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Other urls found in this thread:

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when do we get a new fromis song?

Attached: D0vlTM0UYAAqDKP.jpg orig.jpg (1918x1032, 165K)

where did this meme of wjsn being prostitutes come from?

Attached: 1549524417258.png (1372x401, 998K)

hopefully it's not shit like poop bomb

Attached: omo.jpg (1080x721, 88K)

if their company spends 10k per day on them during promotions i dont think wjsn need to prostitute

Attached: eunboomer.jpg (366x327, 16K)

>tfw no soft squishy tofu in my life

jeong thread coming right up

Attached: 1538755606778.jpg (957x2048, 269K)

I dedicate this song to BTS


Attached: 1501816335914.jpg (1332x2000, 307K)


at this point, it could even be yes or yes and i'd be happy

thoughts on her nosejob?

Peekaboo! CHAEYOUNG's not here~!

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based army

Attached: D3RXSeNV4AA4baN.jpg (1241x986, 135K)

Our DUBU kid grew up to be DUBU lady by drinking freshness!

Attached: 1541335272309.jpg (1600x1201, 113K)


Attached: cricket.jpg (750x747, 103K)

seulgi has the nicest booty call me slugroastie if you agree

Attached: slugoddess.webm (640x1012, 1.44M)


good idea

why are you hunting around for the mentally ill on twitter when we have our hands full here

Attached: dongstrut.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

Whispering to partner

Attached: 1526271142050.jpg (1600x1125, 200K)

who is pussyeater?

nah, that would be umji's sweet tight butt

Attached: DqhjmS4VYAAsmmv.jpg orig.jpg (1366x2048, 559K)

shit like this normal among army?

Shut up CIA

time to go to sleep

Attached: 87B73A3F-AB85-4B7F-BF30-31F4232FC19A.jpg (236x235, 8K)

not sehun for sure

>throbbing cricket members

fair enough

He's mentally ill as well.

Attached: 1532446920494.webm (1010x464, 2.92M)


very disappointed that wizbros dont keep their folder organized

Attached: yuri.jpg (768x1024, 88K)

Good post


Attached: D235GM0UwAA9uL-.jpg orig.jpg (1920x1281, 352K)

>violeta sucked
>kill this love sucked
will fancy save april?

What's wrong with ARMY?

Sehun is straight

Attached: D3UWcBSV4AAwhCL.jpg (1365x2048, 326K)


Attached: 1553905334175.jpg (1528x2048, 429K)

pabo finally getting her revenge

given the track record lmao
i mean come on

and yoogap

Attached: Mochi_Yellow-1112376330505486337-20190331_112918-img1.jpg (2048x1365, 133K)

Attached: 1550662500332.jpg (800x1421, 97K)

don’t samefag roastie

without a doubt

Attached: D3lxSSgUYAACa-E.jpg (2000x3000, 567K)

finally some attractive women

you and i was peak yoohyeon

Attached: smug midget.jpg (1279x720, 399K)

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Attached: p9x8a70IwZ1v9r0v1o2_1280.jpg (800x1200, 116K)

Attached: dumbification.jpg (720x713, 56K)

Attached: pink nun.webm (800x743, 2.9M)

Attached: umjiiiiiiiiii.png (749x748, 942K)

violetta was no where near as bad as ktl

Attached: NB5mKdY.jpg (1280x1920, 192K)

you think its gonna be slutpop?

Attached: D3oqB7lWkAAc6f0.jpg (750x750, 116K)

It was 2 different posts moroni

the birth of twicelady

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Attached: MilkySmartBetafish.webm (1066x1440, 2.93M)

Attached: 1552281625217.png (974x1500, 2M)

it's unlikely, they still have jiheon after all

Attached: 3fd7f6aeb641c6a13fa71a8cc5ba85ed.jpg (1000x1250, 179K)

delete that

Attached: D2AyVB_VYAEV9cA.jpg (1920x1281, 332K)

what a beautiful sight

Attached: 1531103335872.webm (1280x720, 1.97M)


theres no need to organize when you can remember were you olace it

Attached: D3pD64GUIAA_3w7.jpg (800x1200, 154K)

post her pussy

wow why do i let looks get in the way of me listening to shit sometimes. park bom's f*ce almost deterred me from listening to spring

*posts best dreamcatcher*

Attached: Dr5aN4AVsAE0LXE.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1364, 313K)


not to be autistic but it triggers me that her sleeves are so loose. i want to see some skindentation.

why is egg such a raging homo?

