Who is the worst critic out of these three?

Who is the worst critic out of these three?

>only thinks the most mainstream, corporate stuff is good music
>is a pseud who thinks the only valid form of expression is writing
>invented the term "dark prog" unironically
>an actual cuck who let his wife cheat on him several times

>is an unabashed pedophile and anti-Trump (if you're a leftist, he's also anti-LGBT)
>is a pseud who thinks "the critic is the real artist"
>tries to write deep philosophical musings but only just rehashes a philosophy undergrad's intro classes and thinks he's intelligent for it
>deflated rating system that is the source of endless bickering

>Personal politics get in the way of ratings but denies it
>Inflates scores if a black person made it
>overhypes shitty noise rock to seem hip and quirky
>acts like a generic checkmark account on twitter and makes shitty "owns the conservatives" tweets

Attached: critics.jpg (606x200, 86K)

Other urls found in this thread:

robertchristgau.com/get_artist.php?name=Ornette Coleman
robertchristgau.com/get_artist.php?name=Henry Cow
books.google.com/books?id=HTMuhxamaFEC&pg=PA142&lpg=PA142&dq=gira christgau mail&source=bl&ots=WMZThYzxpg&sig=ACfU3U2urE-uUjE6yRJy3skh3EkwjS2Zlg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiIrvjdxb_hAhWV3oMKHdXYBWcQ6AEwAHoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=crusty sample of his sperm&f=false

While Scaruffi is an autist, he's actually interesting. Christgau is just the Fantano of his era.

christgau is the worst

scaruffi's "critic is the real artist" is misunderstood i think. it's about the meaning of a work of art being a relationship between the viewer and the work, not a quality inherent in the work placed there by the artist. He just worded it like that to be edgy and get attention

But, yeah Fantano is the worst.

Who cares? Only you faggots who love men.

>only thinks the most mainstream, corporate stuff is good music
Depends on the era. For example in the 80s he was extremely anti-mainstream.

Scaruffi is kind of funny at least
Fantano and Christgau are only two couple of fags

Scaruffi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cuckman>>>>arrogant low iq sellout

Scaruffi hands down, I hope gets cancer

They can all burn in hell, especially Christgau cause he was jealous of real musicians being able to play.

>Who is the worst critic out of these three?
I don't know. I don't pay any music critic attention.

the beatles write up just invalidates scaruffi's whole career t b h

Fantano and Christgau (and Chris Ott for that matter) suffer from the limitation of their music criticism being a one-man project, meaning they have a finite amount of time and energy in their day to write about music and can't possibly cover everything, so they have to review whatever is relevant to their audience. This means a lot of classics get overlooked because they didn't have the time for it or the album/artist belongs to a genre their audience tends to not like, or that doesn't fit with the image/brand they're selling.

Scaruffi >>> Fantano > Pitchfork > Christgau

>only thinks the most mainstream, corporate stuff is good music
robertchristgau.com/get_artist.php?name=Ornette Coleman
robertchristgau.com/get_artist.php?name=Henry Cow
>is a pseud who thinks the only valid form of expression is writing

>is an unabashed pedophile and anti-Trump (if you're a leftist, he's also anti-LGBT)
unbelievably BASED

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They all suck but atleast Scaruffi has taste.

I disagree with Scaruffi on a lot of things, but I still think he's based beyond belief.

The worst thing about Christgau is that he thinks he's better than Fantano (also shit) because his garbage is published in a crappy magazine

A lot of critics have a hard time digesting indirect or metaphorical lyrics, even though the lyrics often have context or mean something as a whole. Unless the song is as simple and blunt as possible (eg. calling the Queen a fascist), they don't want to deal with it.

Memetano is okay, but critic Fantano is shite. He just can't into critique on any standard, if it's nigger music it's typically 8/10 for him.

>"the critic is the real artist"

fantano because he likes niggers

>Inflates scores if a black person made it
Christgau does this too.

No, Christgau is still worst. A literal glorified shitposter.

Scaruffi is the least annoying, so him

scaruffi's "critic is the real artist" is an obvious joke and I don't know how anyone could be so stupid as to take it at face value


>>anti-Trump (if you're a leftist, he's also anti-LGBT)

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scaruffi hasnt listened to music seriously in the last 20 years, otherwise ill take his opinions


Christgau, I'm not even gonna read what you're saying, it's him.

Christgau is the worst

How is Scaruffi a freelance software consultant but has a personal website that looks like it dates from 1998?

