Shedding the blood of Saxon Men edition
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Incantation is the best death metal band.
>symphonic black metal
third for polish black metal is best black metal
prove me wrong losers
fuck off negro
french is better
The Finns fuck everything sideways
i want to prove you wrong, but this album is too fucking good
Summoning is epic black metal
Greece is better
can you honestly claim that is a genre unironically
i dont care how many places tell me it's a thing, i refuse to fucking buy it
Audio got fucked on that video, better version here
B-B-But what about T-True Norwegian B-Black Metal?
I swear Norway is like 4th for black metal at this point
shoe polish?
I prefer true norwegian prog metal
so you prefer cock too?
>prefers cock
>death metal is 100% penis
wat do?
Finnish Black metal is too catchy, and I'd say even Australia is putting out more interesting stuff than Norway is now.
Thought it was okay, sounded like a Polish Shining to me.
prog is the last white man's genre
not sure i can see that
it has no depressive side, and there are parts that are way too fucking jazzy
Australia is the underdog. Never seems to get mentioned when this topic comes up.
so all white men are fedora wearing losers with shit metal taste?
better tell /pol/ so they stop claiming it's the best race
this was the golden age of metal, prove me wrong
you have a problem.
how so
1985 was great, too
Norwegian is still the best. But Polish is right after it.
France has good IBM, but they lose points for Borespell Memega.
Did 'No Prayer for Dying' signify the death of the Golden age?
No, Metallica's mainstream success did IMO
No Prayer isn't *that* bad, at least it's still standard LP length unlike their 90s turds.
Can't believe the boys are coming to the US
89 will never be topped as a year for meal
no puedo creer que esos muchachos traidores vayan a américa. pendejos
This is a bit autistic but I thought of fixing some overly long albums by removing the filler, thoughts?
prog isn't metal, tourist
the only autistic thing about this post is the font
great year for death metal so many hard albums
bruce's vocals are hilarious in these albums. what was he thinking
cool idea. Are you worried it will remove the flow of the albums tho?
>prog metal
>not metal
have you considered reading the fucking name, lad
You could combine X Factor and Virtual XI into a single good 8-10 track album.
No Prayer should have cut The Assassin and had Mother Russia be an intrumental in the middle of the album.
Number of the Beast should have cut Gangland and re-arranged the tracklist. Killers should have cut Innocent Exile and put Sanctuary in its place.
>sword - metalized
thats the only thing i hadn't heard of on that chart and holy fuck is it decent trad, noice
It was the 90s and Bruce was tired of Maiden
I think the flow on FotD is terrible to begin with, they basically just recorded a bunch of crappy hard rock and put enough on the album to fill it out. X factor is a bit better but it also has some genuinely bad tracks and drags on for too long. I like Blaze.
If you cut anything from No Prayer or Number they would be stupid short
Also taking the 8-10 best tracks from X & XI would make it like 60 minutes anyway.
there is no golden age of metal, only an evolving sound that some people will like certain parts of more than others.
gangland rules you abortion-survivor
Eh, cutting Assassin would only lower it to 40 minutes, that's still two minutes longer than both Iron Maiden and Killers.
You're right, I didn't know the exact lengths. If Misfits can call 20 minutes an album anything goes.
>The track lengths are mixed up.
No way you're taking nearly half of FotD tracks away and only losing 7 minutes of run time.
guess I'm retarded then because that's what I got with a calculator
>You could combine X Factor and Virtual XI into a single good 8-10 track album.
"Virtual X-Factor."
Albums/bands similar to this? I'm a metal newfag.
what are you listening to right now, /meal/?
Darkestrah - Epos
Now do the same for this hour and a half long motherfucker.
It's already a double LP length, it's shorter than The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway even
Give me the best /metal/ about Clowns/Mimes
dunno any about clowns but if you want meal made by clowns check out burzum
Voivoid - Killing Technology
good taste
anyone listen to this?
Lighthouse by Dead Limbs.
listening to it right now and I like the instrumentals a lot, vocals are a little iffy i m o
We're gutting the filler out of albums?
>Atlas, Rise!
>Moth Into Flame
>Dream No More
>Here Comes Revenge (or Am I Savage?)
>Spit Out the Bone
>Lords of Summer
Halo on Fire could be worth adding if you cut out some redundant bits and played it faster
cutting some songs and better production would have made this album a decent 7/10
spit out the bone is an all time great metallica song
listen to how much better this sounds
I knew exactly what video that would be lol
maybe when the next album comes they'll have listened to everyone. or somebody could just leak all the master tapes for HWtSD.