Attached: P.webm (480x480, 1.52M)

nah those are probably trolling

Attached: watt.png (957x700, 446K)

violet > ktl tho
if twice will comeback
twice song > violet > momoland > KTL

it would be a real shame if someone posted her fat ass

I'll bet my Bears tickets on it

oops meant to post this

Attached: YoohyeonWorksOut.png (1143x758, 633K)


the whole boy thing was just JPY's meme

there are 4 best dreamcatchers

Attached: o4grrbupwmb01.jpg (500x396, 33K)


Attached: FKxyleg.jpg (1000x1500, 674K)

you and me both. idk why they didn't fit them better or cinch them closed dbh

Attached: 3ozOPAn.jpg (1280x1920, 278K)

it'll probably be
twice > violeta >>> woowa >>WALL>> trumpet toots

They got PRISTIN'D

you need some gahyeon, yoo is sticc

Attached: 4f040c08bd829fdd7f322296b1ba370e.jpg (540x719, 70K)

my dreamcatcher

Attached: 잊지 못할 촬영이었어요! ‘아이돌 그라운드’ 드림캐쳐 (DREAMCATCHER) 8편-lDda (402x622, 395K)

word but 7

Attached: dreamcatcher1.jpg (1200x902, 211K)

i am not in possession of reaction image for this one.

>dreamcatcher hours starting just as i'm going to bed
fuck you guys

Attached: 1542424953261.gif (443x443, 3.77M)

Momoland's song is good

so how tall is the new midget? do we know yet?

Attached: D3aoDzvUUAAdco9.jpg (1024x576, 85K)

hers were loose too tho

Attached: 8e6d4150e5a97d03b26663694945c276.jpg (1200x800, 175K)

and you know whose fault that is

im going to mcdonalds y'all want anything

Attached: 1538627642306.jpg (1333x2000, 450K)


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Attached: 잊지 못할 촬영이었어요! ‘아이돌 그라운드’ 드림캐쳐 (DREAMCATCHER) 8편-lDda (1920x1080, 2.86M)


Attached: 1548365432742.jpg (2048x1442, 915K)

goodnight friend

Attached: gahyeongudnite3.jpg (750x1000, 165K)

dreamcatcher releasing a song with trumpets

Attached: 잊지 못할 촬영이었어요! ‘아이돌 그라운드’ 드림캐쳐 (DREAMCATCHER) 8편-lDda (1920x1080, 2.89M)

i'll get a McChicken

Attached: 1549558120381.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

>jiu will never humiliate you in your sleep

hyeonseo is apparently 160cm so we can guess from that

best chaeyoung

Attached: 1530704520381.jpg (1500x998, 184K)

>no thumbnails

she's begging to get fucked

that looks really dangerous

dreamcatcher dancing out of sync

they've used kinda brassy sounds before i think but i doubt full on meme trumpets will ever happen

Double Quarter Pounder® with Cheese

Attached: D2Tf5CtUcAAGh9a.jpg orig.jpg (1366x2048, 419K)

trumpets can be good

Attached: IMG_20190401_130247.jpg (720x1080, 117K)

>girls who like girls
nooooooooooooo....... it can't be, not our mamamooo

spreadsheet pedo

do kpop ska songs exist?

we like dami here

Attached: pandami.webm (640x360, 1.43M)

i need a large coke i spilled mine

Attached: 1492350656625.jpg (532x800, 145K)

im here to deliver some milk

Attached: 1553544497667.jpg (703x768, 54K)


Attached: D16ccYkVAAEuwLl.jpg (1920x1281, 301K)

Attached: c9b54f2a2675dbe8e6f584dccab69d70.jpg (1000x997, 120K)

if they keep their rock style and add zunpets it could sound like touhou... based

i like to drink my milk straight from the source

haseulie bootie

Attached: 1533755116680.webm (896x1080, 374K)


Attached: 1554688129236.jpg (577x1080, 67K)

Attached: jiheon (2).webm (462x598, 393K)
sluggo is the ultimate reddit waifu aka pleb tier

>4 hour drive tomorrow
what should be on my playlist?