>I dislike graphics. Pictures slow down your computer. When you want to look at pretty pictures, you go to a museum. You browse the web to find information, as quickly as possible.

Christgau only liking mainstream stuff is simply not tru
Scaruffi is by far the worst btw

If it was really just about information, why does the website need all the mismatching colors and distracting backgrounds? It's just ugly as fuck and really dated. It's not that hard to build a website that provides quick access AND looks nice.


Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking Fantano threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers I hope there’s an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I’m sick of this bald fat faggot on this board I don’t give a shit about what good album he rated poorly or what bad album he rated highly he’s a stupid fucking idiot we know that we’ve always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying “durr wait why fantano be dumb bald man not rate album how I rate album” why don’t you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I’m sick of coming to Yea Forums and seeing this subhuman and always the same fucking complaints about him just stop fucking posting him he’s not a musician and his videos aren’t even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they’re both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about him again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads so I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don’t even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it he’s a moron you’re the moron for posting him whether you like him or not you’re a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I’m sick and tired of you people being alive if theneedledrop were deleted off youtube this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized he was never coming back I’m fucking begging you here please stop posting him stop posting about how you like and support him and stop posting about how you dislike or hate him just stop making threads about this shit

It’s obviously not a joke you fucking autist. Scaruffi really is that retarded.

based, scaruffi's taste in movies is god awful tho

You can always tell when Scaruffi gave a 5 to someone's favorite album.

The worst is definitely Christgau, by far
Fantano is just Yea Forums and reddit so he's pointless, but normies love him
Scaruffi is pretty based although too much of a contrarian sometimes

Nice, i wanna see this in every thread with fantano on it

I'm proud he even gave mine a 7

Christgau's writings sometimes manage to almost nail it, but then he always ends up taking the most cynical view of a band/artist.

Christgau sucks, but he's better than Fantano because he actually has his own opinions, while Fantano's are just the regurgitated trash of the indie crowd's.

Christgau is the worst, he just has bad taste. He hates great artists like King Crimson and Swans but loves Soulja Boy. He also disgusts me as a person but I guess every New Yorker is like that.

Fantano can be cool. His Money Store review is classic, he nailed it in that one. On the other hand he overrates a lot of pointless rap and shit like KKB. Oh, and he isn't very well versed in other genres that aren't hip hop, pop and rock.

Scaruffi is by far the best. I wouldn't have found great bands like Royal Trux and Tragic Mulatto if it weren't for him. On the other hand he sometimes underrates great and talented artists like Brian Wilson/Beach Boys just because "they stick to a 3-minutes song formula".

>scaruffi hasnt listened to music seriously in the last 20 years
music hasn't been made seriously in the last 20 years

Death Grips

Arguably. He still gave Exmilitary a 7/10, so he has been listening to music seriously to the extent that music has been made seriously.

Fantano by far. I will put anyone over him. Even the RYM trannies, at least they're interesting.

>gay_ the mentally ill tranny is interesting

Hard deciding between Christgau and Fantano. I think Christgau is smarter and more honest generally, but his taste is just appalling. I think his reputation is still intact because his overstylized writing makes him seem inapproachable, and like he knows what he's talking about.
Scaruffi is based and takes rock seriously in the wider context of art history, even if he's very wrong sometimes.

>He also disgusts me as a person but
Like how he claims to be a woke male feminist, yet he's as guilty of misogyny and waifu worship as the next man.

xgau has some pretty funny reviews and he's a pretty good writer. fantano is shit in all regards. scaruffi is alright.

more than fantano, which is not saying much

Absolutely based

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Scaruffi is the most pleb of them so I'll say it's him.

Certain albums Christgau gave high marks to like Radio Ethiopia, Dancer With Bruised Knees and Dirty Work I've tried over and over but can't find them enjoyable or listenable at all.

>When u criticise the critics who criticise the art and u realise it means a lot about society and stuff man.

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>is an unabashed pedophile and anti-Trump (if you're a leftist, he's also anti-LGBT)
>is a pseud who thinks "the critic is the real artist"
this tells me that you don't actually know much about scaruffi

At least Fantano can string together a phrase in actual fucking English, so probably him.

*beats the shit out of Christgau*

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The first two of those may just be your subjective taste, but fuck Dirty Work. That album is panned by everyone on the planet but him.