Load had some good songs
Now that the dust has settled, was it a good album?
It still feels like it was released yesterday.
Looking for 80's to 90s Russian metal, thrash or technical thrash. Anybody have any suggestions
it's never really stuck with me never really understood the hype
overhyped but still decent
Can somebody post that Lords of Cringe edit? Please and thanks
Why are metal chicks such Stacys?
This is a very weird album to ask similar recs on. The closest things I can give you are some fusion albums from Czechia
Anyone got good Japanese death metal recs? Shit that is super fucking heavy.
thoughts on pic related?
also thoughts on neon genesis evangelion?
thanks for the rec
>Basedthetic records
why is varg so hypocritical? He insists that he wants to move on from the 90s and forget about it all but he still keeps making videos about them
hes not all there mentally, another decade before he snaps completely.
he'll likely snap before this "societal collapse" he obsesses over will ever happen
Stop watching porn
Halo of Fire is awesome though. The best version of the album in reality would be the first disc + Am I Savage? and Spit Out the Bone
Do you consider Dungeon Synth kvlt or not?
Is it its own genre, or a black metal sub-genre
Either way, post dark dungeon music.
>mfw the oldschool runescape team semi-unironically put a midi version of a nightwish song into the game to celebrate the anniversary of some guy breaking the game, and the video that recorded him doing it
Daft shite
>is it kvlt?
only if it has a lofi black and white album cover
>those drums on Próg
Dungeon Synth is the shit
The dude married a literal autist who worships placenta and child birth what do you expect
im sorry
i accept your apology user
>tfw Razörfist is based and Looney Tunes pilled
best thrash song of the year
how do you know if i deserve forgiveness
this place is so fucking dead
are those BM lyrics or are you just complaining that people won't entertain you?
wtf im a weeb now
Imagine being a metal fan and never hearing this masterpiece
metal is dead i can feel it in the air when i go outside
Being dead is kvlt and badass
one of the best vocals in black metal to be honest
Can you guys recommend metal like Death's technical stuff or Heartwork-era Carcass. You know, bit more technical melodic death metal with occasional actual death metal sections and less predictable song structures. I can't stand most of melodeath, but these I do enjoy.
And yes I do have all Atheist's albums, but I'm looking for less experimental stuff.
Last Days of Humanity
less dead than hardcore
Enslaved is only good prog metal band from Norway, that I can think of. I do like some early Borknagar, but it feels more meloblack/viking metal than prog metal.
>feels more meloblack/viking metal than prog metal.
weird that you don't think that about enslaved lol
Why are you not mincing?
maybe because hollywood's literally making films lying about him?
wow such a woke album cover
let your steps be blessed and guided by light
No one knows about this album for some reason
Doom cover is pretty great.
It used to get talked about here a lot
Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal. Sounds a lot like Heartwork but in its own unique way.
Carcass - Necroticism.
Is there anyone who does not like Gezol?
holy fuck did my shilling actually work for once absolutely based posts
Is it settled then? Pestilence is the best OSDM band
>look at album review on metal archives
>every good review is above 75%
>every bad review is below 50%
>album is rated in the 60s
what album is it /metal/
Sounds good. I have heard about Bolt Thrower so many times, but I've forgotten to start listening them too many times. Gonna do it now tho.
Oh, I do have all Carcass records already. I do enjoy Necroticism as much as Heartwork. One of the best metal albums imo.
I'm going to see Avatar/Devin Townsend in june... how based is it going to be?
finding good albums and bands is waht keeps me going these days.
metal has so much to offer
Same... but i kinda wish meal acted more like normies when it came to sharing albums and spoonfeeding tourists. It should not have taken me this long to find out about Massacra
Love this album, i even bought the fucked up shirt.
Rec me earphones for rock and metal in the 20-30$ range
Who are some bands who have only one good album in their discography?
not this one, this one has 2
Cryptopsy had numerous albums that are great i think, but Anubis Gate comes to mind.
I'm going to that show too. Unfortunately Devin isn't headlining, but whatever, still want to see him.
they had 2 good thrash albums
you gave the wrong user (you)'s, heartless cocksucker. But yeah it is kinda strange that Devin isnt headlining, im not complaining. And Avatar really isnt the worst radio metal i've heard. Especially when compared to what is out there right now
Here is the (You), that and robbed from you
Sorry about that bub, I'll buy you some beers at the show.
