Am I too far gone if these two albums disappointed me by not being depressing enough? I was expecting them to be way more crushing. They're still great though.
Not that I can only listen to depressing music, Ys and cLOUDDEAD are two of my favourite albums, it's just that Down Colorful Hill is constantly referred to as one of the most depressing albums ever and Halmstad's genre is literally depressive black metal
Am I too far gone if these two albums disappointed me by not being depressing enough...
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Nah, those albums don't do much for me either. It's not that they're not depressing for me, or even that I don't appreciate how good they are. But they just don't land for me.
I could post stuff I do find depressing, but they might not do anything for you either, since they'd be to my taste.
listen to superior DSBM
shining post 2005 is barely black metal
Down Colorful Hill is literally one of my favourite albums but it's not AS crushing as everyone says imo, definitely not more depressing than Low
blackened prog rock
I definitely agree Low are really effective and reliable. But I also think that chart is problematic again because of different tastes. Like that Codeine album is fine, but I've never found it to be particularly strong for depression. Again, Low is a solid choice, though. And I'm not big on any of the "stage 1" albums - if I had to pick a midwest emo band, it'd be Knapsack
try this
Doesn’t get much more depressing than this
Based taste, user. Knapsack is great 10/10 emo Courage was Confused gets me every time
That fucking agonizing pause before he says the line
Listen to pic related and for some actually depressing DSBM
You might like some turn of the millennium Katatonia, namely from Discouraged Ones to Last Fair Deal Gone Down. Not like they've ever been exactly a cheery band but there's no real mincing of words on those albums, those records are blunt force trauma sadness whereas they try to get increasingly more poetic with it all from Great Cold Distance onwards and Viva Empriness doesn't really have depression as the main theme so much as neuroticism and distrust.
anyone who thinks DCH is "one of the most le depressing albums EVER!!!" only listened to the first two tracks, the thing is frontloaded as shit. now Bluetile Lounge - Lowercase? that's a solid fucking slowcore album.
goddamn this guys' entire arm must be scar tissue at this point
The Smiths
>Bluetile Lounge - Lowercase
I need to listen to this more
ya I was listening to that halmstead album and it didnt do anything for me. also RHP never did as much for me as they do for others, but I respect them
frigid stars is much more depressing than white birch, it’s def. not my favorite/most depressing album, but there’s nothing quite like laying in your bed when the second part of Pea kicks in.
godlike cover art
try Giles Corey user, that gets me going
also based
le fedora suicide boys
I could recommend some DSBM to you. But some of it's not really that depressing. Nyktalgia kind of does it for me. Xasthur is decent for producing an unnerving dysphoric experience.
Current 93 does it for me much better than any of that though. Try:
It's a song about the loss of innocence. And the story behind it - about Louis Wain, who painted very innocent paintings of cats while simultaneously slowly losing his mind - makes it even more depressing.
Pinkerton is also pretty depressing for me personally, as a late 20s guy who can relate to a lot of the feelings Rivers Cuomo expresses on the album. I know it's a totally stereotypical choice but... fuck man.