>TFW you realize the SJWs were right all along
TFW you realize the SJWs were right all along
we just want to protect those that can’t protect themselves
Social Justice is correct when you are reasonable about it.
Not everyone are reasonable about it but most people are. in large portion of the world we still don't have equal right between men and women
Imagine being opposed to justice
no shit, you shouldn't believe any edge lord on the internet without first overlooking your own experiences/surroundings
Such as?
You mean only in developping and third world countries right?
Should be interesting to see people who are currently alt-right pivot to the far left, much as many people who were libertarians pivoted to the alt-right
i always thought they were. i just dont like people that are mean to me
What does this have to do with SJW liberals?
basically everyone not straight white able bodied and male in ameriKKKa
They're too anti white male so I could never side with them.
you live in an apartheid state and your tax shekels directly fund the slaughtering of palestinians. you have no room to lecture on social justice
Wops. Looks like this isn’t music related. Your under arrest.
should be as much fun as it was watching 4chin pivot from being a euphoric atheist image board to a christian revival image board back in the day
OP is (pretending to be) a centrist or member of the alt-right who is pivoting to the far left
meant for
>33 = free choice!
I choose all the countries in the world unite for equality amongst all humankind
there were definitely some SJW types that went "too far" and lost sight of their actual goals, and i was more than ready to have that conversation and rein them in, but people around the world seemed to decide instead that was a good enough reason to throw the baby right out with the bathwater and elect the worst-possible conservative opportunist candidates as a form of backlash. to me the takeaway is that liberals will have to settle for incremental progress instead of trying to ram a bunch of it through consecutively, in order to mitigate or hopefully even completely prevent the eventual backlash period, but i can understand how some of them might have the reverse takeaway and conclude that they need to push through as much progress as possible when they do get power because it can so easily be torn down when they lose it, i just believe that is ultimately a mistake and i'm optimistic that the cycle could be broken by a more moderate approach that seeks to build bridges instead of furthering the adversarial mindset. hopefully we collectively figure our way out of this trench we've found ourselves in.
These crafty sjws and their cyber ninja troll tactics!
Come on abortion
hopefully aborded
didn't read but cringe
I unironically believe that there have been disinformation campaigns run by America’s opponents since the beginning of social media to promote retarded versions of both right and left ideologies. The political views and reasoning I’ve seen since ever I’ve come online (decades ago) has always felt like a twisted, parody version of the things I had come to understand before. This type of poisoning of the intellectual well along with the inception of the “meme” has proved to be an effective tactic to degrade our nation’s general wellbeing when a military attack would have been impossible
i used to be an SJW and SJWs are literally wrong about everything
keep white knighting OP. it won't get you laid. bitch
Yea Forums is always just dominated by contrarians. The world got more liberal, so Yea Forums got more conservative.
Yeah, I doubt you were actually a lefty. Probably just another gamer that went down the youtube alt-right rabbit hole due to poor critical thinking skills (i.e: "The purring sound cats make is due to the presence of bees in their stomach, bro. It just makes sense" ) .
Kekking liberally @ the cat thing
As a mixed raced individual, i'd like to say thanks for white anglos for abolishing slavery and giving me acess to their techonology and inventions. Whites are my greatest ally.
False. They can and have the ability to protect themselves, but are often thought of lesser form of life. We need an even playing field for everyone regardless of race and gender, both systematically and in our own mindset. Thinking things like
>we just want to protect those that can’t protect themselves
Paints a picture of dependency and lower status, thus feeding into the system. It's difficult to fight against systematic discrimination, because when we often look for faces and point fingers at the enemy, however, every is part of the system i.e. we are all to blame.
SJW =/= "leftys". i'm a marxist you cock-sucking faggot piece of shit. didn't realize i was talking to an mentally retarded underage poster here. kill yourself.
Identity politics and social justice will get Trump re-elected in 2020.
There are far too many people on this planet and far too few resources. Social Justice is untenable and a pipe dream for well wishing young people.
With posts like this I'm not surprised the left can't pull any intellectual weight anymore and has become a collective of scandalizers and moralizers.
while i'd argue memes only got weaponized in the last 5 years or so, and i think it's a worldwide thing not an america vs someone else thing (that's not to say russia and china for example aren't clearly participants but i think it's reductive to say "oh it's russia!" - the capacity for corruption exists in every person and clearly there are powerful people in america who want to keep the current power dynamic going), i definitely don't think it's super out-there to claim that disinfo making both sides look wacky and egging on people to believe and support things that are wacky has been going on to discredit and discourage real discourse so we keep fighting each other instead of looking at who benefits from all this.
