Billie eilish hate general
Discuss this talentless, wigger, coalburning industry plant and her music here.
Billie eilish hate general
Discuss this talentless, wigger, coalburning industry plant and her music here.
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thank u, next cringecel
its an ok album
she's broken
Bye bye incel. This is now a roll thread
>be billie eilish
>be signed to interscope for one song
>get mountains upon mountains of payola since 2017
>finally release a full-length album
>highest charting song only makes it to no. 7 on billboard, only one other song in top 20, only five songs in top 40, the rest of the album lingers on the bottom of the top 100
She's fine
you know the chapter in 1984 where they have the five minutes of hate and they projecte a picture of the “evil rebels” on a screen so everyone can work themselves into a Fervor of incoherent rage at the image of a person that may not even exist. No reason I mention it
cuz the album is mediocre and none of them have any real pop hook.
the xany one is ok. the one they promoted to be their first hit - bad guy or something, that should not have been chosen.
her brother is more of a hipster artist trying to be a pop writer. he doesnt right crazy pop hooks like you need to sell nowadays. they should have just hired max martin
why is there redstone in my pp's mining hole
Bad Guy was the song that hit no.7.
Bury a Friend made it to no. 14 a few weeks ago.
Xanny is arguably the best song on the album even though it sounds like a nursery rhyme. I like it because it's EXACTLY what I expected Billie to do musically (Lorde-style vocals over SGP-inspired blasted bass with a somewhat socially conscious message).
I agree most of the album is just filler and it really, really does sound like something a 17-year old industry plant would create with her brother.
Reminder that this is still shilling. Hating or loving: strong feelings that make you remember and talk about them. The worst thing for an entertainer is for people to feel indifft. Bye pr firm
most 17-year olds are boring people. boring people write boring songs. she's probably not an "industry plant"
She's the most blatant industry plant in a long while, literally got shilled on every social media platform including Spotify two years before she released a full-length album or had a Top 10 hit.
Oh hell she didn't even chart on the Hot 100 until spring of last year.
here on Yea Forums, everything is a "shill"
I'm starting to think shills are the ones making these Ellish hate threads so her name gets spread even more.
So Yea Forums users are retarded and are just promoting the thing they dislike by bumping these threads?
when you say Yea Forums users you should make it clear that you don't mean "all" Yea Forums users. unless you're counting yourself. anyway i don't care about this thread and will stop posting in it
>Billie Eilish zoomer hate threads
>Billie Eilish BLACKED threads
>Billie Eilish is an industry plant threads
>Billie Eilish makes an album
>Billie Eilish Fantano review threads
>When We Fall Asleep "hate" threads
>Billie Eilish hate generals
>Billie Eilish """ironic""" meme threads
>Billie Eilish makes sophomore album
>Billie Eilish """"ironic"""" appreciation threads
>/beg/ - Billie Eilish General
>Billie Eilish is cute! threads
>Billie Eilish says something that upsets the libs
>Is Billie Eilish /ourgirl/?
>Billie Eilish """""""""ironic""""""""" fandom
>Billie Eilish spamming
>/be/ containment board
Why are little girls incapable of making EPIC pop music like they used to back in the day?
She was 24 years old when she did that, moron.
I see.
>her brother is more of a hipster artist trying to be a pop writer. he doesnt right crazy pop hooks like you need to sell nowadays. they should have just hired max martin
That's exactly why Interscope likes her, she's cheap because her brother writes and produces everything. Hiring a Britney-tier all-star cast of songwriters and producers is expensive and they don't want to do it.
I think she is a very attractive young lady.
>anyone who doesn't like half-assed quasi-EDM with bored vocals is an incel
lol ok
let's go
>she's cheap because her brother writes and produces everything.
thats probably right - must be several millions they save there. but then they spend multiple millions promoting ?
Who cares, fuck her
What would psycho classical sound like?
prap pap prapa pap prap
I'd fuck Billie Eilish when she turns 18.
jangle pop
new-jack country
garage rap
new-jack polka
jangle house
nazi funk
new-jack polka
electro classical
nazi classical
elevator rap
garage rap
afro metal
Until you find out she actually has a dick. :^)
billie eyelash is getting too old
Thanks for explaining user
>hates a woman because of her actions not her sex
nice try discord tranny go 40% yourself
Billie Eilish = Limp Bizkit
>take it to the Mathews bridge
Based, I can’t wait. ;)
Reminder to protect her smile
fuck you im gunna assassinate her
Hate her music but kinda would bang
Rollin rollin
That's an illegal threat user, I hope your parents are prepared for their home to get *BOOM BOOM CRASH"ed over the poorly thought out actions of their autistic son
I love Billie. But the new album isn't my favorite (besides the older tracks, and another song or two), I preferred the EP and other singles.
