Is anyone aware of what death grips could mean by this?

Is anyone aware of what death grips could mean by this?

Attached: death grips.png (933x840, 716K)

that's not death grips you fucking faggot, stop posting this account

but they're verified

no they're not, you photoshopped that you absolute faggot

ok honestly, I saved this from r/deathgrips. I didn't double check every picture I see jesus

I'm gonna be honest, you got me

Attached: 1549200972934.gif (670x648, 1011K)

>I saved this from r/deathgrips.

Attached: 48396C33-E2D4-4BF5-A291-55B99500000D.jpg (1024x576, 61K)

>ok honestly, I saved this from r/deathgrips.

You need to go back nigger

Attached: 1504586731965.gif (257x200, 1.24M)

based Dan Olson poster

>I saved this from r/deathgrips

Attached: raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa-ca443f4786.jpg (360x360, 21K)