What does Yea Forums think of this?

What does Yea Forums think of this?

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yeah neither of them are above a 6 lmao

what's wrong with white people ?

ill give her six inches of my dick if you catch my drift

>18+ board
>shares musical taste with children
I think it's time to shut it down

Ay bro, that’s kinda cringe

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Translation please?

Shit could get...

I'm gay and I have aids

But most kids are 18 by the end of senior year
>I.e. when prom is


White genocide should happen

What do you mean?

It’s my beautiful dark twisted fantasy* to go to prom with you ... just don’t give me a 6/10 rating**

*”My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” is the title of a popular Kanye West album, often abbreviated MBDTF (as on the poster board)
**Music critics often rate albums out of 10 possible points. The youtuber Anthony Fantano infamously rated this album a 6.

I've seen enough, I knew it was time to leave Yea Forums. I am officially a boomer here and I'm fucking 21

Seriously? That's a part of pop culture? I fucking hate my generation.

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They look happy so leave them alone

we did this
are you happy

I'm fucking 27, imagine how I feel

I wish I had a gf

Fuck I hate DG fans

teenagers have always been cringey u guise
i mean i would fucking quote strokes lyrics to girls and genuinely mean them

So, is this Fantano big in the current music culture?

Wait the girl made that lol

IDK why, but they look like Brits.


>just don't give me a 6
what does that mean?

How can we be sure to find out what her rating is? When is prom?


That 2012 era Yea Forumscore has been absorbed by the mainstream internet ages ago. Death Grips and Fantano are legit Facebook tier now.

What will she rate?

she cute


Everyone gonna say it's cringy, I actually think it's kinda cute, makes me feel lonely tho

I thought that was a G

Spend time browsing other boards and you'll quickly realize EVERYONE on Yea Forums is underage. The only people who hang out here are teenage idiots or literal manchildren

Generation Z was a mistake. Abort them all.


What's the problem here?

>remembered that I went to my highschool prom alone

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>tfw they were in elementary school when this album came out

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Nerds are the sweetest people in the world. Kys you judgemental piece of shits.

Cute. Stop being mad at teenagers for being cringy, we were cringy back then too (some less than others, sure, but everyone grows up at different ages)

t. fantano drone

I don't want that means, but kys.

Looool you're a fucking mongoloid who can't read. No wonder you like Fantano

I don't read music "reviews" nor watch them, and Fantano can die of AIDS for all I care, but kids are kids you fuckhead.

Nigga you gay

No u.

whats the problem with this

This was before he died

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tfw no dg gf

I never experienced teenage love or any sort of affection ever

>t. Cringy teenager.

Lmao this girl looks like she’s about to do a report on CNN why are high schoolers so fuckin weird

Is this 2010? Lmao

Nothing. They cute:)

memes in real life are autistic
it's like those trump rednecks waving around pepe signs or the guy fawkes mask spergs

If you're getting laid nothing's autustic

That's such a naive incel attitude


Litter than lit boy

I hope these kids have fun :)

wh*te genocide when?

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So many people need to die.

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Starting with you.

No, ending with me.

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Almost same face, why is this so common in couples?

Damn!!!! Rekt, son. You on fire, brutha.



No u.

Same, thought it was some lyric where kanye said he would give someone a G meaning something bad. I even knew about the fantano review, it just looks like a total G and not a 6

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White people need a kick in the head it's always white people doing gay shit like this.