"My Boy" is her poppiest, catchiest song, and also my favorite, tied with "Watch", and also catchy but slightly darker "Bellyache" and "Bury A Friend"
More songs like that please.
>implying i live with parents
Literally an industry plant
>white girl
>muh sadness and suffering
what can a privileged bitch like her say about suffering and being depressed? fuck off, bitch
She's a retard industry plant
Industry plants don't exist
Anyone who wasn't poor is an industry plant, fuck off fake music maker
>fake posting
Why do you feel the need to make hate threads about teenagers? Don't you have something to do?
shut the fuck up she’s putting herself in front of the whole world we have the right to judge her no matter of her age
t. grown adult
so is it cool if we wait till next year and then start abusing?
avril wa s better tho
I don't give a fuck what you do, all you sad cunts do is complain
Stop listening to shit fake music then, fag, nobody wants this shit here fuck off to Plebbit where pop shit belongs
If the album was so "mediocre" why did the critics (including Melon) give it good reviews across the board?
this plays out on several levels, the most important of which being that avril lavigne was being pretty sincere and billie eilish is the epitome of le detached irony lmao
sincerity needs a fucking revival
See, this is exactly what bothers me about Billie. I couldn't care less if she's an industry plant, or that she comes from a sheltered middle class background with industry parents. What pisses me off about her is how she's hellbent on appropriating this "ghetto wise woman" image when she's anything but.
I think the hatred towards Billie Eilish comes not for her music or for her image, but for what she (or the people who hate her think she) represents: an hyper accelerationist music industry where there is no opportunity of being a nobody who "is discovered" (like, lets say, Justin Bieber did), but where nepotism and contacts (which ahve always existed) can literally buy you a music carreer (see Clairo, Dua Lipa, etc.), an industry where artists become superstars even before they release an album and the complicity of a dishonest music journalism driven by hype and clickbait.
She's a very carefully laboratory-synthesized concoction of various pop music fads from the last few years, since pop music trends have moved from larger-than-life pop superstars from outer space that normal people could never relate to like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Mariah, Britney, and Gaga to bedroom diy pop stars like Lorde and Clairo.
>watch Narduwar interview
>her mom and brother talk like average white people you'd encounter at the grocery store as she's talking in her fake black accent
Are you kiddind? Avril Lavigne was/is the biggest fucking poser
What do we think of this guy praising her work?
i am not an incel but she pissed me off with the "no boyfriend" response. she basically said no i will never have a boyfriend. Like what ? really?
Part of me thinks she's trying to imitate the whole "we-live-in-a-society-vro" crap from her woke rapper, ahem, "friends". But unlike them, she has nothing to show for it. She doesn't even sing about social issues for fuck's sake, just boys and her own vanity.
Her outfits and suggest they're trying to push some weird dyke lesbian chick kind of thing with her. For what purpose I don't know or who they would think finds that appealing at all.
I think it's more that her label is trying to associate her with the SoundCloud/Sadboi scene in order to widen her audience. She just wasn't marketable as a conventional pop star so Interscope rebranded her as a female equivalent to X.
she sucks. she wont be relevant or discussed by this time next year unless she's trainwrecking hard on drugs or mental illness.
What evidence is there she has a 360 Deal with Interscope?
But her music isn't even hip-hop, it's thirdhand Lorde.
Yes, and that's what makes it all the more suspicious.
Think about it. Why does she brag so much about having been friends with X? Why is her IG full of pics of her with rappers? What prompted her to copy their aesthetic?
You could say her music fits right in with that sad mumble rap-type shit but still. I'd probably say she's much better understood as a female Post Malone.
ITT: Autists get mad at a record label for having the nerve to advertise a performer they think people will like and they can make money from
how about "user gets mad because an inauthentic and manufactured artist presents itself as the genuine article and gets upset because it turns out nobody values authenticity in art anymore, not so long as it is a pleasant bit of decorative wallpaper and doubles as a fashion accessory."
i'd also accept "user bemoans the fact that new artist proves people will lap up to anything that record execs serve them up"
That's not the point. The point is why Interscope thought a teenage girl with a Neanderthal brow who had one song penned by her brother and gurgling through it in a whisper voice would be worth signing and investing 75% of their total promotional budget on.
