This AZEALIA BANKS song from 8 years ago where she samples the chill$ by peter and bjorn proves she's a genius

this AZEALIA BANKS song from 8 years ago where she samples the chill$ by peter and bjorn proves she's a genius

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Wow I didn't know she was this good

Sounds Noname-y kinda

oh wow that sounds so unique and individual

>she stole from other artists and this proves she's smart

shut the fuck up

Have sex you incel


why does she look more niggerer compared to now?

She's great, she'd be at the top of the industry if she wasn't such a cunt

shut the fuck up

She bleaches her skin, it was a huge controversy cause she talks about how much she hates white people all the time but also she bleaches her skin and only dates/fucks white guys

This song is actually from 2009. Not her best, but she is so damn talented. Broke with Expensive Taste is timeless.

She's said racist stuff on the internet about every race, including blacks. She likes to talk shit; it's not that serious to her.

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it's sad looking at comments on the 212 video on youtube; everyone is circlejerking their hatred over her as a person.
she is a top bantress and professional shitposter and these people are just pussies. azealia is too based for this world, but she'll find success one way or another because she's fiery as hell

>muhhhh samplees
fucking kys

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Nah she sucks, faggot

Nah, she sucks, faggot

Nah she sucks, faggot

>she samples
her producer samples*

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she's fat

uppity nigger



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I could use some time off from this board

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If you have face blindness.

she looks like she fucks white boys

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go to sleep AB

has anyone else ever crashed their own career as much as she had?

>she will never kill you in your sleep and devour you like a praying mantis after the roughest sex of your short, pitiful life


she's still being talked about 8 years later, i wouldn't say she crashed it

Sammy boy

She sounds like Noname in this song.

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