gaspar klaus - al viento
Agruss - morok
Yatra - death ritual
Shahmen - enter the circle
Nightcrawlers - crystal loops
English heretic - radar angelology: a drone for joe kennedy

Good morning, how are you guys

Extended voices-the Brandeis university chamber choir/Alvin Lucier
It also has John Cage and Morton Feldman on it
I shall die here-the body
An when-tonstartssbandht
Best of the black president- Fela Kuti
Dementos-Yasuaki Shimizu
Canadian Horse-Archagathus
Melancholie2- coldworld
Everywhere at the end of time-the caretaker
Music for commercials-Yasuaki Shimizu

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Doing pretty well. You've got a nice chart there. ++grips, grouper, caretaker, full of hell, fugazi, the cure, man is the bastard. Hmu if you ever need a tight hole for your cock

flaming lips - the soft bulletin

>I shall die here-the body
One of my favorite albums
Halo - body of light
P.h.o.b.o.s. - tectonics
Lord mantis - pervertor

I appreciate the rec, but I'm not just digging the agnostic mountain gospel choir, sorry
Thanks alot for all the folk recs, this Mibu Furukawa album sounds fucking amazing, definitely gonna check out sunburned hand of man too, they look really interesting
Sounds pretty cool, thanks for the rec

Trepaningsritualen - kainskult

some oddities and nice songs for the soul

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Lilacs & champagne - s/t
Heroin in tahiti - death surf
Darkside - psychic

My first chart

roast me

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you're a good boy user, here's a treat

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+Hunky Dory
+In Utero
+The Doors
+experimental jet set, trash and no star
+Siamese Dream

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Yatra - death ritual
Toner low - III
Endless floods - s/t
Dalek - asphalt for eden
The gault - even as all before us
Capricorns - ruder forms survive
Eagle twin - the ubkindness of crows
16 - drop out

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above chart is my first

all natural lemon and lime flavors - turning into small

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Skullflower - form destroyer
Yellow swans - at all ends
Winterkalt - structures of destruction
Dual action - sex toys

Sun burned hand of the man - trickle down thory of lord knows what

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based duster
based skramz
based bladee

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Trepaningsritualen - kainskult
Grim - primary pulse

I would leave a commen/recct for you guys, but i really have to finish my taxes.

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You have good taste user.

Check out In Flesh Tones by Azeda Booth, and Miss Universe by Nilüfer Yanya

Pete swanson - feelings in america
Yellow swans - bring the neon war home
Skullflower - exquisite fucking boredom
O paeon - courses
Algiers - the underside of power

I bet you have zero friends, and wonder why too...