This. It's not Billie herself, it's what she represents.
>i'd also accept "user bemoans the fact that new artist proves people will lap up to anything that record execs serve them up"
How many industry plants have tried and failed over the years? I'd imagine there are far too many to even count.
You can't buy the kind of buzz she's cultivated, you can pave the way for it with money but you can't fake talent and force people to go nuts over it.
Even if she's faking the troubled youth thing, she does it in a way that clicks with kids. It shouldn't matter where she comes from, she's good at what she does.
You do know Beatlemania was also a fabrication, right?
Who is to say Billiemania isn't 100% contrived as well?
The fact that she had viral hits prior to her being developed and launched as a major artist?
What the fuck does being an industry plant even mean? A music label doing its job in promoting an act? Lol
Come on, you're smarter than this. You know she's been privileged since day one with her career. Not to say she can’t make great music, but she has family members with music/label connections. She has less of a struggle making something of herself than someone without those means.
>Even if she's faking the troubled youth thing, she does it in a way that clicks with kids. It shouldn't matter where she comes from, she's good at what she does.
y'know, in my opinion, it should bother people to know that they're being manipulated and pandered to.
Over 35 million listeners on Spotify
So why do people call her a plant? Explain this please.
>industry plant
I notice this gets said about every female artist who starts getting hits. People even said it about Lorde back in the day.
to appeal to the fanbase, and just because it's mediocre doesn't make it all shit either.
Most of those are UMG bots.
That's like Geffen discovering Nirvana in a club in Aberdeen and going "Hey, y'know I think these kids might have 'it'." and then signing them and promoting them with big music videos, after they'd spent years gigging in shitty clubs and sleeping on friends' sofas. I'm also sure Kurt Cobain's good looks helped some.
This would be more like if Geffen had sent A&R people around to Seattle area clubs and decided to manufacture an artist from whole cloth by choosing various attributes from those bands to blend together.
>This would be more like if Geffen had sent A&R people around to Seattle area clubs and decided to manufacture an artist from whole cloth by choosing various attributes from those bands to blend together.
Actually record labels did do just that. It was called Bush and Silverchair.
Really don't understand her appeal all.
She's not a very good singer and doesn't even fucking sing for the most part, just faint whispering.
S(he's) Br(ok)en
Newsflash, boomer. It is no longer 1990. You need to let rawk go already and quit pretending that
white guys with guitars are the answer to everything.
I mean, the songs are good.
Max Martin? Really? What the fuck, she doesn't make regular average pop music about loving a guy for 8 year old girls. She makes songs about depression and stuff.
Not even that. Phineas's production is serviceable but the songs are cringy af.
>So you're a tough guy
>Like it really rough guy
>Just can't get enough guy
>Chest always so puffed guy
>I'm that bad type
>Make your mama sad type
>Make your girlfriend mad tight
>Might seduce your dad type
>I'm the bad guy, duh
>I'm the bad guy
He's been shit for a long while now.
>if teardrops could be bottled
>there would be swimming pools filled by models
>told a tight dress is what makes you a whore
Holy shit, how can anyone take this cringefest for real?
My 11 year old niece was big on her for a while and even wanted to see her live, but now she says she finds her boring af. I haven't listened to her music so can't judge. But I think my niece is into Lana Del Rey or something now. Oh well, could be worse.
>My 11 year old niece was big on her for a while and even wanted to see her live, but now she says she finds her boring af
Shocked much? Her songs don't even have decent hooks on them. This has been said before, but Phineas is an art hipster; he clearly has no feel for pop music.
If they're trying to market Billie to tween girls, then it seems like they completely forgot what appeals to that demo, which is more along the lines of
remember watching this video. Didn't know who this person was, just thought: "Jesus, what a fucking mess she turned into"
To be fair, those are her brother's lyrics, not hers.
I want to say that this reverse psychology marketing campaign isn't working, but by the looks of things it actually is.
You obviously don't know anything about singing. Have you seen any of her live performances? She does an amazing job live. It's incredibly hard to sing high notes like she does with such a breathy quality. It's definitely an affectation but it works for her style of music. You can say you don't like it, but you 100% cannot say she isn't a good singer.
To the thread: I really enjoy her music. When the Party's Over is so beautiful and I've listened to Bury a Friend an embarrassing amount of times since it came out lmao. I've only known about her for the past year or so (a Youtube channel recommended her music but I can't remember which) but it really seems like she's gained a lot of popularity in just that short time too. The only problem I have with her is that blaccent she puts on a lot of times in interviews and her copping black fashion a bit too much even though she is as white as someone can possibly be.
