why do they suck at every genre except edm
Why do they suck at every genre except edm
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Is this edm?
cringe and cringepilled
because our country is boring af lol
Scorpions and Fair Warning are some of the best rock bands of all time, what do you mean?
except Krautrock and Experimental Rock in general
your country is amazing
or was, at least
>old boomer shit
Can and Faust are based.
they perfected psych rock
>50 years old
I guess you niggas consider it old, because your avg. lifespan is 20years and then you die in gang war
How to discredit yourself in just one sentence. Nice job.
Let’s see ...
>dominate Classical music, including having birthed the greatest composer of all time, whose music is the only one represented thrice on the golden record that our species flung into the eternal void of outer space
>played a central role in the development and popularization of electronic music in general
>cranked out a whole bunch of number 1 pop songs throughout the seventies, eighties and nineties that get played to this day
>produce decent bands of every genre and some exceptional Metal ones
Quit while you’re behind, OP.
For real.
I get why you’d say that but from my limited experience with other nations including non-European ones I’d say that is a common feeling for non-nationalistic nations (meaning nations whose nationals aren’t the jingoistic “we’re the shit, y’all suck!” kind). The Japanese for example, youngsters included, think of their country as rather boring. That whole Weird Japan deal isn’t really on their radar.
idk if you guys have heard of this little tidbit about THE GREATEST FUCKING COMPOSER OF ALL TIME BEING GERMAN
Tucker Analson is a fake bitch
im talking about now, not about 300 years ago
No one is good now.
>I-it doesn’t matter that this music is the cornerstone on which all of Western music is built and is concerned the high point of European culture to this day ... because it’s old!
But even if we were to grant you that, my last line concerns today’s output. In virtually every genre you will find at least one decent German band and as I said, in regards to Metal (any and all sub-genre) there are great ones based out of Germany. It’s no coincidence that the biggest Metal festival in the world was created here.
That’s Cucker Tarlson to you, user!
There is some great hip hop for example
(you're not gonna understand jack shit i know)
I mean the biggest genres of music right now are hip hop and electronic so it's a bit weird to shit on them for being good at one of the two biggest genres right now.
>Bach invented EDM
You take that back! I mean you cannot seriously listen to the following song and stick to that opinion.
What point do you think you’re making?
What about krautrock and neue deutsch welle
i like Trettman. he's one of the most based 48 year olds there are
A common but blatantly false opinion.
I said my country is boring because it's culturally rather boring. we don't have any interesting original subcultures anymore. the last cool music related subculture was 90s Berlin techno. Theres an interesting YouTube documentary from the 90s about that subculture and everyone in the comments is like "damn i wanna have a time machine and go back to that time"
still i love living here, because it's comfy and germans arent as retarded as your average ameriburger imo. i don't like the political climate in other countries. But we don't have anything interesting original to offer when it comes to modern culture, no movies no music, just a bit of interesting history.
lol everything called neue deutsch welle sucks balls, with few expections like Neubauten, Falco and Nena
How are Hafti and Marteria such bros, it's such a weird combo lol
At least we have Frühstücksfernsehen
Sure, it’s been 300 years but it not only held up but only got more and more appreciated for the pinnacle of music that it is. You won’t find another composer who is so widely and so immensely revered and probably never again will, not even if we plaster all the Milky Way’s suns with Dyson swarms powering the maximum number of O’Neill cylinders.
>“I would vote for Bach, all of Bach, streamed out into space, over and over again. We would be bragging of course, but it is surely excusable to put the best possible face on at the beginning of such an acquaintance. We can tell the harder truths later.”
>Lewis Thomas on what we ought to send to aliens on first contact.
Play nice, user.
>no Palais Schaumberg
>no Der Plan
>no Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft
Eh, who has interesting original subcultures these days?
And ... I guess? At least where the mainstream is concerned. There are some phenomenal German short films and as I said, as far as Metal is concerned German bands are up there.
This bait annoyed me enough to make a reply and almost enough to pretend it isn't just bait, good job I guess.
this is what germans consider good music btw
EB*M, Industrial and New Wave. Because their entire society has been altered like 5 times in the past century.
Yung Hurn is based and also austrian, not german.
Zoomer germs are the most tasteless creatures on earth. But who cares, they're 50% non-white anyway at this point
>Yung Hurn is based
Lmao dumb alman
>richest classical music tradition
>traditional/folk music
>electronic music pioneers
>experimental rock pioneers
lol literally the best country for music
Literally all of that died 20 years ago
Bach is literally the most famous musician of all time, even now. Every kid learns about him in school at the very least and everybody has heard at least one of his pieces.