>Personal politics get in the way of ratings but denies it
I hate it when my enjoyment of a record gets in the way of how I rate it!

>is an unabashed pedophile and anti-Trump (if you're a leftist, he's also anti-LGBT)
Apart from being a pedo thats pretty based and reflects my worldview (also not fond of trump or the lgbt movement)
As long as he doesnt violate any law I cant judge him, if he is a broken sick pedo then he has been cursed by fate, if he doesnt act on it he is still innocent
>is a pseud who thinks "the critic is the real artist"
Art's value is in the eye of the beholder, his statement is not that retarded
>tries to write deep philosophical musings but only just rehashes a philosophy undergrad's intro classes and thinks he's intelligent for it
Entry level philosophy is not bad, and its not like the average reader will get anything more complex
>deflated rating system that is the source of endless bickering
cute way to say "people care about his ratings"

Only Pierro is uncucked, also best taste, Fantano is the worst because I have to deal with his retarded fans on the regular
He just cant stop being based can he?

Scaruffi gave Remain in Light a 7/10
I can understand if you dislike their music, but a 7/10 for the most forward thinking album of it's time seems like being contrarian just because honestly.

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I like Scaruffi but yeah I dont get this one.
He gave their debut 8/10, maybe he saw remain in light as a bastardization of the bands original essence

I've also tried Steely Dan, which Christgau loves, but although they're not terrible, they also don't move me that much.

He gave their best album an 8/10. He's clearly not a contrarian.

Free jazz is experimental music made accessible for the average consumer.

Yeah he rates band's/artists early efforts highly always and sees the later albums as pointless if they don't change the style drastically. He doesn't care at all about production, only the vision and emotion

Also he seriously never gave David Bowie anything above 7.5 (Heroes to be exact).
He underrated albums like Ziggy Stardust, which is the condensation of all Glam Rock; Station to Station and Low, probably one of the most daring moves out of a mainstream artists.

77 is great, but come on, either Speaking in Tongues or Remain in Light are better overall t b h.

Post-fader Fantano is the most pathetic, but Christgau's entire point of view is just plain obnoxious.

>Station to Station and Low, probably one of the most daring moves out of a mainstream artists.
I don't think so, chief...

>either Speaking in Tongues
ya know I kinda agreed with you at first but that is so wrong

>Also he seriously never gave David Bowie anything above 7.5
because david bowie is a pop shitter
>(Heroes to be exact)
BASED, Scaruffi did it again, its bowie's best album
>Low, probably one of the most daring moves out of a mainstream artists.
It was daring but it sucked, Bowie was not cut out for the job
Good to see someone who appreciates 77 as much as i do
I can see the argument for remain in light (despite its underwhelming last tracks) but speaking in tongues? Holy shit dude, you're gonna put a catchy pop album over something as pure and raw as 77?

I disagree with scruffles a lot but he's by far the most entertaining. He's like a brutally honest uncle

7/10 is a good rating by Scaruffi's standards you morons.

>one of the most daring moves out of a mainstream artists
So, it wasn't daring at all? Gotcha.

Christgau actually admitted he didn't like Elton John because he was resentful that Elton was younger than him by a couple of years (dude is still in his 20s while I'm like 33 reeee)

yeah but remain in light is not just "good" you moron

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it is a "buy it eventually", that's what a 7/10 means for Scaruffi, and its an on spot rating

Christgau and Fantano have completely forgettable opinions. Christgau is not famous for anything profound, he's just famous for his ebin little 3 sentence zinger reviews that often barely even discuss the music. Fantano is famous because he can be pretty funny, not because of his music opinions.
Scaruffi is a total hack but at least he offers a fresh perspective. Sort of an Armond White-type character.

He's right that Bowie's basically a popist who took the artsiness of others and made it digestible to the public, and got credited with being visionary during his massive exposure over a lot of other more obscure groups. So his ratings are understandable (not that I think they're entirely justified).

>and its an on spot rating

I pay no mind to critics. Look, these are people who make their living out of knocking other people's honest work. If they say they like everything, they'll be out of a job quick. So, they HAVE to say stuff's bad even when it's not.

Before disco, you could kind of count on the charts to tell you what was good and what wasn't. The theory being people don't buy bad music as much as they buy good music. But from the advent of disco to present day, the charts literally mean nothing.

>Christgau is not famous for anything profound, he's just famous for his ebin little 3 sentence zinger reviews that often barely even discuss the music
Some of Lester Bangs's columns are still held up as models of first-rate music journalism. I've never heard anything Cuckgau has written held up as great writing or anything but meme-tier.