>She doesn't even sing about social issues for fuck's sake, just boys and her own vanity.
xanny is about teenage drug addiction.
bury a friend and listen before i go are about teen suicide.
The zoomer Kate Bush, everyone.
Album was okay but a bit too close to the recent trend of sterile #relatable teen alt-R&B artists (Khalid, Juice WRLD, etc) for my tastes. 2019 continues to be mediocre for pop
Xanny was a decent song but she sounds almost arrogant ("I don't do drugs so I'm better than you lalalalalala").
The other two are just fake deep nonsense.
Someone I know told me she was the next Grimes.
I actually feel bad for her. She's not much of an artist, she can't sing, her music is just a vehicle for her brother, and now she's in the limelight with nothing to show for it because whatever label is pushing her thinks she's gonna be their next cash cow. In all that she's just a sheltered teenager without much talent
Wow really? Grimes writes, produces, sings, plays instruments, on all her music, and also directs and edits her own videos. There is no other pop star that does this.
Part of me thinks the only reason why she's eager to be famous is the amount of other musicians she gets to hang around. Think about it. Clout chasing is one major reason why a lot of hip hop fans fuck with her, namely the way she talked about having been very close to X when he was alive.
Watch this shit and tell me it doesn't sound staged, like Billie is trying to recall a script. She just doesn't sound authentic in my opinion.
When Grimes blew up she had "Oblivion" and "Genesis". Billie doesn't have anything on those.
guitar player has really good timing
Excuse me, but Art Angels was Grimes's big mainstream breakout. The previous albums were underground stuff only a few people knew about.
This goblina had one (!) song and Interscope declared her to be the next Michael Jackson.
Lorde and Let's Eat Grandma made better albums at 16-17 than this.
Question: how do we know she got signed specifically due to her family's industry connections?
How do we know she didn't get signed specifically due to the fact Ocean Eyes went viral and the label wanted to snatch her up before she could do anything else? I mean, not everyone with industry parents gets signed.
That sadboi indie singing voice is stale as fuck by now. It also takes very little effort or talent to pull off. If anything, it's much harder to do the reverse and project your voice.
>the label wanted to snatch her up before she could do anything else?
This is literally what planting is, dipshit. Labels look for newcomers who have ZERO personality of their own and sign them right away so they can turn them into cash cows.
Do you actually know anything about singing? Singing at full volume is way easier than singing super quietly and almost whisper-like like she does. IDK if you've seen any of her live performances where she does her slower songs like call me when the party's over? It's different than a lot of indie singers do (her first few songs she released were more typical indie singer sound), though that weird accent that is typical of indie singers is there so I guess I can see why you think it sounds exactly the same.
I'm not saying it's mind blowing at all, but it kind of shows your ignorance that me saying it's difficult to sing like that makes you feel like that is me saying no one in the world can sing like that. All I'm saying is that it is literally, factually incorrect to say she is not a good singer. You can not like it, that is 100% fine as everyone's taste is different. But you can't say she isn't a good singer.
Does our newly-found pop princess that is to usurp the pop throne strike a nerve with you?
Speak for yourself but I can't say anyone I know likes her at all and she hasn't caught on with either the pop heads or the gay crowd. She's not Lorde or Carly or even close to it.
Carly just announced a new album and tour. Billie who?
I saw LEG and they were pretty great, but they don't have Billie's off-putting pretentiousness and privilege to them. If she isn't an industry plant, she smacks of an industry child. Her interviews come off as phony and forced as fuck.
'Ocean Eyes' wouldn't have blown up the way it did had her family not had industry ties. Think about it. How many millions of pop songs are there on SoundCloud vs. how many of those artists make it big due to a single song of theirs getting so much traction in so little time? As much as I hate the term "organic", this success was anything but. Either Billie's parents or brother showed the song to someone in the industry who helped blow it up, or they paid for it to get featured. There's no other explanation, and naively saying "it got big due to her talent" only shows how stupid you are.
>If she isn't an industry plant, she smacks of an industry child. Her interviews come off as phony and forced as fuck.
In the Narduwar interview, her mother and brother seemed like genuinely nice, well-adjusted people. She did not and the faux-black voice she kept using was especially cringy.
But man, pop has been dead for so long now. When was the last really big pop anthem? Shake It Off? And that was like 2014? Stuff like this isn't helping anything.