Attached: 1554699552965.jpg (645x419, 32K)

minji tho

Attached: 1553042091651.jpg (1199x1800, 309K)

wtf who sleeps with a fucking extension cord...that girl will die early for sure

I bet Nancy and Jooe are textbook mean girls in real life

I know my 478 webm very well

just twice

Attached: DtxTiVkVAAAd2oK.jpg (1066x1600, 193K)

it is a reasonable estimate

dreamcatcher's discography

something good, avoid kpop

cum right on



Attached: gahbed3.webm (1920x840, 2.86M)

why jooe though? jooe looks like she could be nice maybe if people had treated her correctly

Attached: nancy2.jpg (1075x1327, 73K)

if jeongers did ruin her nose, do i waifuhop?

Attached: Db4vi4kU0AAJXwj.jpg orig.jpg (1333x2000, 188K)

one day you're gonna end up overwriting one of your webms and you will never know until 5 months later when you frantically go through your 602 webms to find it actually doesn't exist which will then make you question your sanity as you grab the rope you've prepared to kill yourself with when you reach age 30 without accomplishing anything in life

Attached: 1549402707112.jpg (550x721, 67K)

she'll definitely join a group like laysha in 5 years

Attached: D3LFxKYW0AUJc92.jpg (1080x1009, 141K)


Attached: hani (104).jpg (1200x1800, 789K)

it's actually straight vodka in a sprite can

anyone else excited for game of thrones

Attached: 1553486473629.jpg (1280x1548, 298K)

exos discography

ooof jisoo looking like a snack

man face

i've already passed that day long ago and furthermore i delete my entire kpop folder every few months anyway

dubu getting her throat slit at the red wedding

3 double big macs with extra big mac sauce please

idk just put on your favourites
should definitely drop in some genres other than kpop so you dont get sick of it

I am, sunday is gonna be a good day for me

Attached: 1527830211275.jpg (1769x3035, 558K)


look at this


>getting sick of kpop in 4 hours

i have been fapping to this for 2 days

Attached: 1549249484529.jpg (2063x2621, 780K)

Attached: gogo.webm (406x720, 3M)

idiot you're only supposed to look


Attached: 190213 수록곡 소개에 춤추는 드림캐쳐 지유 리액션 4K 직캠 Dreamcatcher.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

don't look at that

Attached: DYBQUPwU8AAIOrr.jpg (1058x1484, 499K)

she got a nosejob?

Attached: WITCH.png (137x254, 68K)

I just can't wait for it to just be over with

Attached: jiulook.webm (608x1080, 1.09M)

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i want solar to piss on me

Attached: jiu19.jpg (600x801, 90K)

Attached: 1525422554417.jpg (1440x1758, 177K)

jihyo's talents

Oh I'm sure they're both nice if you spoke to them in the right situation, but together without the kpop facade they would definitely be those stereotypical bitchy girls


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as seen on the tapes....

i've masturbated to this

does anyone remember when itzy was flavor of the month? now nobody posts them anymore.

Attached: blackpink.jpg (1000x750, 99K)

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Attached: 1540039117190.jpg (1080x1080, 88K)
what genre is highlight? what are some songs similar to it? doesnt have to be from kpop.

sometimes I wonder if people just make up a rumor and then post it over and over again each thread until others start to believe it's true

Attached: 1540635053338.jpg (1602x2048, 287K)

they literally disappeared

the perfect height

Attached: D178hMzUkAAjsOz.jpg (1281x1920, 200K)

Attached: jHWxADWh.jpg (1024x683, 75K)

definitely not based


Attached: 1526363706585.jpg (1920x1080, 681K)

>that chin


Attached: solji (10).jpg (900x1350, 313K)

it's highly effective if it's based on korean rumors

im cubbin

that's most groups

Only ₩44,000 but I'll be working

Attached: 19005057-02.jpg (700x1814, 159K)

>Ryujin was scouted at a GOT7 fan meet

twice needs all the help they can get

word, and then they pull out their phone and start samefagging

what do you do for ships/groups

Attached: 1543441628663.jpg (819x1024, 115K)


our GUY

Attached: K6ekFRe.jpg (500x709, 89K)

40 nugget challenge

literal manbody no wonder twiceshits get jealous of seulgi

no they didn't you obvious samefag

Attached: 1535645656374.webm (360x640, 2.71M)

why would you believe that?
just go back to sleep and don't think about it goyim

Attached: 1539936194039.jpg (2048x1365, 324K)

