ITT: Your favorite artist’s worst album
ITT: Your favorite artist’s worst album
King of Limbs is fine, fuck off.
Pablo Honey is.
anything before isn’t anything doesn’t exist
This .TKOL is better than HTTT.
fuck off and die nigger, bet you still think dsotm is their best
Bloom is awesome. The basement version elevates the whole album, and makes top-5 Radiohead song out of Bloom.
unrelated but not worth a thread:
whats the name of the band/album
all i know about it is that its great and the cover of the album is a drawn crown on a white background with the name written below it.
listened to it a few years back, hit the feels, thanks a lot Yea Forums
fashion nugget?
No. Kys you fucking waste of a brain idiot
At least I can remember the names of albums I enjoyed. Stay seething
Imagine actually thinking that The King of Limbs is worse than Pablo Honey.
>too dumb to remember the name of a band not only listened to but enjoyed and want to listen to again
>gets mad when someone tries to help
Can you imagine being this autistic?
I'd take TKoL even over The Bends. Easily. But then I'd have to stop, of course, I'm not a madman.
Bravo!! thanks a bunch user. fuckthatmoron
sorry user, I was fooled, you're cool
i guess my all-time favourite is smashing pumpkins, and my least favourite from them is monuments for an elegy.
stop pretending to be me, i’m the actual cake-poster
this, it's still trash tho