She had one fucking song and got signed. It barely went viral until Interscope started pushing it.
There was no potential. Her parents are bigshots in LA with connections and her brother writes her material. She wasn't even wearing this weird "early 00s skaterboi+80s metalhead" wardrobe until after getting signed. I guess they built the image for her.
You talk about getting signed like it’s this extremely difficult thing. Labels are always snatching up acts left and right. It’s more novel that an act refuses to be signed than not these days (people like Rina Sawayama and Slayyyter have refused offers despite not being very popular at all)
The only thing that happened with Billie was that a label signed her, did their job, and she became popular. If she were flopping no one would use a derisive term like “industry plant” to describe her.
Hate this kike puppet
Fucking shills
Are those same acts given the opportunity to be on Ellen Degeneres with Dave Grohl in the audience stanning and namedropping Paul McCartney? No, because she has a leg up without a chart hit. Viral hits happen and make waves but I’ve never seen an artist pushed this aggressively based on one viral hit.
Her parents seem like highly suspicious people. It's obvious they did whatever they could to mold their kids into Hollywood success stories via homeschooling, giving them names which sound an awfully lot like stage names, putting them into choir, dance, and acting lessons from early ages, etc.
She's a success due to a highly aggressive marketing campaign. Interscope has a lot of connections with Apple Music, which was the first major platform to shill her endlessly.
Another thing, I am not sure what makes her Gen Z other than her age. Her music doesn't sound markedly different from anything else that came out in the past 7-8 years.
You haven't seen it before because we're in a new era. There has never been this big a disconnect between what the MSM is pushing and what teens are actually listening to.
WHY did they sign her when she had so little to offer early on? She didn't write the song which blew her up, she doesn't play an instrument, and her voice is mediocre at best. Of course they signed her because she had so little musically, and they could construct her into a drone for easy money.
I've heard her referred to as the "voice of Generation Z".
You guys are just dedicating so much time and effort into trying to convince people to not like her, when that's impossible to do.
Calling her an industry plant just comes across as being the typical person opposed to a famous Twitch streamer's success. Clearly you're not in their audience. That's perfectly fine. But they're not popular solely because they're a plant. There's absolutely an audience for her music.
She's more of a product than an artist
>There's absolutely an audience for her music.
yeah we know americans are low iq and eat this kike slop right up
She has the worst stage presence ive ever seen and the music isnt that great.....BUT shes sooo fucking hot i mean wow, what a beauty.
right, fellas????
"Zoomer Joan Baez"
"Billie is sooo DEEP and PROFOUND she sings about REAL SOCIAL ISSUES and REJECTS the self-destructive indulgent culture of her contemporaries she's such a WISE LITTLE GIRL."
>There has never been this big a disconnect between what the MSM is pushing and what teens are actually listening to.
>>>Interscope Records
The issue with Billie being a plant is rooted in the same issues people had with the college admissions scandal: a system that has been heavily promoted as being a meritocracy is actually yet another avenue where those with actual talent get looked over in favor of those with connections. If you don't care about that, cool, but it is unfair how someone like Eilish gets her fame off the back of one song while folks like Starrah, Julia Michaels, Njomza, etc. languish in pop songwriting despite writing hit after hit.
To add, the biggest bands of 1992-1993 were still leftovers from the Hair Metal era.
How old is she to be that fat already?
I would say its the baggy clothes making her look fat but look at those hamhock legs. And the kankles. Yikes.
What are you claiming that was pushed here in 1989 that teens didnt absolutely eat up?
Fucking Chicago for starters
That's pure 70s boomer soft rock
Bette Midler is a 50s actress for christ sake
Richard Marx and Chicago were boomercore
Bette Midler was 60s/70s gay music you're thinking of Bette Davis
Chicago had been around for 20 years by that point. Nobody was shilling that shit to teens.
Chicago were a 100% corporate pop act by that point and actually Bette Midler was from the 70s but she only ever appealed to gay guys and weird adult hipsters.
To be fair, a chart from 1992 more accurately demonstrates this point.
Aside from RHCP and Guns, all of those guys were corporate/momrock as fuck.
And of course 91, the year grunge broke.
Boyz II men - literal teen black girl music
Sir Mix -a- lot - teens still like that song today
Kriss Kross - again, teens ate it up. That song was at every single party that year.
