Let's all talk about this album we're all going to pretend we don't like in a month while listening to it constantly

Let's all talk about this album we're all going to pretend we don't like in a month while listening to it constantly

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>Unbearably White
ezra is a cuck

Nothing much to say outside of that I'm pumped and with all the singles that have released, I feel like the album will be even better than I initially expected it to be when I heard they were coming out with a new album. Hopefully this will be true and the album lives up to all the singles thus far.

this life slaps

Sony Music

>got rid of the polaroid cover aesthetic
thank fuck, rostam was a hack designer

what is the song about, in your opinion, after reading the lyrics?

alright i’ll eat my words, the song is actually is great ezzie’s lyrics are good as usual

>Ever caring about Wampire Weekend...

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this. i have no idea why people are giving this album cover so much shit, MVOTC was a million times worse

Sony Music

it's mocking a p4k review, I think

They'll never top Contra

loved all of the singles so far except sunflower, what a shitpile.

I only like the single that has the dude from The Internet. I was bummed when i heard the other tracks werent similar. Still excited for the album tho

>Harmony Hall



>Big Blue

>This Life

>Unbearably White

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Harmony Hall just sounds like Paul Simon joined the Grateful Dead and not in a good way

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>literally falling for it

The cuck was you after all

It's true though

ezra has gotten into grateful dead and jam bands since the release of the last album so it makes sense
he plays grateful songs and has a discussion about them in b almost every episode of his radio show time crisis

I know. I thought it was funny, wasn't disagreeing.

how embarrassing

nothing more embarrassing than enjoying music

I mean the Grateful Dead? That's not music