Here is the (You) that I robbed from you
Fuck all of (You)
maybe but 86-96 is the best decade/10 year span easy
I probably knew about Darkestrah before you
The question is- What killed it? Melodeath? Trve Kvlt edglords? Groove Metal? Grunge?
when black and death metal became on average way shittier during the mid-late 90s and the rise of grunge/alt-rock and then nu-metal a bit later on
Alternative/post-thrash boom of the 90s.
Been listening since 2008. Suck my ass Darkestrahlet.
Altars of Madness sucks
It's influential album, but I prefer my death metal to be slower.
Go back to doom.
>It's influential album
It influenced what?
>more like thrash-Slayer rip off than death
Death metal? More like life metal
Slayer? More like Gayer.
Black metal? more like blacked metal
Too slow.
Grindcore? More like Grindrcore
Slam death metal? More like islam death metal
Listen to Corrupted's first album my boy
Destruction is the best big thrash band because I like when he emphasize random words in falsetto
>It influenced what?
death metal
did it?
>implying most US death metal bands weren't heavily influenced by Death and Morbid Angel
Everything fucking influenced every other fucking thing. Influence alone should not be put on a pedestal. The music itself should be the sole determination of worth. Venom suck and Altars of Madness is alright.
Venom, regardless of its influence, is fucking great.
Based truthteller
Nah. It's wimpy shit.
Venom is fun to blast, but not great. Definitely not great.
If you don't listen to Welcome to Hell religiously everyday you're a fucking poser
Okay? I'm fine with that.
We're settled then, poser.
All good.
You're trying too hard dude.
>he listens to m*lodeath
>he listens to bl*ckgaze
>he listens to p*st-metal
>he listens to nu-thr*sh
>he listens to pr*ge
Going to be blastin' this while I walk over to the next town to get my haircut. First listen.
What am I in for lads?
>There’s an anecdote in the book about the only time you met Varg Vikernes and he was wearing a full suit of armour.
>“Yes, I heard him in the stairway and I thought it was someone dragging chains or something. And then, ding-dong! I opened the door, and it was like, ‘F**k, that’s what the noise was?’”
i think you're already done with your journey kek
One of the best for sure.
>Post metal
I'll probably regret this, but examples?
Do you care about lyrics in metal?
End Zone
Yes, they should be epic and badass.
Good lyrics enhance a song and shit lyrics can ruin it, but most metal lyrics are middle of the road.
only for favorite albums tbqh
Metal with subtle and good lyricism is so rare it might as well not even exist.
Metal lyrics should always be anthemic instead.
>Get into metal through Judas Priest
>Decide to save some good metal bands for later and never listen to them
>Go on massive technical thrash and doom tangents.
>Finally Listen to Iron Maiden
>consistent string of 7.5/10 to 8/10 albums.
Fuck bros did I miss my opportunity, the verse chorus format is so repetitive, the lyrics are dumb, and all their albums are ten minutes too long.
not sure why are you quoting me but anyways, what are some of those tech thrash albums you liked? i've been on a big thrash binge last few weeks
absolutely loved Obliveon but hated Watchtower
I would start with Swallowed in Black, By Inheritance and Deception Ignored Realm and Hellwitch are also really good. If you are looking for obscure stuff, Emotional Playground is pretty good its by a Finnish band called Stone. Кpoвoизлияниe is really good too. Blind Illusion is basically prog but it is also really good.
>Swallowed in Black
idk I liked first Sadus much more, this one seemed like a poor mans Slayer
>By Inheritance
haven't listened to that in ages, will revisit
>Deception Ignored Realm
been planing to thx
I might revisit it, haven't liked that much
>Emotional Playground
haven't heard of thx
yeah it is based af, watch out for remastered sped up version
>Blind Illusion
will check
thx for recs, sorry if i seem like and ass for knowing stuff already
It actually riffs really well
Fucking Thrashitters.
LOL no
Sadist - Tribe
Nocturnus first two albums
A few Theory in Practice albums
Thrash is great. I love Kreator, Destruction, Sodom, Slayer and Sepultura (Max Cavalera era). Then again I find bands like Metallica, Exodus, Voivod, and Megadeth boring. Thrash is best when it's closer of black metal and death metal than heavy metal.