That's kind of the point: teens in 1992 listened to grunge and early gangsta rap. Nearly everything that charted highly was overproduced pop shit or boomer music. Excusing the amount of shilling Billie has by claiming "there's never been a time when the gap between what charts and what teens love was as big as it is until today" is just foolish.
Never thought a year-end chart could make me puke.
>Bette Midler was 60s/70s gay music
Christgau is a fan of her. Says a lot, doesn't it.
Mark Wahlberg at #20
And one more. Yeah I'm sure if you were 17 in 1990 and jamming with your bandmates in your dad's garage that you were listening to Phil Collins or Linda Ronstadt.
My 70 year old great aunt used to like The Wind Beneath My Wings.
>6 women in the top 10, including the entire top 3
lmao how did this "women are held back in music" meme come up in the late 2010s?
Yeh in 2018 all the cool 17 yr olds were jamming to some maroon 5 and Ed Shereen.
show 2018 top 100 in 30 years and see how cool and hip it looks.
Christgau was pushing it in the early 70s. Truly he was ahead of his time.
Dave Grohl is old now and lives in a bubble in LA where the only people he ever interacts with are entertainment industry bigshots. He lost any touch with the real world decades ago.
only sensible person in this thread
"industry plant"
I enjoy her music. When the Party's Over is fantastic. Ocean Eyes is great. actually, the entire Don't Smile at Me ep is good. and I've listened to this new album through more than a few times.
I don't anything about her outside of the songs I hear. and those songs are great.
>You can't buy the kind of buzz she's cultivated,
Yes, you literally can
>....but you can't fake talent and force people to go nuts over it.
no but you can keep up a lie that people are going nuts over it.
outside of shitposting bait nobody is going nuts over this person.
/mu went way more nuts over this pic related faggot than it is over op twat.
Nice try Interscope marketer.
You just reminded me of the time my dad was invited to his Class of '85 high school reunion and he totally loved being subjected to all the 80s Top 40 that he'd gone out of his way to avoid back then.
Holy shit I remember when this board was obsessed with 6ix9ine. There was shit like "Scum gang general /sgg/" and that 6ix9ine pepe was everywhere.
Are you fucking retarded? Or have never tried singing in your entire life? I have been in a professional choral group for 2 years, and before that I went to an arts academy for singing.
Breathiness is 100% the easiest method to sing high notes, full stop. Projecting and hitting high notes with a chest or mixed head voice is BY FAR the most difficult route to singing tonally decent and on-pitch notes. Breathiness completely skips out on tone, relying simply on making your voice the correct note while not even having to worry about how it fucking sounds. You're just breathing through it.
Like what the fuck, if you're going to defend billie eilish, then be my fucking guest but don't spout bullshit nonsense that you obviously have no grasp on whatsoever.
After he was arrested there was even an "Emergency SGG" thread. Funny.
That's why you have to have immense admiration for someone like Dio.
shes not a good singer, faggot
Imagine the smell.
It could have just been bad charting week timing. Like how Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift technically debuted at #77 before shooting up to #1 the week after.
Can confirm. I (girl) did chorus as a high schooler with an okay alto voice very similar to Billie's. I sang almost exactly like her, quite softly with fear of belting it out thinking I'd be off-key. I can tell right away Billie is far too concerned with being on-key and doesn't sing outside of her whisper bullshit for this reason.
Me, I'm terrible at high notes. I can't do them at all--it sounds like garbage. I can do a not bad low crooner voice.
Take this for instance:
Someone in a previous Shillie thread pointed out how she's sharp on her altos, flat on her mezzo-sopranos, and sounds atrocious going from one register to another. Not a good sign.
Or those oldskool soul divas like Aretha. Nobody could project like them.
Industry plants all start off as somewhat blank slates who are then groomed and controlled by the label into something marketable. Billie had nothing else of her own aside from that one song which she had no part in writing or producing. Interscope signed and planted her because she's fresh meat with no other musical experience. She would have never "made it" had the label not signed her.
I remember the last fatty to make the top 40. After her 2 seconds of relevance, she quietly went back to McDonalds from whence she came.
Meghan Trainor is working behind the scenes as a songwriter IIRC.
Isn't that what happened with Justin Bieber? They discovered him on a Youtube video?
It's hard to decide what was more obnoxious in terms of the message it was sending--this song or the feminist agitprop No.
The smoking gun is the hook. The backplay overrides her live vocals, meaning she's lost some ability to hit the high notes naturally.
Neat, so at only 17 she's on the road to destroying her voice.
From what I can tell she's going there. Imagine being 21 and needing vocal surgery from years of singing incorrectly.