>Sort of an Armond White-type character.
So basically a contrarian troll who thinks he's far smarter than he is. Gotcha.

Christgau is a glorified shitposter

Fantano used to be good but I can't stand his politics which hurt my viewpoint of him

And I don't know anything about Scaruffi but he seems cucked too.

We need a new Messiah

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You know, for a guy who loves black music as much as Christgau claims he does, I can't remember a specific instance where he's ever mentioned attending a black musician's concert, and he doesn't appear to have any black friends or acquaintances. Literally all the live shows he's been to are white rock and pop acts.

He explains on his website why it is the way it is. He hasn't updated it because he doesn't even really care about it anymore.

Cuckgay >>> Scaruffi >>>>>>>> Fagtano

This guy needs to make a comeback.

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I love it but it's far from the most forward thinking album of its time. Any krautrock album from 10 years earlier is more forward thinking than anything Talking Heads did.

Caring so much about production is gay. It reminds me of some anime fans who care more about the animation quality rather than story and characters.

>It reminds me of some anime fans who care more about the animation quality rather than story and characters.
if youre watching ANIME you should care about ANIMATION tard, otherwise you would be reading the manga

The ideal reviewer:
Scaruffi’s intelligence.
Christgau’s charisma.
Spectrum Pulse’s rating system
Fantano’s length.

>Christgau’s charisma.
Not sure if troll or...

Scaruffi's charisma is literally one of the very best aspects of his oeuvre, his writing is absolutely hilarious.

Christgau is the worst. The “bomb” rating is actually pointless. You can’t just dismiss everything you don’t like with an emoji and no write up. The actual written reviews are made pointless due to the fact that he doesn’t write anything about the records he doesn’t like

In some of his longer columns, he does on occasion explain why he gave an album that rating. For example in his end-of-year column for 1998 he said that NME were kind of interesting but he found their music too "funerary" for his taste.

"A 'Neither' rating denotes an album that may impress the listener with consistent craft or an arresting track or two. And then it won't. A 'Dud' rating indicates an album I found to be tedious or boring at best. At worst, it may be contemptable. 'Choice Cuts' denotes a mostly bad album that has one noteworthy cut on it. In most cases, I'd recommend you simply buy the single instead. The Choice Cut is a song I found to be amusing, catchy, or makes an interesting sociological statement. Sometimes the choice is inexorably personal."

why didn't you write any negative points about scaruffi?

Scaruffi is based, but has shite opinions. That fucking quebec review haunts me.

I was surprised to find that Cuckgau has a few defenders on Steve Hoffman Forum.

Many of his best-of lists from this period are even more tryhard and pretentious than Yea Forumscore charts.


Same :)
>tfw not a pleb

If Cuckgau even gets to describing the music at all in a review, you're lucky.

fuck off, plebbitor

Depends whether they mean technical quality or aesthetic direction. Aesthetics are substance, this applies for every medium
>just using big words for the sake of it is style over substance, but beautiful prose is substance
>overusing special effects and cutting and swivelling the camera to give motion sickness is style over substance but great cinematography is substance
>shoving nauseating colour palettes and pointless sakuga at every moment (VEG) is style over substance but genuine creative animation is substance (The Night is Short, Walk on Girl)
Never fails to make me laugh when some pseud calls Lolita or 2001 or whatever 'style over substance'. If you can't read/watch something for anything other than the plot then you're the pleb

I don't like him because he's a pretentious pseud
most of his top rated albums are pretty great tho

You may not like Scaruffi, but the man knows his shit and actually follows his own ethos and criteria at the momment of making a review. Fantano is now a fence sitter, too worried about being a good Twitter boy, and appeal to zoomers and hip hop heads to take seriously. The other guy i dont know.

Can we all agree that this fag is worse than any of them?
I've never heard him give a single opinion that remotely differs from Yea Forumscore or even /r/indieheads dogma. Fantano, Christgau and Scaruffi all have their quirks, their contrarian moments. This guy's """"reviews"""" just tell you what you already know and have no reason to exist.