Thrash that close to black is riffless.
Posers and tards
You are wrong, bro. It's full of riffs.
i consider it pretty fuckin gay
If lyrics are good and make the music better (King Diamond) it's great, but I also don't really care if it's stupid broken English like Helloween either. It's just another instrument.
wghat the fuck
what does /meal/ think of this? popped up in my yt recommended
Meme shit.
It's bland as shit, the visuals don't help
care to give recommendations of what isnt bland? trying to get into bm more
Véhémence > Par le sang versé
Based, AOTYSF for me
man i guess some people are just tasteless
Are you saying that because you liked it and expected /meal/ to too?
im saying it because someone made it and other people like it and its bad
Over produced garbage.
Thoughts on Dead Congregation?
Definitely one of the better caverncore bands.
Graves of the Archangels is one of the best death metal records of the 2000's. Promulgation of the Fall is a good album too, but can't hold a candle to GotA.
Metal for this feel?
Heavy, prog, glam.
>that riff at 7:20
For poorly drawn pepes? Nu-metal.
post pussy slaying prog metal albums
that's not pepe retard
I'm sorry, I don't partake of Finnish Autism.
leave the hall
>All the world is bleeding and we know the (((reason))) why
What did Devin, Anneke and Chad mean by this?
This. Deathrash is riff as fuck, but blackthrash is almost boring. Merciless is alright, but Mercyless stomps dick.
t. thrashlet
what bands do you have in mind when you say black thrash is riffless because that is an absurd assertion to me
Are you just gonna scroll past without saying howdy?
One of the best thrash records to come out of Turkey. Glad you're listening to it.
holy shit can I get a source for that?
yall like dbeat
I'm not the one you responded to, but this video by Earache Records talks about Varg wearing chain mail armor while coming over for a meeting. I do not know if the quote comes from someone at Earache Records as well.
only Discharge really
eis of speis
Would it be a bad idea to date a Satanist?
yes, but only because she's inevitably an immature retard with daddy issues, not because she'll put a sp00py hex on you
i like a lot of hardcore crust metal punk shit but their politics are lame. but i understand that when it originated that the common people didnt really have a voice, and music like that was necessary. these days when everyone has a twitter and youtube channel its just sad
I-It's actually a guy, but I'm guessing the same applies
It still feels a lot better screaming out what pisses you off than just typing about it.
Post ancient egypt themed metal.
is it soft to use a cotton hoodie as a base for a battle jacket? I really don't feel like dying my denim black.
Idk do you like tryhard edgy faggots
my gentlemen
Iron Maiden - Powerslave
Not at all
thank you user.
I already bought a back patch for my favorite metal band. my chemical romance :^)
how to scream like @ 3:16
black metal sucks
death metal sucks
trash metal sucks
what doesn't suck?
I like Gorguts too
Incantation is great.
This threads been up for 24 hours.
Saint Vitus
Would you see live?
Dopelord if I had to choose. Never liked the vocals in saint Vitus and Preacher electric is one of my favorite stoner doom songs.
General is dead as fuck during murica hours
Imagine having your sense of self worth this attached to the music you listen to.
He's actively looking for places to post this, LMAO.
I bet he proudly posted it on his Faceberg too.
tourist detected
Cope you sad little faggot, LMAO.
Does your mom even ask you what you're up to anymore at Thanksgiving?
my man it is a years old bait chart and your reaction to it is the reason why it keeps getting posted
here, take a better chart and fuck off
It's not b8, those band do, indeed, suck.
It's just amusing to me how obvious it is to you that your sense of self worth is intrinsically tied to the kvlt-ness of your music.
So is yours. I bet you proudly announce that musically you're "Open minded" That you "Listen to all types of music" You're just a kvltist contrarian.
dead thread
No no, i'm quite close minded myself but the difference between me and you is that when I discover music, my finding out it's popular doesn't change my opinion of it.
Why are you trying to talk about popularity now? Are you bongman? We already heard this.
Oh yes, I'm sure you just INCIDENTALLY happen to only like the least accessible (see: "Bad") genres of meal.
What a rebel you must be.
You're paranoid. I see you have some sort of narrative you want to push that has no correlation to my posts. Don't (You) me to make your shitty arguments when I'm not even a case study.
Yea, yea, must be nice to be able to shift from edgelord gatekeeper to level-headed bystander from post to post.
Last (You).
no (You)
Only in power metal.