Awww man
Shes really evil if you think about it. Giving false hope to fatties.
That whole year fatties thought the world was gonna change and everybody was going to want to fuck chubsters.
I remember it. Fat girls started getting cocky and trying to develop terrible hot girl personalities.
Dudes had burst a lot of bubbles that year.
2015-- the year of Meghan and Elle King
Go to the end, he calls Billie "seductive". BARF.
Her label could have also hooked her up with X.
fuck off leftypol commie fag
Nothing wrong with facts.
>8 months
Jfc i need to get out more i just found out about this bitch like yesterday
The leftypol thread about her is still up. I'm not kidding. Has 380 responses.
Wait this isn't grimes?
I've spent the past couple months thinking this was grimes
Written like someone whose never been on Yea Forums
Literally all momrock or 10 year old girl music.
This girl's entire existence is dabbing on Yea Forums. Stop giving her attention.
This shit is misleading as fuck.
LIVE music was an actual thing in 1990.
>we still have live music today
No you dont zoomer, shut up
Meaning there were tons of musicians who were rich as fuck and made a sweet living who never got anywhere near the top or even middle of that list just from touring.
Eww look how trashy she looks god damn. Not in an attractive way either. She was kinda hot in that one video though.
why was the MSM pushing grunge so hard?
The Instagram pics of her with Soundcloud rappers actually made me ill.
>teens in 1992 listened to grunge and early gangsta rap
Have any proof of that?
Maybe that's just revisionist marketing nonsense that became the accepted idea, whereas the reality of it was that grunge was only popular among the slightly weirder kids, but the majority was still listening to Madonna and Marky Mark.
Same reason why it's promoting Shillie.
i think i hate zoomers
still funny after the millionth time
>muc drop
Anyone got the coffee gif?
>but the majority was still listening to Madonna and Marky Mark
Yeah maybe your 12 year old sister.
Shillie's tour "sold out" within 48 hours of it being announced.
Especially the guy sucking on her toes.
Literally everybody liked teen spirit and pearl jam they were cool kid playlist all day.
Even some nigs liked teen spirit lowkey
There's something wrong with her face
It looks like she was malnourished or diseased as a kid, but she's a rich californian kid. She has like, no chin. Like she's half fish.
>Odd Future
>only black companions
>black-favored brand
I mean, I've seen some real goblino trailer park chicks but they had an excuse. She should have access to the best available diet and health care.
Spectrumcuck has been shilling her from the very beginning. Every time she charts he gives her Best of the Week.
Please tell me she doesn't literally act like a wigger irl. I was borderline ok with her rap-singing as it can be considered performance art but I seriously cannot stand white girls who behave like niggers.
>rap singing
When does she rap?
she has tree trunk legs
like a flipside Chloe Moretz
The charts suggest otherwise.
It doesn't make much sense that the majority of teens were all of a sudden into dirty rock music for all of 2 years in the early 90's, then went right back to listening to plastic pop music as they always have.
Teen Spirit was the only 'grunge' song that charted highly on the billboard charts, it peaked at number 6. So during the week it was most popular, there were 5 other songs that were even more popular.
From a rock perspective it did extremely well, but from a pop perspective Nirvana are essentially a one hit wonder and all the other grunge bands were pretty obscure.
5 shekels have been deposited into your account. Please keep up the good work :)
>only black companions
Nah there was that video of her pushing some other white girl around in a shopping cart.
360 was created at Interscope.
I'd be surprised if she wasn't on one. They cover social media too, and by the looks of it (17 million followers on Insta) they're doing a good job of it too.
Not him but probably the implied bestiality.
When she speaks
>angry black man
Yeah, no.
Well what would you call it?
Biracial love making?
>The charts suggest otherwise.
They dont though. Theres this idea that somehow pop charts always reflect what teens are listening to. Its silly to even think about.
First of all teens dont have any money so they didnt have buying power to bend the charts to their will.
Remember if you wanted a song or an album in 1991 you had to venture out into the world and literally go get it.
You might hear the single a few times a day on the radio or mtv but you werent hearing anything from the album unless you went and got it.
What happened in the 80s and early 90s was one kid from the neighborhood would get the cool new album that everybody wanted on cassette tape then everybody else in the neighborhood copies it from him.
Thats how virtually every kid was listening to something without it being reflected on pop charts.
Since when is a minor getting raw dogged by a bunch of smelly apes "love making"? Pretty sure that falls into bestiality which is also prohibited in the bible.