*raps in korean*

Attached: 1550546946197.jpg (2000x2917, 2.99M)

gah you cute fucking sow

Attached: retarded gahyeon.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

a second cake to ensure her good health and prosperity

Attached: IMG_20190409_002817.jpg (2048x1364, 242K)

Attached: D2Fx3kWUcAA_-9W.jpg (3840x2560, 702K)

egg seems really straight to me

Attached: JoyousSoupyHylaeosaurus.webm (858x858, 1.48M)

we got too cocky TxTbros

Attached: D5795337-ED59-40F9-859D-569E17899882.jpg (3218x2950, 1004K)


Attached: 1542809868325.png (300x301, 132K)

rare JiU p*t

Attached: 1533505179233.jpg (1080x1350, 178K)

my witchfu



Attached: tumblr_pe8gxsUTSv1v9r0v1o1_1280.jpg (1200x800, 82K)

Attached: CarefulNaturalKitten.webm (608x500, 247K)

Attached: december.webm (1920x1080, 2.71M)

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Attached: DD307511-3088-40DA-B98C-9A42328E54E5.jpg (1080x1080, 345K)

managernim sure is lucky...

Attached: 1546190190780.jpg (2560x4096, 653K)

Attached: SY_Lullaby-1115321563425824772-20190408_143237-img1.jpg (2000x1334, 272K)


Attached: 1526273674512.webm (640x492, 687K)

Attached: 1541285272915.webm (652x584, 477K)

jihyo cutting her hair is the best thing twice has ever done

Attached: 1528668716662.jpg (1469x2243, 760K)

Attached: twiceboykk.jpg (2268x1814, 274K)

Attached: havana.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Attached: 1525752143563.jpg (1080x1080, 263K)

good find friend

Attached: jiu23.webm (608x1080, 2.75M)


has jihyo posting returned?

Attached: 1551334833397.jpg (446x446, 34K)

holy buns

Attached: 1525675243777.jpg (356x511, 16K)

Attached: jiuroly1.webm (406x720, 2.88M)


Attached: 1544659497567.jpg (1367x2048, 351K)

1 slutty rude bitch giraffe
1 plastic granny

ere i kum kig in da do'

Attached: arinaingend.webm (900x1038, 2.88M)

Attached: D3eRxkPU0AAUKz9.jpg (1365x2048, 286K)

ugly :/

is yunjin legal yet

post the tape

which kpops are these

Attached: 1432703380883.gif (320x320, 1.46M)


did a post from 2 months ago time travel to here

jihyo posting is allowed provided you post the tape

at least twice have high quality mvs

me and your wife lol

oh my girl

that slut knows what shes doing

should have stopped at mina

bambam and mina

Attached: 99C880415CAABEAF25.jpg (1536x2048, 404K)

i'm glad I didn't

Attached: 1550883763109.jpg (820x751, 58K)

what's that webm where there are like 3 girls and they bend over at a window? i'm sure i have it somewhere but i can't remember the group

god ive missed her abs

Attached: 1554784525687.jpg (1024x682, 93K)

Attached: 170271197200776.jpg (920x960, 96K)

Attached: all according to keikaku.jpg (1920x1280, 247K)

best bside of the year so far

Attached: 1554070082740.jpg (2048x1152, 250K)

hyewon you fucking pig

based jiheon

Princess Minguri

Attached: D3oz7DMUUAYDXMU.jpg (800x1200, 149K)

Attached: 99DE14345CAABEAF27.jpg (1364x2048, 405K)

very debatable but i'll word you anyway

Attached: 1553910652945.jpg (720x697, 37K)

Attached: D3RsK6GU0AAe20m.jpg (1281x1920, 198K)

how do kpops pull off such great airport fashion?

Attached: 1547969577185.jpg (1920x1920, 403K)


This breaks my f*cking heart, f*ck...ㅠㅠㅠ

how the fuck is this possible
like the monsta x guys make sense but this??

i love this performance. fuck those sjw roasties

which one is better?

like human vacuums

rip bp

fancy deserts are expensive



why does this guy get to interview idols without any kind of quality set up?
not even fucking mics or anything...
he's so pretentious in his videos too

they look so cute and like they are having a lot of fun


never really listened to k-pop but I came across this recently and realized what I've been missing


>would eat you out of house and home


They have their own stylists.