Oh my god aphex twin! check out my afx logo tattoo! im so original

>oh my god aphex twin! check out my afx logo tattoo! im so original

Attached: 50362DA1-21BC-43C3-AD07-257B55E76C20.jpg (445x445, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

last.fm/user/Sugarpaw/library/music/Aphex Twin

I'm not sure who this meme is targeting. I basically never see Aphex Twin circlejerks on here. Maybe try Death Grips or Radiohead?

yeah this

It's just some random autist who hates Aphex Twin

hi r/aphexheads

Attached: 6C835A87-8858-4E0F-BE1C-BF2B50098360.gif (800x371, 154K)

The virgin Aphex Twink vs. The Chad Autechre

>Someone doesn’t appreciate my dogpuke tier meme

Try r/Wojak

Attached: 66758573-850A-41EF-B697-013040A39864.jpg (640x633, 42K)

>noooo don’t you dare post anything negative about gaysex twink!

Attached: EC4B74F1-A409-43FF-A42E-2DF97CC6FFF1.jpg (504x504, 58K)

That's part of the meme, it's meta and hilarious

last.fm/user/Sugarpaw/library/music/Aphex Twin
That’s all I got on him. Never got what’s so appealing about that dude. I dislike him too user. The only difference between us (IMPLYING you don’t have a dick which you obviously don’t) is that I don’t actually care about his music so I don’t go out of my way like an autistic fucking goose to spam the fuck out of Yea Forums which is polluted enough as it is.

Attached: 1DB03716-FAAA-48B9-8A90-7DC702EAC098.jpg (540x720, 33K)

nice dubs, i have aphex entire discography downloaded just recently :)
yes he has a lot of shitty wanky songs, but he has some beautiful and also catchy melodies in there. if you didnt try his entire discog you cant really judge it you fucking autistic faggots ;)

hi r aphexhead

Go away

Attached: 6105CEB4-1775-4D7F-8920-69DB9FFF61CB.jpg (225x225, 7K)

these are like the same exact responses that get repeated every time someone doesnt like reddit twin

Stfu schizo fag, this person exists only in your head

But he's a computer nerd just like me! Nice trips!


>.Winter, the tripfag

No u

Squarepusher > Autechre
fite me

>This is the night mail crossing the border bringing the cheque and the postal order
This is the night mail crossing the border bringing the cheque and the postal order
>This is the night mail crossing the border bringing the cheque and the postal order
This is the night mail crossing the border bringing the cheque and the postal order
>This is the night mail crossing the border bringing the cheque and the postal order
This is the night mail crossing the border bringing the cheque and the postal order
>This is the night mail crossing the border bringing the cheque and the postal order
This is the night mail crossing the border bringing the cheque and the postal order
>This is the night mail crossing the border bringing the cheque and the postal order
This is the night mail crossing the border bringing the cheque and the postal order
>This is the night mail crossing the border bringing the cheque and the postal order
This is the night mail crossing the border bringing the cheque and the postal order
>This is the night mail crossing the border bringing the cheque and the postal order
This is the night mail crossing the border bringing the cheque and the postal order
>This is the night mail crossing the border bringing the cheque and the postal order
This is the night mail crossing the border bringing the cheque and the postal order

Attached: hextal.jpg (334x1428, 97K)

Silke F has found a new way to proliferate her schizoid fantasies I see.
How can you hate something so much and care about it so much at the same time?
It's apparently not enough for you to just dislike aphex, no, everyone has to see it at least 5x a day. You sad cunt, go out for once and get ur pussy smashed at an underground techno club or something


>Silke F has found a new way to proliferate her schizoid fantasies I see.
>How can you hate something so much and care about it so much at the same time?
>It's apparently not enough for you to just dislike aphex, no, everyone has to see it at least 5x a day. You sad cunt, go out for once and get ur pussy smashed at an underground techno club or something
>Stfu schizo fag, this person exists only in your head

Attached: 1552757013485.jpg (324x419, 41K)

>We’re concerned user
How often do you hear your parents say that?

based, altho silke f's music is real good.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (288x288, 8K)

See, it's not aphex specifically that I'm into that much, it's the underground electronic music scene in general. All these people who love sound just as much as I do.
That logo has become the symbol of the electronic underground over the years. It's like a gateway into 100s of hours of amazing abstract worlds.
I've always remained loyal because he was the cause of so many great and emotional moments. Everything becomes better with some aphex in the background for me.
Keep memeing it as hard as you want though, I usually just glance over these threads anyway.

>living with parents
stop projecting your insecurities onto other user kun

Post one actual criticism

who is Silke f?

aphex twin changed my life.... his music is so deep....

this is him in the wild
OMG Aphex Twin


Attached: OMGRICHARD.gif (405x371, 54K)


hilarious, still a good track though