Weird concert experiences

Title should be self-explanatory.

The occasion for this thread is an experience I had like two hours ago. I was at a recital of Bach’s Matthew Passion, enjoying attending my first live performance of that monumental peace, when during the 2nd half the older woman in the seat next to me fainted. Not lady-like swooning, mind you, but straight-up blacking out and dropping like a sack of potatoes onto the women to her right. I only noticed because she let go of her purse which made a rather audible dissonant sound (in the middle of the crucifixion section if I remember correctly) and made a strange, disconcerting noise with her throat.

As soon as we, meaning the people around her and I, noticed this happening we put her into the recovery position on the chairs in our row, someone went to call an ambulance and a woman, who had seen what happened and came over to check on her, alerted her husband who’s apparently a doctor (now isn’t that cliché?). After a minute or two she regained consciousness, seeming disoriented at first and we were instructed to raise her (surprisingly cold) outstretched legs above her body. Soon after that she was able to stand up and walk out to the ambulance at the doctor’s arm.

The whole thing went over surprisingly quietly apart from the initial fainting, everyone speaking in hushed voices and what not, and throughout the entire disturbance the ensemble and choir didn’t miss a beat even though they must have noticed that *something* out of the ordinary had happened. After all, this took place only like four rows away from them. But maybe that’s what pros are just always gonna do in all but the most extreme of circumstances. Funnily enough, however, they did extend a pause earlier in the performance by a couple seconds when during the pause between two movements a noisy motorcycle outside the building could be heard driving by.


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After the concert was over and I left the church it had taken place in I saw that the ambulance was still there. Kinda worried about her and a little ashamed that I wasn’t really of any help and essentially just reacted to what others around me suggested, I stuck around until I saw the doctor who had initially come over to check on her leaving the ambulance. Upon asking him he hesitated for a moment before saying she was “better” but had to go to the hospital all the same. The ambulance left shortly after that and I walked home.

tl;dr: user went to a Bach concert, an old woman next to him blacked out but didn’t really interrupt the concert in doing so and at least seems to have survived it so far.

Anyhow, that was my recent weird concert experience, do any of you have some to share?

Oh and >mfw

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>go to see Be Your Own Pet (buzz band of the moment) in 2006
>there’s only like 25 people there
>band decides not to use the stage
>no division between band and audience
>just a big dance party where 4 of the people have instruments
i kind of miss being a ssoy ass indie kid

Just by going to a performance of any of Bach's work you're more based than about 90% of Yea Forums. I don't think I have a weird concert experience like that. I do have an interesting one, which is finding out that there's this neat little place near my college that needs ushers and that counts as volunteering work for my scholarship. I think I've seen like 10 different concerts through that. Next one is a performance of a cello virtuoso, no clue on the program yet.

They play a lot of different stuff there, actually. Most recent one had this local band called Common Center that kinda sorta post-rockish? I don't know how to describe it, it was kinda all over the place in terms of tone; they opened for the main act which was The Accidentals which is this indie folk-ish band from Michigan. Honestly a pretty neat band; lots of unusual inspiration with more than a handful of Bartok and Stephane Grapelli thrown in.

So, yeah, going to concerts for free. That's my odd concert story.

>Be 14
>Get into Korn concert
>Shoulder bump the pirate-looking bass player accidentally on my way out
>He looked pissed
>I left quickly

I was wearing a Bloodhound Gang t-shirt
(This was 2013 btw)

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>Seeing Deafheaven a few years ago
>instead of moshing, the audience members at this show are doing this weird thing where they run back and forth to and back from the stage
>toward the end of the show, people start stage-diving, but since the crowd was going back and forth cuz hipsters don't know how to mosh, stagedivers would aim for a group of poeple, but they would be gone a second later, so people kept stage diving right onto the floor
>see one chick land flat on her back and just sit up on the floor for a couple minutes apparently unable to stand, was too far away and blocked by people to try to help catch her
>after the show, when I leave, I see that ambulances have been called