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Christgau is very notable as being one of the first critics to champion punk rock and aggravating the no wave scene
he had a lot of influence, you little zoomer, which is more profound than most

Fantano because he’s a more pressing idiot, but he does like some good stuff (albeit probably for lame fanboy reasons a lot of the time). However, it’s astonishing how Christgau seems to consistently love albums that are so specifically lame

>Some of Lester Bangs's columns are still held up as models of first-rate music journalism.
because he's the greatest of all-time. the sentences he crafted were ridiculously provocative and imagist.

This. Fantano can actually coherently discuss an album, which makes him the best of the three by default.

Sorry if I'm new but who is Gavin? I hear him referenced all the time but never know who he is..

christgau is a literal stupid person, every word that has ever come out of his mouth should be disregarded. he's an inept retard.

scaruffi is actually based and intelligent, well educated, possibly mentally ill but every genius has that problem

fantano isn't a real critic

>Lester Bangs
This dude is single-handedly responsible for most of my cultural awareness and knowledge base.

It's more like
Scaruffi's intelligence.
Christgau's charisma.
Scaruffi's rating system.
Fantano's popularity.

Fuck off, plebbitor.

Scaruffi definitely has the best taste out of them, by far

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>Christgau is very notable as being one of the first critics to champion punk rock and aggravating the no wave scene
He did that because he lived in NYC where the stuff was happening, not because he was any great detector of musical trends.

Scaruffi is basically saying art is on the eye of the beholder in a more edgy way about what remains considered great
It's 100 % truth faggot

>christgau is a literal stupid person, every word that has ever come out of his mouth should be disregarded. he's an inept retard.
Oh boo hoo, he said something unkind about metal once. How dare someone not like my gurgling about Satan over distorted riffs.

Christgau doesn't have the most taste but he is the most based

This. Scaruffi's written reviews are not much to write home about, but his taste and borderline-autistic breadth of experience is genuinely unrivaled.

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"Dark prog" is actually a brilliant descriptor for the kind of music Fantano likes and his other observations are valid as well. You can tell he hit a nerve, given Yea Forums's response.

>an actual cuck who let his wife cheat on him several times

It's true and sad, oh so sad.

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Christgau is one centimeter on the keyboard away from Christgay, which is a blasphemous statement. He is also a retard and it's hilarious reading about the petty shit Gira did to him.


Lou Reed hated him since the 60s.

christgau is the only relevant one of those 3

he should made a garbage site like quora and ask the indians from that shithole to remake his website

Christgau, by far

This guy gets it

imagine being such a fucking golem that you need to be told what to like.

christgau is the shittiest and most unreasonably contrarian of the three, and has one of the worst tastes in music in general, and an awful website to boot. scaruffi's recs are really good but on the other hand he probably shat on one of your favorite albums. fantano has boring surface-level taste in just about everything and doesn't even deserve mention.

>and has one of the worst tastes in music in general
t. triggered mealfag

>has a personal website that looks like it dates from 1998?
but old school is all he range now.

not the point of criticism

I want to start my own music criticism website, but I suck at writing and have shit taste.

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That's not it. It's stuff like this. For what possible reason would anyone listen to entire albums of bitching about whatever the band members saw on the evening news. Not to mention the songs became dated within three or months.

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nah it's pretty good

his channel is literally just reading wikipedia and rym, it's fucking garbage. Sometimes he recs new stuff I haven't heard of before so that's cool

My favorite part about Scaruffi is that he doesn't dare to rate or discuss classical (or even jazz) as much as rock/pop/someothershit music because even he's aware that he can't into it beyond surface level.
Christgau is just retarded so he probably thinks it is overblown and pretentious.
Fantano just says that he doesn't like it because he's a faggot.

wait what did Gira do to him??

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i'd spit in christgau's fucking face if i ever met him in person

i totally forgot about that but he sent christgau weird shit in the mail, someone else must know or have a source

He and Jarboe sent him a small letter, semen, a dildo and roses as a gift.

just found a SPIN mag/book that says he sent Christgau a "crusty sample of his sperm"
that's what i was thinking of, idk if there's anything else
books.google.com/books?id=HTMuhxamaFEC&pg=PA142&lpg=PA142&dq=gira christgau mail&source=bl&ots=WMZThYzxpg&sig=ACfU3U2urE-uUjE6yRJy3skh3EkwjS2Zlg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiIrvjdxb_hAhWV3oMKHdXYBWcQ6AEwAHoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=crusty sample of his sperm&f=false

I'm going to try and make scaruffi or christgau in wwe 2k on Xbox and have him fight fantano

which one would be funnier

>he's also anti-LGBT
i love when this kind of leftard gets eaten by other leftards for being homophobic kek

MatPat’s wife Stephanie would probably be a very intelligent and knowledgeable music critic.

