Is that Christgau?
Most married couples swing. It's really common. One day you'll understand
Lol no they don't. A lot of marriages fail, though, sure.
Christgau is a character by performance artist Rowland Mars to showcase a new format of condescension -- looking down from below. The pitiable figure of the modern generation who derives power from victimhood is partially inspired by his work.
He's worse than melon, why are music critics such cucks ?
Perhaps there's some correlation between having no talent and just a kind of existential or spiritual poverty.
This is the first article I saw waking up and I couldn't believe my eyes.
Not all of them.
kek, good post.
also holy shit, I can't even make fun of Christgau, this is just sad, bros.
lmao wtf
>Robert: If I’m not mistaken, you slept with somebody else between that date and when you slept with me.
>Carola: I think I slept with three guys that week.
>Robert: I thought one was before the Bette Midler.
>Carola: I remember the exact order.
Jesus fucking christ.
>Robert: My lesbian-only-we-didn’t-know-it girlfriend had already seen Bette Midler with me, and she was sort of into being independent and not doing everything with me. She wouldn’t hold hands in public because she thought it was sexist.
What a good marriage!! !
I hope, by the grace of God and all that is holy, that this faggot cuck dies of inoperable anal cancer so all his gay little followers could just forget about him & have him fade into obscurity already.
Tired of having to hear about this literal cracker so damn much when he's probably not even the best music critic in his gentrified upper-class neighborhood, let alone the internet.
>goes on date
>girl bangs other guys after that date, but before they become an item.
Holy shit, fucking get laid incels. This is fucking embarassing. People fuck, get over it. Unless there's some level of trust that the other person betrays, it doesn't fucking matter.
t. cuck
God, I love that man
Opposite actually, homewrecker.
Holy fuck this is crazy, what the fuck is wrong with people. Imagine spending your life with someone who goes behind your back and cheats on you multiple times, it’s sad really.
I know you're baiting, but honestly, having sex only makes me be more jealous and monogamous. I love fucking girls, I love the feeling of owning them physically with my penis inside their body. And I don't want any other penis inside their body, other than mine. It's like a very primal, instinctive feeling.
i guess some people just have the cuck gene and others don't
lol keep telling yourself that while Tyrone fucks your wife
>Robert: My attitude toward Carola is, If there’s some asshole who doesn’t like her, fuck that person. I want nothing to do with them. It’s a gift that I’m letting you meet this person. I think she makes me much more lovable than I might otherwise be because people are so glad to see her.
I feel the same way, but I'm not going to get morally outraged when other people don't feel that way, who fucking cares?
Reddit incarnate
>Christgau actually gets mad if you DON'T fuck his wife
The only thing more embarrassing is that it's trending
She also was quoted after Lennon died that Paul deserved to get shot instead.
what a big fucking KEK
this faggot gurgles cum on a daily basis while moaning, im fucking mad
Yeah nigga, we don't fuck with dat whiteboi shit play Sepultura nigga fuck dem critics and the popo, nigga, kill em all nigga. TRIPLE SIX REPRESENT.
Sicc post.
based abos m8
Its official, any A+ ratings from Christgau is now officially cuckcore
>It's official?
How fucking new are you? Everyone has known this about him for years and years. Do anons really have no shame anymore? Holy shit.
O how beautiful is the chaste generation with glory: for the memory thereof is immortal: because it is known both with God and with men.
Hi Piero
fun fact. rotari is an anagram for rorita
I knew about him being cuck you fucking moron, just never read the official details and actual quotes about it
cuckgau, hahahahah this shit writes itself
Because men are absolutely cucked these days
That's called being insecure
At least they never had any biological kids and won't ever pass on their genes.
Wow this is cucked
do you suck the cock of your gf partners too, faggot?
do you watch their fat throbbbing cock penetrating her poosy?
>someone had sexual partners before you knew them
>they no longer do
Explain that, please.
Spy [Elektra, 1979]
This advocate of the fuck-around-and-fib-about-it school of post-monogamy ("Morality is what I can do and still live with myself," she revealed to her publicist recently) dedicates her latest to Anaïs Nin, and for once I think she's selling herself short--at her best she's sharper than Anaïs Nin. If she'd been able to maintain the shrewd, ironic, vengeful-to-loving-to-bemused pace of the first three songs, she might actually have made a case for her ethical theories. But after that she mostly seems confused. Anaïs would be proud. B-
I forgot to mention. A girlfriend he had in the early 70s was raped outside his apartment and he had sex with her later that night (he says he regrets having done that).
Scaruffi is based though
big fucking cuck, lay down and let me piss on your drink, little beta cock worshipper
youll gape so hard your mom gon call the 911 just from the screams
And then when he does finally kick it, we get to play Iron Maiden at his funeral as one last big fuck you.
Also who would unironically attend a Bette Midler concert unless they're gay?
>Where married sex is imagined by the ignorant as a vast, barely arable plain, ours--as with most veteran couples who have much sex at all, I believe--is more like an elderly mountain range. Peaks and valleys may be less spectacular and severe in the Appalachians than the Rockies, but negotiating them isn't for chickenshits, and only those doomed by their upbringing to a lifetime of slippery slopes find the challenges and vistas a bore. Carola and I have been together for nearly 23 years, 20 of them married. Our fifth year was simply ecstatic, our eighth highly problematic, our 10th painfully sexed up, and so it goes. But for most of that time we both would have said that the best sex of our lives came that week in Jamaica in 1973 when we pursued our story during the day and fucked without will or forethought every night (except, as I recall, Monday). Little did we know what would begin in the wee hours following our 17th anniversary--technically proficient bad sex, weird insomnia, my miserable and terrified 6 a.m. confession that for over a year I'd been nurturing the secret hots for another woman, hours of rage and reassurance and general verbalization that were barely a foretaste of the months to come, and unexpected good sex that was barely a foretaste of the years to come.
>To the ignorant, this peccadillo may not seem like much. And indeed, while extramarital attractions can hurt, they can also seem laughable even to the other spouse. A secret attraction, however, is different. Most couples we know feel more or less this way, but with us mutual openness is a fetish. It dates back to a disastrous three-month affair (Carola's, the only time either of us has approached physical infidelity, you'll have to believe that) that left us totally intolerant of secrecy between us--which ain't privacy no matter what I-need-my-own-space cases claim.
she's based though
lol fucking cuckgau lives up to his name
remember lads, scaruffi is forever the king of Yea Forums
>thought Purple Stain was one of the only good songs on Californication
>it's about kinky sex
Really makes you think.