>powerviolence show
>mosh pit gets sporadically really intense
>see someone come out of the pit
>it looks like he's BLEEDING from his EYE
>he's going up to random people shaking his fist and yelling at them
>eventually this big dude just pushes him out of the crowd and continues shoving him to the exit of the venue

I don't know if it's really weird but I was a local gig and I was pretty drunk, and I turned to this random girl next to me after the last band finished to talk about the bands, and then we both ended up just hugging for like 5-10 minutes straight, and then we talked for a tiny bit after and we went our separate ways. It wasn't really weird at the time but in retrospect it was kind of strange. Like, what the fuck was I doing? Why am I the way I am? Fuck I hate myself.

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Huh, maybe I should’ve went the green text route, too, to save people some time. Well, here goes that version then (with a bit more info):

>first time attending a performance of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion
>so far so awesome, we’re in the 2nd half of it
>suddenly, loud clanging noise from my right
>old woman next to me apparently straight-up blacked out and dropped her purse in the process
>slumped over the woman to her right, making a strange, disconcerting noise with her throat
>people start gathering around, we put her in the recovery position on the chairs, someone leaves to call an ambulance
>some woman who had come over gets her husband who’s a doctor (no, really)
>the old lady comes to shortly after, seems disoriented, he talks to her and checks her pulse and stuff while suggesting we raise her legs (for better blood flow, I imagine)
>eventually is able to get up and walk out to the amberlamp on her own two feet with the help of the doctor
>none of the musicians dropped a beat despite it happening close to them
>The show must go on!
>except when earlier in the performance they paused longer between two movements than usual when during the pause a motorcycle drove by noisily outside
>anyway, concert concludes, I hang around outside after seeing the ambulance is still there
>feeling concerned for the woman and a bit guilty for mostly sitting around autistically until people started suggesting things
>doc leaves the ambulance, I go over and ask him if she’s better
>he pauses for a second, confirms but adds that she still has to go to the hospital
>I bounce and go on Yea Forums to write a thread about it

Sounds dope. Building rapport with the performers is always a plus.

Thank you, kind user. I couldn’t really NOT go after seeing who was playing. Plus, it was only 15€/~$17 when booking in advance (it’d have been 10€ if I hadn’t dropped out of university last year).

Oh and cool gig. Congrats.

Forgot to quote the OP, green text version here:
Pissed because of the bump or already in a bad mood because of something else?

Where’s the problem? Am I the way you are, too? Or is all I’m “missing” here that you didn’t ask her number or something?

That's always good stuff, a lot of classical concerts are like $20 or $15 if you take one of the worse-off seats. I've gone to my city's symphony orchestra a bunch of times because of that.

I think because of the bump, I didn't say anything to him, just looked at him sheepishly and left. they played a great show beforehand

>weird thing where they run back and forth to and back from the stage
I assume it wasn’t a wall of death type of deal? ’Cause that wouldn’t be that weird.

And yeah, I never really saw the point of actually violent mosh pits. Risking severe injury to release some energy? No thanks. A bit of rough-and-tumble pushing and shit, sure, but some people take it way too far. Like those silly-looking folks who wildly swing their arms around windmill-style with no concern for anyone else while stomping with their whole legs in an exaggerated manner.

I don't know. It wasn't really a sexual thing, I didn't have a desire to hook up or get her number or whatever. It was just nice, the hug, and it sort of just happened. Can't remember who even initiated it. I just feel like such a sperg. Maybe it's because I have low self esteem, I don't know. It bugs me. It bugs me that it bugs me.

>I assume it wasn’t a wall of death type of deal? ’Cause that wouldn’t be that weird.
No, they were just running in groups to the stage and running back. Tbf it seemed like the vocalist was sort of encouraging this kind of moshing, but it really did not go well with stagediving when people started doing that.

I only step into the "windmill" type pits if the band is really worth it.

Well, my city’s not that big (~80k) so prices are usually not THAT high. Besides, I think these types of concerts might be subsidized by the city to some extent. The seat I got wasn’t even that bad (like the four row to the side, although I actually got there from one row further back once the concert started and no one had shown up to sit there).

