Something similar to this

something similar to this

Attached: descarga (1).jpg (600x600, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

up on a hill, is where we begin

Not Television

Similar lyrical themes, but that's it. Is This It is more of a fusion between Ramones and The Velvet Underground

never got the hype for this album

Less pretentious than indie/art rock. More thoughtful than popular rock. Especially considering the time of release.

it's like earsex

the pet sounds of garage rock

Attached: ambulanceltd_lp_46i7.jpg (600x600, 229K)

Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights

The Killers - Hot Fuss

Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not

Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand

Phoenix - It's Never Been Like That

Circa Waves - Young Chasers

The Modern Lovers - The Modern Lovers

Mt. Eddy - Chroma

Catfish & the Bottlemen - The Balcony

The Vaccines - What Did You Expect From The Vaccines?

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damn Phoenix is good

Attached: turnonthebrightlights.jpg (1300x1300, 58K)

Room On Fire is basically the same album

i'd say it's less cohesive but has a bit more musical variety

but basically the same sound

And thank GODDDD for it!!!
These 2 albums are some of my ultimate jams.
I've heard them almost 12000 times on

I heard the artist, not albums.
i heard the album, full cd almost 200 times
then single songs, more

daily reminder

Attached: it's a knee dude.jpg (407x313, 12K)

you can see her other leg on the cover tho

yep, assfags are retarded

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reminder that it's fucking not, please go see a real life female. Knees are not that large/ hands are not that small.

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I'm not a native speaker and haven't read any of the lyrics but grew up with the strokes. The first time I heard Television I was shocked by how similar The Strokes sound to them.
Still they are distinct in a way, but I'd definitely say Television is similar to The Strokes.

i dont see any evidence in that article. my dog can make up a better story.

Dog shit

the band that captures the strokes's vibe the best, in my opinion

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>first youtube result is Fantano
Fuck it, i'll give it a listen.

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>he never had a teenage romance driving around during the summer listening to this album

How could all of you be so clueless? Listen to The Libertines, OP