Krautrock exists (which is a pretty funny genre tag because at the time it was a word to look down at it)
Your brain cells died 20 years ago
>One of the best piano players
>Keyboards are based on pianos
>Synths are packed on keyboards
>Synths were used on early electronic music
>EDM is electronic music
Classic is electronic
>Bach is literally the most famous musician of all time
Pretty sure Mozart is more famous.
lol basiert mein freund ;)
Don't forget that classical musicians were the first to compose electronic music, Varese was the founding father, while Stockhausen and Schaeffer were the disciples.
Classic is electronic
I like some postpunk Abwärts songs
german music is now , slow boring pop ballads and techno
fuck you yung hurn is cool and you wont get it anyways if youre not german
Pretty sure he's not because his music is not as influential in churches i.e. songs, choir and organ pieces.
>Baby wenn du willst werd ich Opernsänger, nur für dich und deine Eltern!
How can you not like this?
Wrong. German music is nothing less than what I described. Are you a dog or a baby that can't comprehend process? Do you live for this second and this second only?
Ignoring OP for a second, am I retarded for actually liking Otto Waalkes’ covers and his original music to this day?
For the non-Germans in here, he’s a (the?) German comedian who was doing Weird Al before Weird Al’s balls had even dropped. Some examples:
(a sketch revolving around him applying for a gig at a sanatorium, the We Didn't Start the Fire parody starts at 1:11)
(a bunch of covers all themed around Hänsel and Gretel, some of them quite raunchy)
(one of his original songs, this one an ode to his mobile phone)
So yeah, aside from being funny he is also a talented multi-instrumentalist (guitar, piano, percussion, accordion) but nowadays young(er) people considered him ... tacky, I guess?
>z-zoomies learn about them in school
and they never listen to them.
mozart is dead, everyone listens to lil pump now.
What about Rammstein? literally the biggest band to come out of germany since the past 25 years
Like another poster said what you described is no longer relevant. now germans listen to mumble rap, turks rapping on dancehall beats, romantic pop ballads and in the clubs they play the chainsmokers instead of digitalism
Rammstein is bigger outside of germany than in germany itself
>hip hop
Ein Hahnrei Sein
>it's the current popularity is the measure of relevancy and quality episode
Ah, so you are chasing dogs after all. Nobody in 100 years will know who the fuck these people are yet Bach and Mozart will obviously survive. Next.
No one in Germany likes Rammste*n except beta cuckolds.
>no longer relevant
That's wrong though. If you think culture, identity and the arts and things like that simply die then you're dead wrong. So if you're so sure of it, I'll allow you to pinpoint the exact dates and reasons why those musical styles and traditions died. I'm genuinely interested.
yeah they learn about them in school and once schools' over they listen to Hafti and Üzel rapping about killing almans
lol Hahnrei ...gotta use that term from now on, thanks granma
krautrock, OP, krautrock.
>culture, identity and the arts and things like that simply die
died long ago in germany.
Oh, then I misunderstood you. Good thing I asked.
Mozart (at least his name) might be better known to normies but anyone with even a cursory knowledge of classical music simply has to admit that Bach is way bigger than him. Virtually every single professional musician playing classical music will play his pieces during their career. Plus, for many of them his works are considered to be the crowning jewel for their respective instrument (Well-Tempered Clavier etc. for pianists, sonatas and partitas for violinists, his suites for cellists, organists I don’t even have to point out and so on and so forth).
To top it all of he also was way more prolific than Mozart but that is admittedly at least in part because Bach lived almost twice as long. Oh and Mozart’s lineage died with his two sons who didn’t procreate.
Azzlack öffnet die Höllenpforten!
Second best beat to ever come out of germany
kys zoomer
Okay, you're not actually wanting a serious discussion here. Moving on.
You’re safe and among friends here, user, so show us on this doll where Till touched you :(
I like Hafti, do something about it elitist
You need to lurk moar on Krautchan. Oh, wait ...
Glad i never went to this shithole once in my life before it vanished
RIN makes some really good hip hop too imo
I'm on fucking Yea Forums and german rappers that get mentioned here are shits like Rin, Haftbefehl, Yung Hurensohn.
The fuck is wrong with you
ja, and thats a good thing.
Feel even worse
lol Fler
feels like i'm 13 again, thanks for the laugh
(also, what the heck, I looked up their Wiki page and saw that they still exist)
Mission accomplished.
You’re welcome, user.
I like some of their newer tracks actually
Damn that shits disgusting, but the Diamond Sky Diamond Sky actually remembered of the album Crystal Sky which had some nice tracks youtube.com
what does /mu think about 187 straßenbande?
thinking about it i will probably be crucified for even mentioning them
i like some of their songs but i understand if you think they are trash
Oh, so that’s what that comment on YouTube was complaining about being in everywhere in today’s girls’ bios (“187”). Huh, the more you know ... guess I am getting old after all.
Also, more like 0815 Straßenbande ;^)
Be thankful I didn’t post 2004 Sido.
So no one’s gonna acknowledge my Otto post :/ ?
Well, here’s another original of his (taking the piss out of Danes):