I'm gonna be really upset when traditional and folk music finally dies off. Why aren't you standing up against the global domination of Western pop that is bastardizing real cultural music?
I'm gonna be really upset when traditional and folk music finally dies off...
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What can I, some nerd on a music board, realistically do about said domination?
>Why aren't you standing up against the global domination of Western pop that is bastardizing real cultural music?
because i'm all for it
BESIDES not listening to said pop music.
t. yeah killem
there's a lot of shitty music now, but overall the best music has been made in the last 50 years
What are you talking about, Nashville and Memphis are fucking hotbeds for folk music. Plus 1/5 liberal arts majors play the guitar and 1/20 pursue music
What a stupid fucking statement, I mean what do you even mean by folk music, like that shit bob dylan made. When has folk music ever been mainstream besides maybe like once in the 60s
Folk music is more simmillar to something like metal and classical, it just keeps existing for some reason outside the capitalist garbage pile called the top 40
Literrly the only retards who care about popularity are millineal retards who got brainwashed by p4k into thinking poptamism is a good thing and not just some neoliberal scheme to expunge music of any artistry so it can be a meaningless disposable product that maximises profit.
Like shut the fuck up bitch
>I mean what do you even mean by folk music, like that shit bob dylan made
listen to this user, if you like trad folk you definitely won't be disappointed
You sound like this cunt I follow on instagram. You know who you are faggot.
am i wrong? music has been wittled down to pop and pop rap and we are supposed to act like this shit is normal. People dont care about artistry and authenticity. They only talk about how many units are sold or just spam industry plants because "it makes you mad xDD"
Capitalism has basically expunged music of its artistic side. P4k played a role when they got bought by conde naste and promoted poptamism while marginalizing indie and rock music
So now we live in a empty hell world devoid of art and where the music doesnt matter.
And you have the trolls on mu even asking "hey is mu getting slower and are there less people"?
Like how much irony poisoning do you have to have to think that turning music into some capitalist race to the bottom is or was a good idea
Recently i have been getting into classical music. I love it man, its so far removed from everything, from the shitty culture war of americans, from modern capitlism. Like how many rappers and pop sluts have been disposed of since you were born. When i was a kid britney spears and the backstreet boys ruled the world, but there was still rock music. Now its just pop, now its just, here is some focused group garbage.
At least ludwig van is here forever
Why aren’t you modernizing your traditional folk songs to preserve them and contribute to the greater future of humanity?
Was this process supposed to stop at a certain point? When?
Can you Yea Forums immigrants just post porn. Its all you're good for.
Folk and Americana traditional music revival is going to be the next big thing. I mean, think about it.
Die. Just fucking die.
Folk sucks.
There's is so much good folk music out there though. Unless you've heard most of it, how can you claim to need anymore?
Jesus Christ I hope for your sake you're underage. You sound like a complete mongoloid. KYS.
OP thinks he's unique for listening to fiddle and accordion music lmfao
This is now a folk music with modern instrumentation thread