We have the resources and technology to feed everybody on the planet if we stopped worrying about who’s going to pay for it.
Hopefully reborn in USA again and not some shitty europoor nanny state
I see why you’d think it only started in the last decade, but I remember back in xanga/livejournal days watching the dawn of feminazis and people basically forgetting how to be decent liberals.
Why should "we" feed African nigger families with 10 children? Who needs them and were will this lead?
yeah i suppose it's more accurate to say it's just gotten really blatant in recent years, whereas before it was maybe more subtle
have fun Sven
Everybody deserves to be comfortable and happy, even if they’re lazy, unconditionally.
Tell me why this isn’t true in your eyes.
we just want to virtue signal as much as possible without saying anything meaningful
>paying for it
Ah. Therein lies the crux of the biscuit and the one SJWs never want to talk about in any kind of concrete or meaningful way.
As long as you're being fed by someone else, you will have to give them a reason to do it. Also, this population growth isn't sustainable.
inb4 some sort of gushy love-letter to "the struggle" (while also believing only "lesser people" should experience it and you, of course, should have a happy and comfortable life)
rather virtue signalers than dog whistlers tbqh
Providing your daily reminder that your lifestyle was only made possible through colonialism and genocide and that the NAP and classical liberalism are completely meaningless within that context.
I’m talking about abolishing the struggle. No one should go through that.
>communism must support unsustainable population growth
No one’s saying that. It supports sustaining the population.
Also, with controlled industry, the planet could support many tens of billions of people while leaving the environment practically untouched. Also, space habitats could house trillions.
Abolish capital, distribute resources as needed. it’s pretty basic.
take the commiepill
All these excuses to not admit there are too many shitskins on the planet. People were convinced by this trite moralizing 20 years ago, they aren't anymore now. You are 2 decades behind the curve, brainlet. Think about that.
that's why i put an inb4 post because romanticizing the struggle is the usual reply when that question is posed
however going full commie isn't the answer imo
But there arent though...
Besides, a larger (educated and nurtured) population is good for society, since ideas come from human minds so more minds will bring us all more ideas (technology, entertainment, etc.)
It's not basic at all. Even the concept of needs is something that's complex, abstract and subjective. Also, for people to work towards objectives and goals, they need incentives and motivation. You can do this optimally through prices and capitalism or you can become a police-state and try to shove your utopia down people's throats.
I'm too old for Yea Forums "politics".
Instead of working for an abstract incentive token like money, people can follow real motivations like self fulfillment
You have to listen to nothing but music from your new birth country for the next 24 hrs
Yeah, everyone's going to clock in for work and
be productive for "self fulfillment". If that was true, we would have space colonies by now. Humans are moved by their perverted desires and animalistic behaviour, such as gluttony, pride and greed.
>become a police-state and shove your utopia down people’s throat
whoa buddy we just wanna make sure everyone’s bills get paid
>Humans are moved by their perverted desires and animalistic behaviour, such as gluttony, pride and greed.
so we should have a system that encourages and exacerbates greed for the benefit of the (largely) idle few at the expense of the (largely) laboring many?
for the record i'm not strictly anti-capitalist and i do concede that it's probably the best system we've found so far, but i believe capitalism needs strong counter-measures to keep it in check, and we've been eroding those checks over time instead of preserving and strengthening them, and that's what needs to change.
That's easy to say when it's not you who's forced to comply or hand out resources.
Seems like I struck a nerve. Hehe
If you don't act in a violent manner, greed makes you driven. It hurts you, but benefits others, because you have to offer services or goods in exchange. Also, there's no such thing as not laboring for living, it's the natural state. Men are made miserable by the fauna and flora. Only cooperation through interests (free market) can make it easier. The idle are not responsible for your misfortunes, it's the fabric of reality itself.
I’d rather be aborted than be born in some African shithole
>to toil is natural
Lmao I guess labor saving technology doesn’t exist and there’s no more that could be invented
In "there's no such thing".. i meant: labouring isn't something you should see as punishment or "i'm only working because rich people are fucking me over", you work because that's how it's been since the dawn of time.
>it should be this way cause it’s always been this way
Fucking dumbass tbqh
ah, of course. where would we be without the great 80iq scientists and engineers of wakanda, which have pioneered countless innovations, as well as modern laws and the idea of basic human rights.
truly blessed are the nations receiving thousands of these individaluals
They haven’t because they’re not educated or nurtured
Russia please?
Minorities? This is how I deal with them.
