Going to be tripping here in a couple of days, and I'm trying to put together a good playlist for it...

Going to be tripping here in a couple of days, and I'm trying to put together a good playlist for it. What should I listen to while I'm walking around?

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you won't

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here you go acidbro

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Forget all the trippy shit. After trippy probably 20 times I have to say Carole Kings Tapestry is unironically my favorite album to listen to. It’s so damn good

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I'm assuming acid? You can't go wrong with Animal Collective on acid, if rec either MPP or Feels depending on the vibe. Die lit is really fun on acid too.

If you're going to robotrip you NEED to listen to here comes the Indian, AIA: Alien Observer, and Long Season truly beautiful and sublime experiences.

Sgt. Pepper is one of my favorite things I've listened to on acid

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Anything by Mahavishnu Orchestra.

This I woulda never thought it would be good on acid but it’s amazing


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A little too poppy for me. I feel like Sgt peppers gets me in the mood for acid better than actually being enjoyable on acid.

based mom

Unknown Mortal Orchestra's Second album is incredible on acid

This album was fantastic to listen to when I was tripping, but when I played it for a friend on a subsequent trip she didn't like how jarring the first song was and we stopped

Bonus points for staring at the album cover and seeing it animated

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Devin Townsend albums: Ki, Ghost
If you like heavier stuff: Accelerated Evolution, Addicted


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Careful not to fall over.
>Don't take drugs be near a responsible adult.

Mom music or not it’s superb

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If it’s sunny outside

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Dan Deacon - Gliss Riffer

Specifically, When I Was Done Dying

>forget all the trippy shit
This, OP. Trippy music is just a nuisance when actually tripping. Nothing can match the wonder of your own direct experience. That one retard recommending BMSR probably has never even tripped.

as cliche as it is

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Listen to some Webern.

unironically classical is amazing while tripping. i don't normally listen to it but high on acid it's amazing

Music is usually a mistake