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Michael and Jarboe are so great lmao

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I don’t agree with Scaruffi about much but he’s incredibly based
Fagtano is annoying but nobody is as awful as cuckgau
Cuckgau has the most poptimist taste, he more than anyone else bases what’s good from trying to be inclusive
Scaruffi >>>>>>>>> Fantano >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Cuckgau
Fantano is awful but I don’t wish he was dead, I wish Cuckgau had been aborted

leave idubbbz alone

this is the most pointless shitposter on this board, it's just confusing and bland

Christgau dismisses entire genres of music out of hand.

Cheers user.

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>The actual written reviews are made pointless due to the fact that he doesn’t write anything about the records he doesn’t like
He couldn't be bothered to actually review Judas Priest and Iron Maiden, instead he hid behind Motorhead reviews to indirectly attack them.

>My favorite part about Scaruffi is that he doesn't dare to rate or discuss classical (or even jazz) as much as rock/pop/someothershit music because even he's aware that he can't into it beyond surface level.

>scaruffi's taste in movies is god awful tho
Looks pretty good to me, I doubt xgau or cucktano would have any better

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>Carola: I did not feel that way

>1. Citizen Kane
stopped reading there, obviously regurgitated opinion

I bet you enjoy capeshit

what is better/more revolutionary than citizen kane? Personal opinion is a thing but that's kind of like shitting on TVU&N or trout mask

Seven Samurai

christgau, fantano is a pleb but christgau is worse than a pleb, he's a faux patrician. Scaruffi is obviously the best

scaruffi has more charisma in this one fragment than christgau has over his entire career

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Fantano is alright. Scaruffi is funny. Christgau is insufferable.

lmao its like when pretentious film school grad interns try to act cocky in front of the producers on set when they should be on trash duty.

fantano's Thatistheplan shit was the fucking worst, that brings him down almost to christgau's level

today I will remind them

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hoo boy here we go

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why is this human bean doing this

for a man that touts writing as being the best form of expression, he sure has a lot of shitty one-liners

xgau was ahead of his time with this one. look at any glowing p4k review of the newest memerap album to see his incredible foresight.


so nice of you to join us xgau

good one!

hows that onions taste?


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keep 'em coming, these are yucks for days!

literal cuck detected

music “journalism” is a fucking joke and only exists to sell ads. Scaruffi is just a dipshit with a shitty geocities website

>t. retard incapable of enjoying the essay format as an artform

this is the most muggle tier statement I've ever seen

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Scaruffi > Fantano >>> Christgau
Christgau is insufferable and barely counts as a critic, Fantano seems like an alright guy but has lame music taste, Scaruffi is pretentious but usually the things he likes are pretty good.

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>Fantano seems like an alright guy

scruffi > xgau > melon

Not him but speaking in tongues is actually their best

this is correct

name one (1) instance of fagtano being worse than xgau

occasionally xgau makes a clever one-liner or a baffling review with meme potential.
fantano has made 0 reviews worth watching.

call me retarded but I enjoy this one

>occasionally xgau makes a clever one-liner or a baffling review with meme potential.

Just Another Band From L.A. [Zappa, 1972]
You said it, Frank--I didn't. C

Missing Liz Phair

you guys know scaruffi hasn't actually listened to every album he's reviewed, right?

Lmao who was this about?

This is the most correct review of this album I’ve seen

XXXtentacion's murder. He also shitstomped Bowie when he died of cancer

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What makes you say that

Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking Fantano threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers I hope there’s an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I’m sick of this bald fat faggot on this board I don’t give a shit about what good album he rated poorly or what bad album he rated highly he’s a stupid fucking idiot we know that we’ve always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying “durr wait why fantano be dumb bald man not rate album how I rate album” why don’t you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I’m sick of coming to Yea Forums and seeing this subhuman and always the same fucking complaints about him just stop fucking posting him he’s not a musician and his videos aren’t even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they’re both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about him again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads so I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don’t even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it he’s a moron you’re the moron for posting him whether you like him or not you’re a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I’m sick and tired of you people being alive if theneedledrop were deleted off youtube this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized he was never coming back I’m fucking begging you here please stop posting him stop posting about how you like and support him and stop posting about how you dislike or hate him just stop making threads about this shit

he does that with movies, not music