There's technology. But it costs resources. And why should someone in their right mind just hand them out to you? It sounds like a children "just feed me, give me everything". But you don't realize someone has to actually do it and work in your place. You shouldn't be rewarded for being weak, stupid. That's dysgenic. Remind yourself, if you're not working, someone's working in your place.
SJWs only care about the likes and upvotes, they don't really care or theyd get the fuck off the phone
however, what they are responsible for, is the fact that despite achieving record profits year after year, the idle few at the top opted to let workers' wages stagnate instead of growing alongside profits. it's pretty much stealing what should be workers' wages to increase the divide between the haves and the have-nots. that's a major failing of capitalism that i think should be addressed. if wages actually stayed proportional, i think the situation would look a lot better.
>i'm a Marxist
>you cock-sucking faggot piece of shit
Sounds pretty unempowering to me. What would that be called? Disablist?
You're a retard. You are not innately worthy of anything, you must prove your worth. If you decide to sit around and do fuck all, there is absolutely no reason that anybody should support you. That line of reasoning implies that while I am suppose to support everybody with my hard work, I myself am not worth their effort in return. This is why your parents dont like you user.
I did and they're still right
>inb4 white privilege
Rolled shit last time gimme a real country this time.
abort abort
while this is true, there are those in power who don't want those people to get those recourses. and most are on the left
They're free to do so. Just as the workers are free to start a work union. They are free to pool their money and start their company, too. But people are conformist weaklings, and for that they should suffer. The idle ones are right in doing so, they should punish them.
Also, it's not stealing if it's a contract. Stealing is forced removal of private property, and your property and the contractors property are specificated in the contract. Using these terms in this context means you're spoiled and entitled.
Apparently Lebanon, interesting
>I’m talking about abolishing the struggle. No one should go through that
I cant believe someone could actually write this. my god you are a weak, worthless thing
Let’s all reflect that an increasing number of key people in the academy and in tech unironically believe this.
You forgot the “*wink wink*”, user. Nice cover though. The lobster princeps is on to you!
Rawling. Germany GET!
>people in here thinking their beliefs matter or will ever change anything about capitalist society besides picking between two colours
you really think this is the ethically correct stance? union laws are one area where we've been eroding instead of preserving and strengthening. you're saying as long as the people on top have the means, they can and should subjugate the have-nots by any means necessary? and what about when the divide has gotten so big that the have-nots have actually no recourse left? not saying we're there yet, but we're accelerating towards it.
i said "pretty much" before "stealing" and explained the comparison, and you're clearly just fishing for opportunities to discredit me. not convinced you're arguing in good faith and will probably stop replying.
Eh, I’ll take it.
Is life without struggle even possible, faggot? It doesn't exist.
no, but if we can do our best to eliminate unnecessary struggle that would be pretty good
les ged it
Sure, it’s “pretty much” stealing if in your vocabulary “pretty much” actually means “in no way or shape”. If you sign up to getting reamed in the behind, why would you complain about being butthurt at the end of the day?
If you are skilled you can demand higher wages if you feel you are underpaid. If you are unskilled you are lucky to even have a job.
>If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.
There's a rock bottom in sustaining a corporative industrial/market environment. It means there needs to be offer and demand. That means you can't starve your workers or profits go down. There's also an important detail: different enterprises compete for workforce. So they pretty much have to pay as close to what people production is as they can. Little equality means people will strive and put an effort into climbing the social strata. It's not terrible in itself, provided that they can eat, sleep at least 8 hours per day and have some worker rights. They're not stealing, they're claiming what they deserve, because they are the protagonists in the process of giving someone a place in the system. The combat against unemployment is actually a pretty humane and great task.
You mean unemployable 30 year olds living with their parents spending 14+ hours a day on the internet spouting retarded shit all day under the guise of it being "ironic" don't actually have level-headed perspectives or insightful opinions after all?
what would you define unnecessary struggle?
i'm not saying they shouldn't get the most, only that what the rest get should be more proportional to their contribution. this would also create more of a gradient through which social mobility can be made possible. i don't really see how things need to be as close to barely-good-enough as possible to keep people motivated.
not having public health care, for instance, creates unnecessary struggle. it's been proven that countries pay less per capita for healthcare when it's public, and that way nobody endures financial stresses on top of whatever they're incurring from the injury itself (ie missed work, limited mobility, etc) by having to pay out of pocket, and it doesn't create a landscape where pharmaceutical companies can extort the sick by charging them thousands of times the cost to produce their medicine even after recovering all r&d costs.