Maybe he thought it was on purpose then. Did it influence your view of them or him at least?

Well, that makes more sense although still not a whole lot over all. I don’t really see anything wrong here. You had a nice moment with a fellow music enthusiast who happened to be a grill. Just be happy it happened.

i fingered a girl at a pink floyd show once

Not at all. I only went to the concert because I knew one song (Good God) and I hoped they would play it. They didn't.

I am now at age 21 way more into the band than I ever was.

I loved the show they put on and I'm sure he brushed it off as me being just another weird kid at his show.

I stil have a picture of him on my old blackberry phone lol

Yeah, seem like kind of a dumb thing to do to be honest. But I assume alcohol or illicit substances were involved in the decision making process of these people.

Like, in the bathrooms or right there in the crowd (or somewhere within sight of the stage anyway)?

Dang. But all’s well that ends well, I suppose.

Similar experience when I saw Tidus Andronicus live in Santa Cruz a few years ago.
There was a stage, but it was hardly a foot off the ground and there was barely anyone there ~20. But the weirdest part was when this asshole kid was jumping around giving the finger to the band even during the slow songs, still throwing his body into people trying to mosh. It all culminated when the singer got off the stage walked straight up to the dude, microphone still in hand and started pushing him. Before it turned into a real fight the kid's friend got in between and tried to explain to the singer that his friend was actually retarded and it wasn't his fault. I'm pretty sure that was an excuse and someone ended up kicking him in the legs until he left. And before the last song the singer had to make his way through the crowd to use the bathroom at the back, and we had to stand there and just wait.

>King Crimson
>Construktion of Light tour
>Fripp, Belew, Gunn, Mastelotto
>weirdest fucking crowd ever
>yuppie douchebags and the women all looked like library science majors
>get a few Fat Tires in me
>I’m pumped!
>It’s fuckin’ King Crimson
>Yell our to hear “Dinosaur!”
>Library Science major in the balcony above me freaks out
>Yells down at me to “have some respect!”
>Belew looks at me and then up at her
>weird look on his face
>Dinosaur was the last song they played that night
>Belew beckoned me over and gave me a signed pick
>got the feeling that the stuffy crowd pissed him off too
>great fucking night

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i went to see parquet courts and i took like two tabs of acid, and in the middle of the moshpit i get down and start doing the worm and have a circle form around me.

>library science

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Did it look like pic related?

Attached: tha worm.gif (444x250, 206K)

Are you drunk? Cool story regardless.

right there in the crowd, never saw her again

Hm. Was she a qt3.14? Did she finish?

>go to see Lucas Lanthier perform a solo act in an old theatre in my city
>probably 50 people max, mostly older 40+ goths
>after one of the songs, Lucas steps down from the stage, and tells us to follow him to the bathroom
>most people hesitate and think it's some kind of joke
>me and some other tall skinny goth guy are the first ones to follow him, then everyone else tagged along
>we all walk out from the theatre room, some old guys, probably employees or janitors of the place, look at the whole situation puzzled
>Lucas enters the bathroom, climbs the sink, and tells us he wants to sing the next song here because the acoustic is better
here's a video:

Wh- ... w-why do people go in for this stuff?

its not uncommon to faint at churches
probably was nothing serious

thats really cute
now im sad that something like this will never happen to me

what do you mean?


Don’t go all incel on us, Yea Forumschacho.

I don’t understand the appeal of these kinds of musicians and their ... music.

>I don’t understand the appeal of these kinds of musicians and their ... music.
Lucas Lanthier is the vocalist and frontman of Cinema Strange, a cult death rock band.
His solo stuff isn't rock, and more like experimental cabaret acoustic stuff, but still maintaining the same lyrical themes.
I think he doesn't even perform solo that often, it was really an odd event that he decided to do it in my country.

Fair enough.

We got some good replies but maybe there are some more out there. Bump before bedtime.

Where and when was this show? I want to see if I can find footage of this running back and forth thing

>TFW all of my concert experiences experiences have been pretty standard