There is literally nothing wrong with being angry and black.
There is literally nothing wrong with an angry black man making love to a young white woman.
Since when are blacks "smelly apes"?
Since when are all Bahamians rapists?
Adults don't buy music, nor do pre-teens.
Teenagers have always been the dominant music market.
White girls who fuck black guys become instantly unattractive to most other men. It signals something on an instinctual level that makes you think they are mentally/genetically defective and perhaps also diseased in some manner.
It's probably not fair to assume these qualities in someone just because they have sex with negroids but it is involuntary.
Since about 200,000 years ago
This is the angry black man who will be performing with Billie.
Do you not see why this would be a problem?
If a white woman chooses a black man over a white man, then the white man is the problem.
>Do you not see why this would be a problem?
No why?
>White girls who fuck black guys become instantly unattractive to most other men.
Yes this is very true on a mental and spiritual level.
But its also true on a purely aesthestic level. Every single 10 ive seen became an 8 in less than a month after niggers got a hold of her.
Just something about laying with beasts makes them noticably more sloppy and lazy.
All the 13-year old girls moshing to ULT will be fun to watch though.
I'd tell you to go back to tumblr but you cant post pictures of naked gay boys kissing there anymore.
so she fucks black guys, so what? I don't get the issue.
>i dont get it
>i have this pic saved for unrelated reasons
you cock blocked ur own troll dummy
you still haven't answered the question. what's wrong with that? why this makes you mad?
Because niggers are terrible. They fuck everything up by their mere presence.
They really are living demons.
Horrible unruly beasts.
Why is there a photo of she getting her toe sucked? Was it leaked or something?
how they fuck up exactly? she seems happy in these photos
Jfc it would take a pages and pages to explain that.
Simple answer, everywhere they go they bring violent crime and they are a constant 24/7 drain on society. We are constantly bending over backwards and throwing money at them BEGGING for them to get their shit together and they just refuse to do it.
We are going on two generations now of walking in pins needles to not hurt their feelings.
Then to top it all off after all this shit, literally bringinh society to a halt for them. They do nothing but call us racists and violently attack us.
They claim to be oppressed yet they are elected into US government at ridiculously higher rates than any other race. They dominate the local politics of most of our bigger cities, yet they still cry and piss and moan and violently attack.
Nobody is safe around niggers, if you are part of either of these 3 groups and live around niggers you WILL be violently attacked.
1 - old people
2 - asians
3 - women
Niggers are demons.
and they steal anything they can get their hands on
And they smell like a bowl of shit
And most of them are infested with stds
Dude, the album debuted at #1. More important than any single placement.
Shes like an ugly, junkie Laura Prepon with no talent and high testosterone
literally who
no fucking idea what he´s talking about. i think he´s talking about another Billie ay
shell be fine
Go back to /pol/, racists.
That happens with most hyped up new releases though.
My sister's one friend went to a high school that was like 75% black. She's the biggest racist on the planet.
The latest garbage album by dadrock bands like Bon Jovi or something goes to #1 too. Doesn't mean anyone is actually buying the thing; usually they just give away the CDs at concerts as tour merch so you can go and hear them play the old classics (one song off the new album will be played during which time the audience goes to the bathroom).
i dont understand the appeal, her singing is just these soft whispers. There is no interesting melody or range in her vocals. very boring to me. I guess the music part is pretty good.
She's pretty much the equivalent to Lydia Lunch in the no wave period. Her new album may as well be a remastered studio version of their live performances. I love her music and I think we're hitting the second no wave scene real soon.
Also like why would her parents allow this especially when she and her brother are apparently as sheltered as they are?
Right before rock and roll broke in 1955, the pop charts were dominated by slow, dopey singers like Doris Day and Patti Page. Sam Phillips had said that during the early 50s, black R&B records were becoming increasingly popular with white kids, so it was only a matter of time.
>when she and her brother are apparently as sheltered as they are?
Why because they're homeschooled? They're fucking Hollywood parents, not John and Annie PraiseJesus from Kentucky. Rich LA kids are the biggest spoiled, degenerate scum unhung.
I don't think people realized how fresh and different SLTS sounded at the time especially when rock radio was nothing but Heart and Van Halen.
>especially when rock radio was nothing but Heart and Van Halen
Pure momshit. Well ok, I guess Van Halen still had some cool credibility in the early 90s.
Im ready for this stage
the thing is that she isnt fat at all. But her dress sense is just god awful
Muh /pol/