Why does no-one like this?
Why does no-one like this?
no deakz no care
because it's fucking awful
fart synth
snimal collectivd animal collectivd abimal collectivd animal collectibd animal collectice. animsl cilkective animal xollrctoce annimal collective
drink my soi listen to anco
drink my soi listen to anco
drink my soi listen to anco
drink my soi listen to anco
It pretty much shut them down as a band. They've been trying to gather the strength to rise up out of the rubble over the past three years, but damn, this one really had severe repercussions for them. It's something no amateur could afford to release. Hell, they couldn't afford to release it. It always seemed like they had mixed feelings about the success they gained with Merriweather. Well congratulations, you undid it.
Form is temporary, class is permanent.
You've gotta have quality control.
I like it. I think it's actually very good.
I bought the goddamn vinyl day one and I can’t even describe the magnitude of my disappointment with it, the included turntable mat was a better investment than the album
This. Can't believe I fucking preordered this shit.
it’s one of the best pop albums of the decade and severely misunderstood
>it's good
>you don't get it
not a hard thing to get honestly. the songs are sticky as hell. it’s a pop album. the only thing that got muddled here is context and image. the music itself is pure and immaculate.
It's not impressive or anything new, but it is very fun, I think. Not sure about everyone's hateboner for it. Looking at critic scores on Wikipedia show that it was received fairly positively by critics, so I'm not sure where the disconnect is.
Plus, Meeting of the Waters came out the same year I think, and that EP kicks ass, might be their best work since Feels. But nobody listened to it, so idk.
You sound like you just haven't heard good pop albums.
>it’s a pop album
So is Merriweather.
I get the concept behind the album, it just failed in delivery. Even so an album shouldn't rely so heavily on context to seem good.
>the music itself is pure and immaculate.
It's not.
it was a fun album. I still like it but it isn't any that great
Anyone else get extreme Kid Pix vibes from this album?
What's the "concept" or "context" of Painting With?
there is no concept to get here.. you’re overthinking. if you let them in, the songs themselves will speak to you with disarming directness. it’s cool if the appeal eludes you, I’m not here to argue as if my opinion is rational, this band has always been necessarily divisive given the nature of their music. what’s your fav album by them?
Cubism and dadaism
>context and image
>there is no concept to get here.. you’re overthinking.
I'm sorry, five seconds ago you were saying I didn't 'grasp the concept' or whatever.
Kind of, and that cheesy over the top poppiness with the style of synthesis they were using for bells and such with the Buchla Easel they had really gives it an ultimately whimsical and nostalgic feel. It just reminds me of my childhood growing up in the 90's, tone and instrumentation wise. I find it's also one of their bounciest albums ever released, and I like a nice bounce to a groove.
Are Animal Collective your only exposure to pop music? You sound like Painting With is the only pop album you've ever heard.
No. I don't know why anything in my post would lead you to believe that.
the harshest criticisms of this album, at least as far as I’ve been exposed to, are rooted in animal collective’s visibility as a band, their perceived strengths and weaknesses, the kind of music people think they should be making... it’s all extraneous
I never said that. what makes it misunderstood is not some grand concept that will unlock your ability to appreciate the album. you just need to approach it w a different mindset. or accept that it’s not for you. it doesn’t make much of a difference to the rest of the world either way, just as my adoration of the record means nothing to anyone other than myself and those who I share this fondness with
>you just need to approach it w a different mindset.
What mindset do I need in order to like it?
i like this album it has some awesome songs on it but it went too electronic for my taste esp w the drum sounds. and there weren;t as many organic sounding samples and its my understanding they were intentionally trying to not do that because they used a lot of natural sounds on previous records but idk. thats why i prefer the live versions of these songs so much. the PW tour was incredible w jeremy's drumming and transitions and stuff.
it’s not really something you can prescribe to everyone generically.. for me it helped to take it on its own terms, or at least meeting it halfway. it’s always helpful to remind myself that music is not a one way street, you need to put yourself out there in order to really engage w it... rather than distancing yourself, try to find warmth in the album, points in which you can feel a potential for access.. you don’t have to love the whole thing but you can try to understand and appreciate in spite of that which initially seems flawed to you... this album took a while to grow on me
Good post user
>you just need to approach it w a different mindset.
You can set yourself on fire with the right mindset.
That's good man. Like I said, the Burglars and On Delay are alright.
if potentially enjoying this album is somehow a prospect comparable to self immolation, it probably just isn’t for you
the climax in the burglars is really cathartic. and the way on delay chugs along like a lil cartoon train is so endearing! glad u like some of it dude
It's a shame this album doesn't get more love. A real shame.
it's their best
Holy fuck no
It’s honestly a lot better than I thought it would be but it’s just very very inconsequential both in there grand scheme of what they’ve done, and more importantly even when looked at as just an isolated thing. Really forgettable, I saw a live show they had though not Lon after this came out and it was actually a lot better.
Painting With is the best live era they've had since they were doing stuff before Feels.