post the best rock album released in the last 8 years
Post the best rock album released in the last 8 years
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This is what came to mind first but there's probably something else.
Master Volume by the Dirty Nil
>pic unrelated
cool someone else likes/knows that band
i dont think its good enough to be the best though
Yea, that’s about right
Other contenders
>Twin Fantasy MTM
>Fetch by Melt Banana
>The Ooz by King Krule (if you can even call it rock)
>New Slaves by Zs
>American Dollar Bill
>New Slaves by Zs
very based, though i probably like xe more
Like Clockwork
Salad Days and Twin Fantasy
Both are about 7/10, rock has been shit this decade
lol as justification that rock has been shit this decade you list 2 mediocre albums and say they're the best of the decade.
Halcyon Digest and Fetch were very good.
More like Toilet Seat Headrest.
This is a good chooce.
Sun Milk is their magnum opus honestly
Dunno about the best album in particular but I've been obsessed with listening to everything by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard lately. Ill def be checking out the ones you guys are posting.
There really isn’t one
I saw this shilled a few months ago, it was ok
Very well.
Can we stop pretending this was good?
Not saying it's the most amazing thing ever but if you're talking straight up rock albums it's up there from what I've heard, mostly because I'm not counting other genres that also use guitars and drums and vocals like
some/all of which are good/great but aren't straight up rock albums.
If we can stretch to albums like those though, I can't think of one from the last 8 years that I thought was better than pic related (I've been pimping it, or rather it's been an appropriate response to a lot of OPs, lately so hopefully it's not been discarded as some meme album one person's trying to push)
How can I post the best rock album released in the last 8 years if you already did? That would be really redundant, wouldn’t it?
There have been rock albums released in the last 8 years? I thought rock was dead.
Some people prefer The Raven or Grace but this is in my opinion his best solo album.
To the Bone was pretty underwhelming in comparison.
Good job saying the last eight years so I couldn't include the best CSH album.
Dude the ones listed are all rock albums. If I showed those to anybody with no understanding of subgenres theyd say they were a rock album.
>Stoner/Heavy Psych
>Dream Pop
Will retract including Brave Little Abacus though
>Heavy Psych
Just trying to be specific.
You seem knowledgeable about rock. You also write in a really cute way. Good job user
Post punk is rock music
It makes me more happy to be called a cute writer than knowledgeable so thank you friend, you're a nice fella.
its well received, daisy would have made more sense
here you go
>most of these are metal/post rock
none is post rock
deafheaven is blackgaze which is quite literally blackened post rock
that album is especially light with many clean instrumental passages
Honestly To Be Kind.
It's sort of funny that the most boomer band here is putting out the most interesting and of the time sounding album.
The album with the moon face is post rock. Completely forgot the name of it though.
thats prog rock not post rock
incredibly based
their last one was pretty good too
i erotically roleplayed online with will toledo
he took my fat digital horsecock up his tight furry a
Skip the first track, it's bad.
Bomb the Music Industry! - Vacation
This has to be one of the best